BigDataPro Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Mon, 15 Apr 2024 00:59:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BigDataPro 32 32 138578674 DuckDuckGo Privacy Pro Subscription Takes On Data Brokers Fri, 12 Apr 2024 11:30:00 +0000 DuckDuckGo announced its Privacy Pro subscription, offering users VPN, Personal Information Removal, and Identity Theft Restoration.

DuckDuckGo is one of the leading privacy companies, having built its business around privacy-focused search. The company has been slowing building out its services, adding additional privacy-focused apps and services. The company’s latest offering, Privacy Pro, provides a suite of privacy services.

Enter Privacy Pro: a three-in-one subscription service that offers even more seamless privacy protection. Privacy Pro subscribers get a fast, secure, and easy-to-use VPN that doesn’t log your activity; Personal Information Removal, which helps remove your information from “people search” data broker sites that store and sell it; and Identity Theft Restoration, which helps to fix credit report mistakes and recover any resulting financial losses.

The company says it does not keep any logs of VPN activity, meaning there is no way to tie a customer’s activity to them, something that is considered the gold standard among VPN providers.

Similarly, the company’s approach to Personal Information Removal is designed to protect user privacy in ways that other services do not.

  • Personal Information Removal is the first service of its kind that works directly from your device to keep your sensitive information safe. The details you provide during setup are stored on your device, not on remote servers, and removal requests are initiated directly from that device.
  • Unlike other data removal services, which take a more scattershot approach, Personal Information Removal only starts opt-out processes with data brokers once we’ve confirmed that they have you in their databases.

The company is offering the services as a bundle that is far cheaper than buying them individually.

Getting these services separately from other companies could cost upwards of $30/month; our users can subscribe to Privacy Pro for $9.99/month or $99.99/year. Privacy Pro is currently only available to United States residents, but we plan on expanding to other regions in the future. Sign up at and make sure you’re using the most up-to-date version of the DuckDuckGo browser on all your devices.

In an era where companies are rushing to collect, mine, and monetize consumer data in record quantities, it’s refreshing to see a company offer services that respect and protect user privacy. DuckDuckGo deserves props for continuing to put its users first and proving that companies can be successful without resorting to sleazy data practices.

Users can sign up on the company website, or via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Why Ban TikTok? It’s All About the Data! Wed, 13 Mar 2024 23:05:25 +0000 In a recent congressional hearing, Ivan Sirini, the CEO of Faruk Security, delivered a comprehensive testimony shedding light on TikTok’s data collection practices and the associated privacy concerns. His comments may have sparked bipartisan concerns about TikTok, which led to today’s vote by the House to ban the platform. Sirini’s discourse, which delved into the intricate mechanisms of data aggregation and surveillance employed by the popular social media platform, has sparked renewed scrutiny and calls for regulatory intervention.

At the heart of Sirini’s testimony was a detailed exposition of TikTok’s multifaceted approach to data collection, which extends far beyond the confines of user-generated content. While TikTok’s overt data collection practices, such as user interactions and profile information, are well-documented, Sirini highlighted the lesser-known aspect of passive data tracking through embedded tracking pixels.

Sirini elucidated the functionality of tracking pixels, drawing parallels to cookies but emphasizing their heightened surveillance capabilities. These pixels, covertly embedded in external web assets, serve as silent observers, meticulously recording a wide array of user inputs across various online platforms. From browsing history to search queries and even sensitive personal and financial information, these pixels enable TikTok to amass a comprehensive profile of user behavior and preferences.

Of particular concern are the extraterritorial reach of TikTok’s data collection practices and the regulatory landscape governing data access in jurisdictions such as China, where TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, is headquartered. Sirini underscored the implications of China’s regulatory framework, which grants authorities extensive powers to access and utilize user data, raising profound concerns regarding privacy, security, and potential state surveillance.

Responding to queries regarding the potential scope of TikTok’s data access, Sirini expounded on the possibility of TikTok acquiring login credentials for sensitive applications, such as banking services. While TikTok may not directly access such information through mobile devices, Sirini elucidated the indirect acquisition pathway facilitated by tracking pixels embedded in websites accessed by users.

Sirini’s testimony has catalyzed a robust discourse on the intricate interplay between technology, privacy, and regulatory oversight. As policymakers grapple with the implications of TikTok’s data practices, calls for enhanced transparency, accountability, and regulatory scrutiny have intensified. The convergence of national security concerns, data sovereignty issues, and individual privacy rights underscores the urgency of proactive measures to safeguard user data and mitigate the risks associated with unchecked data collection practices by social media platforms.

In light of Sirini’s revelations, stakeholders across the public and private sectors are reevaluating their engagement with TikTok and other social media platforms, mindful of the potential privacy implications and the imperative for greater transparency and accountability in the digital ecosystem. As the debate continues to unfold, the trajectory of TikTok’s data practices and its implications for user privacy remain subjects of keen scrutiny, underscoring the imperative for comprehensive regulatory reforms to address the challenges posed by the burgeoning digital landscape.

Rifi’s Groundbreaking Approach to Data Observability and Rapid Issue Detection Sun, 10 Mar 2024 11:17:18 +0000 In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, harnessing and understanding data is paramount for success. Enter Rifi, a company at the forefront of data observability and rapid issue detection. In a recent episode of “Taking Stock,” a reporter sat down with Rifi’s CEO, Sanjay Agrawal, to delve into the innovative features and user experiences that set Rifi apart in the world of data operations.

Rifi’s platform, housed in the cloud, empowers data teams to stay ahead of the curve by offering unparalleled visibility into their operations. Sanjay highlights two key features that define Rifi’s offering. Firstly, the platform helps teams manage their budgets effectively, ensuring they don’t exceed allocations for cloud services like Snowflake or BigQuery. This proactive approach to cost management saves money and fosters trust within organizations, as data flows smoothly and reliably.

Secondly, Rifi prioritizes the time of data teams, recognizing that efficiency is crucial for building trust and making informed decisions. Sanjay notes that Rifi has enabled some customers to drastically reduce escalations from data teams to their businesses, a testament to the platform’s ability to streamline operations and increase productivity.

One of Rifi’s standout success stories involves a public company with a $10 billion market cap. Within just three weeks of implementing Rifi’s solution on BigQuery, the company noticed a significant increase in failed jobs, indicating issues with data accessibility. Instead of resorting to the traditional approach of requesting more resources, Rifi’s platform enabled the company to identify the root cause of the problem quickly: certain user and query patterns consuming excessive capacity. By addressing these issues promptly, the company was able to free up nearly a quarter-million dollars worth of capacity, demonstrating the tangible impact of Rifi’s technology on the bottom line.

When asked about Rifi’s approach to innovation, Sanjay emphasizes the company’s commitment to listening to its customers. With clients spanning various industries, including public, healthcare, finance, and startups, Rifi understands the diverse needs and challenges facing data teams today. By staying attuned to customer feedback and continuously iterating on its platform, Rifi ensures that it remains at the forefront of innovation, delivering solutions that meet the dynamic demands of the modern tech landscape.

In conclusion, Rifi’s groundbreaking approach to data observability and rapid issue detection is revolutionizing the way organizations harness and leverage their data. By combining cutting-edge technology with a customer-centric approach, Rifi empowers data teams to navigate the complexities of today’s digital world with confidence and agility.

Understanding Big Data: A Comprehensive Overview Sat, 09 Mar 2024 19:41:38 +0000 In today’s digital age, smartphones have become ubiquitous and integral to our daily lives. However, have you ever stopped to ponder the sheer volume of data generated by these devices? From texts and phone calls to emails, photos, videos, searches, and music, the amount of data produced by a single smartphone user is staggering. According to recent statistics, a single smartphone user generates approximately 40 exabytes of data every month. When multiplied by the five billion smartphone users worldwide, the magnitude of this data becomes genuinely mind-boggling.

This article summarizes a recent expert video on Big Data by Simplilearn. You can watch the video in its entirety below.

This massive influx of data, termed “big data,” presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses, governments, and society as a whole. To better understand and manage big data, it’s essential to delve into its key characteristics, often referred to as the five V’s: volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value.

Volume refers to the sheer quantity of data generated, while velocity denotes the speed at which data is produced and processed. Variety encompasses diverse data types, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured formats. Veracity highlights the accuracy and trustworthiness of the data, which is crucial for making informed decisions. Finally, value represents the potential benefits derived from analyzing and extracting insights from big data.

To illustrate the application of these concepts, let’s consider the healthcare industry, where hospitals and clinics generate vast amounts of data in the form of patient records and test results. This data is collected at a rapid pace, reflecting the velocity of big data. Moreover, it encompasses various data types, from structured medical records to unstructured imaging data like X-rays, highlighting the variety of aspects of big data.

Ensuring the veracity of healthcare data is paramount, as it directly impacts patient care and treatment outcomes. By analyzing this data effectively, healthcare providers can expedite disease detection, improve treatment protocols, and reduce costs, ultimately enhancing the value of big data in the medical sector.

However, storing and processing such massive volumes of data pose significant challenges. Various frameworks and technologies have been developed to address this, such as Hadoop. Hadoop employs a distributed file system to store big data across multiple nodes, ensuring redundancy and fault tolerance. Additionally, Hadoop utilizes the MapReduce technique for parallel processing, enabling faster and more efficient data analysis.

Big data applications extend beyond healthcare to various industries, including gaming and disaster management. Big data analysis helps developers understand user behavior and preferences in gaming, leading to enhanced gaming experiences and reduced customer churn rates. Similarly, big data played a crucial role in disaster management during events like Hurricane Sandy, enabling authorities to predict and mitigate the storm’s impact more effectively.

As we continue to harness the power of big data, its impact on society will only grow. From personalized healthcare to predictive analytics and beyond, big data holds the key to unlocking new insights and driving innovation across diverse domains. However, it’s essential to address challenges related to data privacy, security, and ethical considerations to ensure responsible and sustainable use of big data resources.

In conclusion, big data represents a paradigm shift in collecting, analyzing, and utilizing information in the digital age. By understanding its fundamental characteristics and leveraging advanced technologies, we can harness the full potential of big data to address complex challenges and create a brighter, more data-driven future.

US Agencies Request the Most User Data From Big Tech, Apple Complies the Most Sat, 17 Feb 2024 18:07:05 +0000 Americans concerned about their user data falling into the hands of foreign governments may want to look closer to home.

According to new research by VPN provider SurfShark, the US government makes the most requests for user data from Big Tech companies than any other jurisdiction in the world. The company analyzed data requests to Apple, Google, Meta, and Microsoft by “government agencies of 177 countries between 2013 and 2021.”

The US came in first with 2,451,077 account requests, more than four times the number of Germany, the number two country on the list. In fact, the US made more requests than all of Europe, including the UK, which collectively came in under 2 million.

While the US and EU were responsible for a combined total of 60% of all data requests, the US “made 8 times more requests than the global average (87.9/100k).”

The number of accounts being accessed is also growing, with a five-times increase in requests from 2013 to 2021. The US alone saw a 348% increase during the time frame, and the scope and purpose of the requests are expanding.

“Besides requesting data from technology companies, authorities are now exploring more ways to monitor and tackle crime through online services. For instance, the EU is considering a regulation that would require internet service providers to detect, report, and remove abuse-related content,” says Gabriele Kaveckyte, Privacy Counsel at Surfshark. “On one hand, introducing such new measures could help solve serious criminal cases, but civil society organizations expressed their concerns of encouraging surveillance techniques which may later be used, for example, to track down political rivals.”

The report also sheds light on which companies comply the most versus which ones push back against requests. For all of its privacy-oriented marketing — “what happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone” — Apple complies with data requests more than any other company, handing it over 82% of the time.

In contrast, Meta complies 72% of the time, and Google does 71% of the time. Microsoft, on the other hand, pushes back the most among Big Tech companies, only handing data over 68% of the time.

The findings may also put a dent in US efforts to ban TikTok and other foreign apps under the guise of protecting user privacy and data.

94% of CDOs See Privacy Technology Leading to Increased Revenue Sun, 26 Nov 2023 01:04:48 +0000 While many companies have built businesses profiting on consumer data, 94% of CDOs see a prime opportunity in privacy tech.

TripleBlind conducted a survey of 150 chief data officers (CDOs), as well as other executives in the healthcare and financial services industries. Interestingly, some 94% believe that deploying data privacy tech will lead to increased revenue for their organizations, especially tech that enforces privacy regulations. In addition, 37% believe improved collaboration could increase revenue up to 20%, while 46% believe they could gain a competitive advantage through increased data collaboration.

TripleBlind’s survey also shed light on exactly what CDOs are concerned about.

  • 64% are concerned that employees at partner organizations may not abide by legal agreements regarding the use of data.
  • 60% are concerned that employees at partner organizations will violate HIPPA laws and/or privacy regulations.
  • 60% are concerned that privacy-enhancing technology (PET) used by partner organizations may modify data in a way that hinders analysis.

“There is strong agreement that optimizing effective data collaboration through advanced PET solutions will result in both increased revenues and enhanced competitive advantage,” said Riddhiman Das, TripleBlind’s Co-founder and CEO. “Today, advanced PET solutions exist that render legal agreements obsolete and prevent people at both the data user and data owner from using data in a way that violates HIPAA and other data privacy regulations or modifies data in a way that results in inaccurate analyses.”

The findings stand in stark contradiction to some companies’ claim that stricter privacy standards will lead to increased costs and decreased profits.

Yahoo Is Spinning Into An Independent Company Thu, 05 Oct 2023 15:02:30 +0000 Yahoo is spinning off, the company’s search and big data serving engine, into an independent company.

Yahoo launched Vespa in 2005 and open-sourced it in 2017. The company has become an integral part of Yahoo, doing the heavy lifting in search, recommendations, and ad serving. The company’s big data serving engine has “become the platform of choice for applying AI to big data sets at serving time.”

According to CEO Jon Bratseth, Yahoo is now spinning Vespa off as an independent company:

Today we’re announcing that we’re spinning out of Yahoo as a separate company: Vespa began as a project to solve Yahoo’s use cases in search, recommendation, and ad serving. Since we open-sourced it in 2017, it has grown to become the platform of choice for applying AI to big data sets at serving time.

Those working with large language models such as ChatGPT and vector databases turn to Vespa when they realize that creating quality solutions that scale involves much more than just looking up vectors. Enterprises with experience with search or recommender systems come to Vespa for the AI-first approach and unrivaled operability at scale.

Bratseth says the spinoff doesn’t mean an end of the company’s relationship with Yahoo. Yahoo will continue to have stake in Vespa, and the two companies will continue to work together:

While we’re separating Vespa from Yahoo, we’re not ending our relationship. Yahoo will own a stake in the new company and will be one of Vespa’s biggest customers for a long time to come. Vespa will continue to serve Yahoo’s personalized content, search and run new use cases leveraging large language models to provide new personalized experiences, something that can only be done at scale with Vespa.

Creating a company around Vespa will enable us to bring these advantages to the rest of the world on a massive scale, allowing us to bring the efficiencies of our cloud service to enterprises already relying on Vespa, as well as help more companies solve problems involving AI and big data online. It will also let us accelerate development of new features to empower Vespa users to create even better solutions, faster and at lower cost, whether deploying on our cloud service or sticking with the open-source distribution. For, while Vespa offers features and scalability far beyond any comparable technology thanks to our decades-long focus on combining AI and big data online, there is so much more to do. As the world is starting to leverage modern AI to solve real business problems online, the need for a platform that provides a solid foundation for these solutions has never been stronger. As engineers, we admit this is the part that excites us the most.

IBM’s Latest Tape Drive Offers 50 TB of Storage Capacity Mon, 28 Aug 2023 12:00:00 +0000 IBM has introduced its latest tape drive, sporting up to 50 TB of storage, a 250% increase over the previous model.

While consumers may be after the latest SSDs, tape drives continue to be an important option for business and enterprise customers, serving as a cost effective, high-capacity storage solution for backups.

IBM’s latest TS1170 offers a significant storage upgrade over the TS1160 model. The TS1170 comes in two models, the 70F and 70S. IBM outlined the drives’ features:

IBM TS1170 Model 70F with Fibre Channel interface and Model 70S with SAS interface deliver a native data rate of 400 MBps (900 MBps compressed) and are designed to deliver a 250% increase in capacity on the JF media compared to the TS1160 tape drives. IBM TS1170 tape drives are able to read and write 50 TB capacities on JF media. Media written in TS1170 format is not readable by TS1160, TS1155, and TS1150 systems. Model 70F includes dual-port 16 Gb Fibre Channel support and Model 70S includes a dual-port 12 Gb SAS interface. TS1170 Model 70F and Model 70S are supported in IBM TS4500 tape libraries and suitable for businesses with substantial storage, backup, and archiving demands. TS1170 Model 70F also supports rack-mount installations.

TS1170 Model 70F can be installed on most 19-inch racks through a rack mount kit that provides better space utilization and enables installation and removal from either the front or the back without any tooling. The kit is RoHS-3 compliant and is compatible with TS4500 high-density tape drives. The rack mount kit is available in a 3U form factor and includes adjustable depth shelves for rack adaptability. It can enclose up to two TS1170 (3592-70F) models or combine them with its predecessors TS1160 (3592-60F), TS1155 (3592-55F), TS1150 (3592-EH8), or TS1140 (3592-EH7). It is equipped with two redundant, hot-swappable power supplies, two C13-C14 power cords for both tape drives, and a logic card for management of power. A drive filler panel (feature number 4806) can be also be used when only one tape drive resides on a rack mount kit.

Businesses can find out more, including technical specifications, here.

US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Prepares to Regulate Surveillance Industry Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:40:43 +0000 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is preparing to regulate the consumer surveillance industry responsible for buying and selling consumer data.

Privacy has been a growing concern for regulators and consumers alike, especially in the wake of revelations that companies are scooping up vast quantities of personal data and selling it to the highest bidder.

According to Reuters, the CFPB is preparing to regulate the industry and provide better protections to American consumers.

“The CFPB will be taking steps to ensure that modern-day data brokers in the surveillance industry know that they cannot engage in illegal collection and sharing of our data,” said Rohit Chopra, CFPG Director.

A plethora of concerns have surfaced regarding these data brokers, not the least of which is how the data will be used. Experts are increasingly concerned that victims of domestic violence, as well as those seeking help with addiction or various medical procedures, may be further harassed as a result of the data falling into the wrong hands.

Former VP Says Salesforce Is Lying About Salesforce Genie Capabilities Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:12:02 +0000 Karl Wirth, a former Salesforce Senior VP, has sued the company, claiming it is lying about its Salesforce Genie capabilities.

When Salesforce introduced Genie, it touted the platform’s ability to process customer data and provide insights in real-time:

“When milliseconds matter most, your healthcare provider can deliver proactive guidance and care recommendations with access to your real-time patient data,” the company wrote shortly after its release.

Unfortunately, according to Wirth’s lawsuit, “it was all a lie.” The lawsuit alleges that much of Genie’s supposedly “real-time” functionality didn’t live up to the hype and “in fact many of its processes took several hours.”

According to Business Insider, Wirth raised concerns about the platform’s performance, which he says were ignored.

“Plaintiff reasonably believed that publicly claiming the CDP operated in ‘real-time’ without actually having (or even intending to have in the near future) such a capability would be fraudulent, and likely violate numerous provisions of Federal law relating to fraud against shareholders, as well as rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission,” the lawsuit stated.

Wirth’s lawsuit claims that Lidiane Jones, now Slack CEO, engaged in a “deceitful campaign to diminish” Wirth’s reputation within the company, in response to his concerns. When he took his concerns to CTO Parker Harris, Wirth was fired within hours.

With’s lawsuit alleges “whistleblower retaliation” and seeks monetary damages.

EU Rules That User Data Can Be Transferred to the US Tue, 11 Jul 2023 03:02:09 +0000 The European Union has issued a significant new decision, ruling that EU user data can be transferred to the US.

User data has been a sticking point between the US and EU, with EU regulators concerned about privacy. The EU generally provides more privacy protections than the US, and privacy experts have been concerned that US intelligence agencies could access EU user data.

Privacy concerns have caused multiple countries to rule that tools like Google Analytics are illegal.

Despite concerns, the EU has decided that the US provides enough data protections to warrant allowing data to transfer between the jurisdictions.

Today, the European Commission adopted its adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. The decision concludes that the United States ensures an adequate level of protection – comparable to that of the European Union – for personal data transferred from the EU to US companies under the new framework. On the basis of the new adequacy decision, personal data can flow safely from the EU to US companies participating in the Framework, without having to put in place additional data protection safeguards.

“The new EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework will ensure safe data flows for Europeans and bring legal certainty to companies on both sides of the Atlantic,” President Ursula von der Leyen said. “Following the agreement in principle I reached with President Biden last year, the US has implemented unprecedented commitments to establish the new framework. Today we take an important step to provide trust to citizens that their data is safe, to deepen our economic ties between the EU and the US, and at the same time to reaffirm our shared values. It shows that by working together, we can address the most complex issues.”

The EU says the US will provide safeguards to ensure EU user data is not inappropriately accessed or abused.

In addition, the US legal framework provides for a number of safeguards regarding the access to data transferred under the framework by US public authorities, in particular for criminal law enforcement and national security purposes. Access to data is limited to what is necessary and proportionate to protect national security.

EU individuals will have access to an independent and impartial redress mechanism regarding the collection and use of their data by US intelligence agencies, which includes a newly created Data Protection Review Court (DPRC). The Court will independently investigate and resolve complaints, including by adopting binding remedial measures.

The decision is sure to anger privacy advocates, while tech companies will celebrate it.

US Agencies Request the Most User Data From Big Tech, Apple Complies the Most Mon, 20 Mar 2023 17:07:05 +0000 Americans concerned about their user data falling into the hands of foreign governments may want to look closer to home.

According to new research by VPN provider SurfShark, the US government makes the most requests for user data from Big Tech companies than any other jurisdiction in the world. The company analyzed data requests to Apple, Google, Meta, and Microsoft by “government agencies of 177 countries between 2013 and 2021.”

The US came in first with 2,451,077 account requests, more than four times the number of Germany, the number two country on the list. In fact, the US made more requests than all of Europe, including the UK, which collectively came in under 2 million.

While the US and EU were responsible for a combined total of 60% of all data requests, the US “made 8 times more requests than the global average (87.9/100k).”

The number of accounts being accessed is also growing, with a five-times increase in requests from 2013 to 2021. The US alone saw a 348% increase during the time frame, and the scope and purpose of the requests are expanding.

“Besides requesting data from technology companies, authorities are now exploring more ways to monitor and tackle crime through online services. For instance, the EU is considering a regulation that would require internet service providers to detect, report, and remove abuse-related content,” says Gabriele Kaveckyte, Privacy Counsel at Surfshark. “On one hand, introducing such new measures could help solve serious criminal cases, but civil society organizations expressed their concerns of encouraging surveillance techniques which may later be used, for example, to track down political rivals.”

The report also sheds light on which companies comply the most versus which ones push back against requests. For all of its privacy-oriented marketing — “what happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone” — Apple complies with data requests more than any other company, handing it over 82% of the time.

In contrast, Meta complies 72% of the time, and Google does 71% of the time. Microsoft, on the other hand, pushes back the most among Big Tech companies, only handing data over 68% of the time.

The findings may also put a dent in US efforts to ban TikTok and other foreign apps under the guise of protecting user privacy and data.

Protecting Data Is Nonnegotiable Today – Do You Have The Skills To Do It? Sun, 18 Dec 2022 12:55:35 +0000 As we share an ever-increasing amount of personal and professional data online, hacking and cyber attacks seeking to steal that data for the benefit of cybercriminals are increasing as well. Far from being of little importance, the information we share online can be very valuable to digital fraudsters, even causing severe loss or damage to the victims of any leak.

Therefore, to maintain good digital hygiene and protect our data online, these are some of the habits that we should keep:

Opt for safe browsers

We can use a wide variety of web browsers to access all kinds of web pages, but not all of them are the same, so it is convenient to choose the ones that are the most secure.

Browsers such as Chrome, Safari, or Edge are developed by Google, Apple, and Microsoft, respectively, which tend to favor the installation of cookies and the collection of data for advertising purposes. That is why it is usually more advisable to use robust and independent browsers such as Firefox or Brave.

Browse encrypted

Using a VPN for gaming and browsing is one of the best ways to protect our data online, especially when browsing from insecure Wi-Fi networks. The possibility of a cyber attacker intercepting your passwords or credit card details while you are connecting to Wi-Fi in a coffee shop is very real. Still, this data will be indecipherable if you use a premium VPN.

In most cases, you will also be able to use a free VPN for at least the first month of trial, which will help you assess its services.

Use strong passwords

In the absence of a better method – which will presumably be biometric verification systems – passwords continue to be the main way we can authenticate our identity on the internet. However, reports are continually being published denouncing the weakness of most of the keys we use online, making them very easy for hackers to break.

The use of random, long, and unique passwords is essential to ensure the security of our digital accounts.

Activate two-step verification

As an extra layer of security, two-factor authentication should be enabled on all platforms where it is possible to do so. Generally, this type of verification uses the cell phone to confirm transactions or attempts to access our digital accounts, thus preventing hacking.

For example, if your online banking password is leaked and a cyber attacker tries to use it to access your bank account, Two-Step Verification will ask for confirmation on your phone, allowing you to deny access and keep your funds safe. 

Minimize the use of social media

In recent years, security recommendations on social networks have multiplied, and the notion that we should limit the personal content we share is more widespread. However, millions of people still share their private lives openly and almost without any type of filter.

Social networks can be addictive and even become a fast track to gaining popularity. Still, the information we publish on them can lead to serious cases of harassment, and, in addition, it is often used by hackers to try to violate other online accounts. 

Monitor the apps that we install on the cell phone

There are millions of apps on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, but not all apps are equally reliable. When we install apps on the phone, they request a series of permissions that can be very dangerous, including the possibility of accessing the photos in our gallery, reading our SMS, or making calls without our knowledge.

Furthermore, these are not isolated cases. Apps as popular as Facebook are among the most requested permissions from their users, and often millions of people accept them without considering their risks. That is why it is important to review them carefully and, if in doubt, avoid installing suspicious apps.

Microsoft CEO Bullish on Asian Data Center Market Tue, 29 Nov 2022 21:23:12 +0000 Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is bullish on the Asian data center market, including China and India, at a time when trade tensions are ramping up.

Microsoft operates the second-largest cloud platform and, as such, operates data centers around the world. As one of the world’s largest growth markets, Asia represents tremendous opportunity for the company.

“Absolutely. We’re very, very bullish about what’s happening in Asia,” Satya Nadella, said in an interview with CNBC’s Tanvir Gill.

Nadella singled out two countries as especially important to the company’s future: China and India.

“We’re absolutely committed to all of these countries and in China too,” Nadella said. “Today, we primarily work to support multinational companies that operate in China and multinational companies out of China.”

Similarly, while India is important to the company’s future, Microsoft sees significant changes to the market.

“Microsoft’s presence in India was about mostly multinational companies operating in India. But for now, it’s completely changed,” he said.

“It’s the reverse where these companies who are innovating in India, whether it’s the big large conglomerates, or the new startups, are all using [artificial intelligence] cloud technology to be able to innovate and create services that are obviously popular in India and elsewhere,” he added.

In all, Nadella said Microsoft plans on investing in at least 11 different regions.

IBM Launches Business Analytics Enterprise to Tackle Data Silos Mon, 14 Nov 2022 21:33:05 +0000 IBM has launched a new suite of business tools designed to help companies break down information silos and better utilize data.

Data has become the new currency, with companies collecting and analyzing data to better meet the needs of their customers. IBM cites data from Forrester proving that “advanced insights-driven organizations are 1.6x more likely to report using data, analytics, and insights to create experiences, products, and services that differentiate them within the market when compared to beginners.”

IBM’s latest solution is designed to help companies gain those insights and put them in the hands of the decision makers. Business Analytics Enterprise has a suite of included tools and products to aid companies, including a new IBM Analytics Content Hub. The suite also includes IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson, IBM Planning Analytics with Watson, and other business intelligence tools.

“Businesses today are trying to become more data-driven than ever as they navigate the unexpected in the face of supply chain disruptions, labor and skills shortages and regulatory changes,” said Dinesh Nirmal, General Manager of Data, AI and Automation, IBM. “But to truly be data-driven, organizations need to be able to provide their different teams with more comprehensive access to analytics tools and a more complete picture of their business data, without jeopardizing their compliance, security or privacy programs. IBM Business Analytics Enterprise offers a way to bring together analytics tools in a single view, regardless of which vendor it comes from or where the data resides.”

Salesforce and AWS Deepen Partnership With Salesforce Genie Fri, 21 Oct 2022 17:15:46 +0000 Salesforce and AWS are deepening their partnership with the release of Salesforce Genie.

Salesforce and AWS are the leaders in their respective industries, making collaboration between the two companies a natural step. As part of Dreamforce, the two companies have announced deepening integration between their two platforms. Customers will be able “to use Amazon SageMaker, AWS’s machine learning (ML) modeling service, alongside Einstein, Salesforce’s artificial intelligence (AI) technology.”

The key to these new integrations is Salesforce Genie, “a hyperscale real-time data platform that powers the entire Salesforce Customer 360 platform.” The new tool is designed to help companies make the most of the data they have, adapting to changes in real-time.

“Einstein makes it easy for our customers across every industry to get started with AI. With over 175 billion predictions per day across the Salesforce Customer 360, Einstein operates at a massive scale and helps our customers across every industry sell smarter, deepen customer relationships, scale customer support, and personalize experiences,” said Rahul Auradkar, EVP and GM, Unified Data Services and Einstein at Salesforce. “By opening our platform, we’re enabling data scientists and developers to bring their own AI models with SageMaker, and quickly deploy custom AI into the Salesforce Platform. And, with Salesforce Genie, tap into real-time data that makes it easier than ever to hyper-personalize every moment and every application, in real time.”

“The biggest challenge customers face today isn’t that they don’t have data — it’s that the data isn’t connected, and it’s difficult to glean business insights or easily put that data into action. With Amazon SageMaker and Salesforce, we aim to solve this challenge by enabling data scientists and developers to successfully build, deploy, and run high-quality machine learning models at scale,” said Ankur Mehrotra, Director, Amazon SageMaker at AWS. “Amazon SageMaker offers the deepest and broadest set of machine learning services and we’re excited to help our joint customers accelerate innovation and time-to-value by bringing our collective product suites, ecosystems, and resources together.”

President Biden Tackles EU-US Data Privacy Concerns Fri, 07 Oct 2022 15:02:09 +0000 President Joe Biden issued an executive order to address EU-US data privacy regulation concerns.

Data privacy has become a major concern and impediment to EU-US commerce. Because US intelligence agencies have a well-deserved reputation for conducting mass data collection on average citizens, the EU has been cracking down on companies sharing EU citizen data with US companies.

President Biden’s Executive Order on Enhancing Safeguards for United States Signals Intelligence Activities (E.O.) is designed “to implement U.S. commitments under the European Union-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).” At stake is the $7.1 trillion EU-US economic relationship.

The executive order adds additional safeguards regarding the circumstances data may be collected, mandates how the data must be handled, and requires US intelligence agencies to update their policies and procedures to be in harmony with the agreement. The order also provides a framework for individuals to seek redress if their data was collected in violation of US law or the agreed-upon safeguards.

The order makes clear the hope that these measures will pave the way to restore normal operations between EU and US commerce:

U.S. and EU companies large and small across all sectors of the economy rely upon cross-border data flows to participate in the digital economy and expand economic opportunities. The EU-U.S. DPF represents the culmination of a joint effort by the United States and the European Commission to restore trust and stability to transatlantic data flows and reflects the strength of the enduring EU-U.S. relationship based on our shared values.

These steps will provide the European Commission with a basis to adopt a new adequacy determination, which will restore an important, accessible, and affordable data transfer mechanism under EU law. It will also provide greater legal certainty for companies using Standard Contractual Clauses and Binding Corporate Rules to transfer EU personal data to the United States.

Virginia Is the Data Center Capital of the World Fri, 09 Sep 2022 13:00:00 +0000 Silicon Valley may be the tech center of the world, but Virginia is the undisputed data center capital, with more capacity than China or Europe.

According to Synergy Research Group, the US has the majority of the world’s data centers, coming in at 53%. Impressively, Virginia alone accounts for more than one-third of the country’s capacity and surpasses both China and Europe.

“In Europe, the Netherlands and Ireland have always punched far above their weight, beating out countries with larger economies like Germany and the UK,” said John Dinsdale, a Chief Analyst at Synergy Research Group. “But globally, the standout region is the US state of Virginia. Virginia has far more hyperscale data center capacity than either China or the whole continent of Europe. However, our analysis of the future data center pipeline shows that the relative importance of these hot spots will tail off a little over the next five years, as hyperscale infrastructure permeates a broader geographic footprint.”

Privacy Advocates Want Stronger Data Rules For Mobile Providers Thu, 08 Sep 2022 03:06:09 +0000 Privacy advocates are pushing for stricter rules about how mobile carriers handle users’ wireless data.

While social media companies are often targeted for their handling of user data, wireless carriers have a treasure trove of information on their customers, including location data, internet usage, call history, texting history, and more. An FCC inquiry regarding the habits of the top 15 carriers in the US showed that data retention practices are “all over the map.”

That was the assessment of Harold Feld, senior vice president at digital privacy group Public Knowledge, according to The Seattle Times.

“The only ‘industry standard’ appears to be that there is no standard at all for how long carriers retain data, how they protect it, or how hard they make it for their customers to invoke their rights,” Feld added.

According to the Times, T-Mobile stores information on its customers, including their location data, for up to two years, while AT&T and its Cricket Wireless business store data for 13 months. Meanwhile, Verizon stores data for one year, and Mint Mobile stores data for 18 months.

The lack of standardization and accountability, not to mention the stakes involved, prompted strong words from FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel:

“Our mobile phones know a lot about us. That means carriers know who we are, who we call, and where we are at any given moment,” said Rosenworcel. “This information and geolocation data is really sensitive. It’s a record of where we’ve been and who we are. That’s why the FCC is taking steps to ensure this data is protected.

“Today, I’m publishing the responses I received from mobile carriers on how they handle geolocation data to help shed light on this issue for consumers. Additionally, I have asked the Enforcement Bureau to launch a new investigation into mobile carriers’ compliance with FCC rules that require carriers to fully disclose to consumers how they are using and sharing geolocation data,” continued Rosenworcel. “Finally, if you, as a consumer, have concerns or complaints about how your provider is handling your private data, the FCC is making it easier for you to file complaints and make your concerns known—so we can take action under the law.”

AWS Bastion Aims to Help Advertisers Work Within Data Privacy Rules Fri, 26 Aug 2022 18:36:31 +0000 AWS is preparing to unveil a new tool that aims to help advertisers work within the various data privacy rules that are currently hindering them.

AWS is the leading cloud provider and is widely used across a variety of industries. One such industry, the advertising industry, is reeling from various data privacy efforts, both on the part of companies like Apple and Google, as well as various countries’ legislative efforts.

According to The Information, via Tech Monitor, AWS wants to help advertisers deal with the restrictions in an innovative way with its upcoming Bastion service. The service acts as a “clean data room,” allowing companies to anonymously pool customer data in a way that prevents any company from viewing or accessing the entire pool.

The Information uses the example of Target and HBO Max being able to see where their customers overlap, giving the retailer useful insight into whether it should target its customers with ads on the streaming platform. The clean data room, however, would still protect the privacy of the customers and help the companies stay compliant with privacy regulations.

Unlike existing options, such as Google’s, AWS Bastion will allow companies to work with partners of their choosing, not even locking them into the Amazon Ads service. Amazon sees a future where Bastion could be used in other industries far beyond advertising, such as the financial industry, manufacturing, and more.

AWS will likely launch the new service later this year.
