CryptocurrencyPro Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Mon, 20 May 2024 17:46:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CryptocurrencyPro 32 32 138578674 UK Judge Slams Craig Wright, Says Scientist Lied ‘Extensively’ About Being Bitcoin Creator Mon, 20 May 2024 17:45:56 +0000 UK Justice James Mellor minced no words slamming Dr. Craig Wright, a computer scientist who has tried to prove he is Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

Wright has claimed for years to be Nakamoto, taking his claims to court in an effort to be legally recognized as Bitcoin’s creator and reap the financial rewards that would come with the recognition. Justice Mellor’s ruling came in the civil trial brought by Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) aimed at disproving Wright is Nakamoto and crippling his ability to continue suing crypto companies.

“Thus, Dr Wright presents himself as an extremely clever person,” Justice Mellor wrote. “However, in my judgment, he is not nearly as clever as he thinks he is. In both his written evidence and in days of oral evidence under cross-examination, I am entirely satisfied that Dr Wright lied to the Court extensively and repeatedly. Most of his lies related to the documents he had forged which purported to support his claim. All his lies and forged documents were in support of his biggest lie: his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto.

“Many of Dr Wright’s lies contained a grain of truth (which is sometimes said to be the mark of an accomplished liar), but there were many which did not and were outright lies,” Justice Mellor added. “As soon as one lie was exposed, Dr Wright resorted to further lies and evasions. The final destination frequently turned out to be either Dr Wright blaming some other (often unidentified) person for his predicament or what can only be described as technobabble delivered by him in the witness box.”

Interestingly, after hearing the mountain of evidence submitted in the trial, Justice Mellor has his own opinion on the age-old question of whether Nakamoto is a single individual or if the pseudonym was used by a group of people.

Satoshi Nakamoto was and remains a pseudonym,” he wrote. “Although this is not of any significant weight in my overall conclusion, my personal view, having heard all the evidence in this Trial, is that it is likely that a number of people contributed to the creation of Bitcoin, albeit that there may well have been one central individual. It would therefore be accurate to refer to Satoshi as he/she/they to reflect the possibilities, but unwieldy. I will therefore refer to Satoshi simply as ‘he’, but it is a shorthand for he/she/they.”

Needless to say, Wright has already indicated he intends to appeal the ruling.

I fully intend to appeal the decision of the court on the matter of the identity issue. I would like to acknowledge and thank all my supporters for their unwavering encouragement and support. In the meantime, I shall continue to work closely with the Teranode team to achieve scaling beyond three million transactions per second. At present, Teranode is achieving one million tps and we are ensuring that the cloud-based server configurations function correctly in a way that does not impact scaling. However, even at a lower level of transaction processing, Teranode is far more efficient than the existing node structure and will lead to cost savings as well as a path to scalability.

^Posted by LB on behalf of CSW.

— Dr. Craig S Wright (@Dr_CSWright) | May 20, 2024

Identity Verification in the Cryptocurrency Sector – Balancing Anonymity with Security Thu, 16 May 2024 16:26:08 +0000 The cryptocurrency sector, known for its emphasis on privacy and decentralization, faces unique challenges and considerations when it comes to identity verification. As cryptocurrencies become more mainstream, the need for secure and effective identity verification processes becomes more critical, particularly to combat fraud, meet regulatory requirements, and ensure the safety of transactions. This article explores the intersection of identity verification and the crypto industry, discussing the challenges, solutions, and the future direction of this evolving landscape.

The Significance of Identity Verification in Crypto

Fraud detection and scams are growing in a technological era, especially in crypto currencies. It has become necessary to take proactive security measures to make transactions and accounts secure. 

Here are the several reasons to practice  identify verification in crypto:

Preventing Illegal Activities

Cryptocurrencies can be susceptible to being used for illicit activities like money laundering, fraud, and financing terrorism. Identity verification helps mitigate these risks by tracking the flow of transactions back to their source. Security is an effective method to eliminate the stress of scams and wrong transaction such as hacking wallets. 

Regulatory Compliance

As global financial regulators pay closer attention to cryptocurrencies, exchanges and wallet providers are increasingly required to implement Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures. These regulations mandate the verification of users’ identities to create a more transparent financial system.

Enhancing Trust and Security

For cryptocurrencies to gain broader acceptance and usage, users must trust that the ecosystem is safe. Identity verification adds a layer of security that reassures users about the legitimacy of their transactions and counterparts. It is a piece of mind for the user that their accounts are protected, and only they can gain access to their wallets and accounts. Also, some secure security measures like biometric, facial recognition and two factor pass code makes it more secure.

Challenges of Implementing Identity Verification in Crypto

Implementing identity verification in the cryptocurrency world presents several challenges:

Privacy Concerns

One of the foundational principles of cryptocurrencies is the preservation of user anonymity. Mandatory identity verification raises concerns about user privacy and the potential for governmental or unauthorized surveillance.

Technological and Operational Hurdles

Integrating robust identity verification processes that are both secure and user-friendly into existing cryptocurrency platforms can be technologically challenging and costly. Despite of expensive, technological operations enhance security and make the payment process more secure. 

Global and Regulatory Variability

The cryptocurrency market is global, but regulations vary significantly across jurisdictions. Adapting identity verification practices to comply with diverse legal frameworks can be complex and cumbersome. However, if done with proper strategies and planning it will provides a piece of mind to avoid of scams. 

Technological Solutions and Innovations

To address these challenges, various technological innovations have been developed:

Decentralised Identity Verification

Some platforms are exploring blockchain-based, decentralised identity verification systems that allow users to control and share their identity information selectively. This approach aims to maintain privacy while still complying with regulatory requirements.

Biometric Verification

Advanced biometrics, including facial recognition and fingerprint scans, are being used to enhance the security and accuracy of identity verification without storing sensitive personal information centrally. Biometric like fingerprint reading is effective way for security of transactions or withdraws of crypto that ensures that the right person is accessing the wallet. It will eliminate the stress of fraud detection. 

AI and Machine Learning

These technologies are increasingly employed to automate and enhance the accuracy of the identity verification process, reducing human error and the potential for fraud. Also, machine learning technology is used in various sectors to improve the user identity with devices. You can also leverage artificial intelligence to recognize anyone’s identity. 

The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies is still evolving. As governments and international bodies aim to develop regulations that protect consumers without stifling innovation, identity verification will be a central theme. Future regulations will likely require more transparent and rigorous identity verification processes while trying to uphold the core values of privacy and decentralisation cherished in the crypto community.


Identity verification in the cryptocurrency sector is a complex issue that sits at the intersection of security, privacy, and regulatory compliance. As the industry continues to grow and mature, finding solutions that balance these aspects will be crucial for the continued adoption and success of cryptocurrencies. Innovations in technology and regulatory frameworks that respect the principles of decentralization while ensuring a secure and compliant environment will define the future of identity verification in crypto. This balance is not merely beneficial but essential for the legitimacy and sustainability of the crypto ecosystem.

FTX Plans to Pay Back Most Customers In Full, Plus Interest Wed, 08 May 2024 17:40:44 +0000 Lawyers working on FTX’s bankruptcy have managed to pull a rabbit from their hat, recovering enough assets to pay nearly all creditors the full amount owed, plus interest.

According to the company, lawyers have managed to recover between $14.5 and $16.3 billion dollars. The company says it was a very difficult task since FTX held “only 0.1% of the Bitcoin and only 1.2% of the Ethereum customers believed it held.” As a result, since debtors could not benefit from the appreciation of those cryptos to the extent initially thoughts, the lawyers had to get creative, looking for other sources of recoverable assets.

As a result of their efforts, FTX has put forth a plan that pays back all non-governmental creditors. The proposed plan includes resolution of the $24 billion in IRS claims with “a $200 million cash payment and a $685 million subordinated claim that will rank below claims of all creditors and governmental entities.” The plan also includes restoring $1.2 billion seized by the DOJ to be disbursed to customers and creditors, if the DOJ agrees.

For creditors holding claims in an allowed amount of $50,000 or less, the Plan creates a special “convenience class”. Because of this classification, if the Plan is approved by the Bankruptcy Court, the Debtors anticipate that 98% of the creditors of FTX by number will receive approximately 118% of the amount of their allowed claims within 60 days after the effective date of the Plan, subject to know-your-client and distribution information requirements.

“We are pleased to be in a position to propose a chapter 11 plan that contemplates the return of 100% of bankruptcy claim amounts plus interest for non-governmental creditors,” said John J. Ray III, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Restructuring Officer of FTX. “On behalf of FTX’s independent Board of Directors, I want to extend our deepest appreciation to the numerous governmental agencies, including the United States Department of Justice, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Internal Revenue Service and the Securities Commission of The Bahamas, for their tireless efforts, cooperation and assistance through this complex recovery process. I also want to thank the Joint Official Liquidators of FTX Digital Markets, the Ad Hoc Committee of Non-U.S. Customers, the Class Action Claimants, BlockFi, the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors and all of their professionals for their hard work in the development of the Plan and its resulting achievements. Finally, I want to thank all the customers and creditors of FTX for their patience throughout this process.”

Court Kills Craig Wright’s Claim to Be Bitcoin Creator Thu, 14 Mar 2024 17:33:07 +0000 The UK High Court has shot down Craig Wright’s claim to be Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, citing ‘overwhelming evidence.’

Wright has engaged in a years-long campaign to prove he is the anonymous creator of Bitcoin and reap the financial rewards of doing so. Most experts have long-since discarded Wright’s claims, but that hasn’t stopped him from trying to make his case in court.

According to Wired, Justice James Mellor destroyed Wright’s claims, leaving no doubt that is not who he claims to be.

“The evidence is overwhelming,” said Justice Mellor. “Dr. Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin white paper. Dr. Wright is not the person that operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Dr. Wright is not the person that created the Bitcoin system. Nor is Dr. Wright the author of the Bitcoin software,” he added.

The ruling is sure to bring relief to many in the crypto community, as a favorable ruling for Wright could have had profound implications.

5 Cryptocurrencies to Keep on Your Radar this Month Mon, 11 Dec 2023 20:20:14 +0000 Welcome to the fascinating world of cryptocurrency – a technology that has been shaping the future of finance for a while now. Over the years, this industry has evolved beyond everyone’s expectations, resulting in exciting opportunities and attracting investors from different walks of life. Digital assets have been changing the way people transact and build their wealth, and although Bitcoin is their grandfather, always leading the pack, other coins are available, offering a similar potential for substantial gains. However, knowing which cryptocurrencies are a good buy can be overwhelming.

In this blog, we will offer some insights into the hottest coins in the crypto world for September 2023 to help you make an informed decision. Let’s begin!


Bitcoin is the pioneer in the crypto market, with Satoshi Nakamoto introducing it in 2009. Although it has experienced many ups and downs over the years, this digital asset is one of the most renowned in the industry. How has Bitcoin succeeded to remain at the forefront of the crypto sector? Well, it’s mainly due to its status as the first digital asset to be created and its solid network of supporters. Even if Bitcoin didn’t have much value when it was first introduced, its price had many upsides, translating into considerable gains for investors. If you’re wondering why Bitcoin is one of the top cryptocurrencies to buy this month, we can tell you plenty of reasons that make it an excellent choice. 

For instance, Bitcoin has a decentralized nature, which means no intermediary is required when completing a transaction. This makes the digital asset a great medium of exchange, eliminating costly fees and ensuring an increased speed when sending funds. Plus, it is estimated that the next Bitcoin halving is close (although the data hasn’t yet been confirmed, it is believed it will occur in April 2024). Such an event could be a catalyst for a bull market if we consider Bitcoin’s past performance. During all the other halving events – namely in 2012, 2016 and 2020-, the digital asset reached all-time highs, so investors should prepare for the next Bitcoin halving and take advantage of all the opportunities. 


In 2013, Vitalik Buterin introduced a whitepaper for a new crypto project: Ethereum. With the other co-founders, the computer programmer succeeded in raising the necessary funds to lay the foundation of Ethereum, which quickly established itself as a reputable cryptocurrency, garnering the interest of developers because of its unparalleled features. Ethereum also serves as a platform for the blockchain, enabling the development of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) which have revolutionized the art sector in recent years. 

Since the moment of its inception, Ethereum has evolved considerably, and although it has experienced price fluctuations, it remains one of the most reliable cryptocurrencies and a valuable addition to any investor’s portfolio. It has many advantages over its competitors, making up under 20% of the cryptocurrency market. Ethereum is the leading smart contract platform, hosting many dApps, including NFT marketplaces, DeFi projects, and metaverse applications. Moreover, Ethereum is always evolving: last year, The Merge – the first significant upgrade in its network- resulted in the transition from energy-intensive PoW consensus mechanism to the PoS model that is more efficient. However, other upgrades will follow, aiming to turn the Ethereum into a maximally resilient platform.  


Avalanche has generated a lot of social buzz in 2021 – one year after its launch, it has gained significant popularity, becoming one of the most-talked-about digital assets in the market. As the popularity of blockchain keeps increasing, it is expected that Avalanche will further raise the interest of investors. There are many reasons why this digital asset is a top buy, but the most impactful ones are its versatility and unparalleled value gain. 

So, investing in Avalanche in September 2023 can be a good idea, given its potential as a long-term investment. Not only has the digital asset generated impressive returns by keeping a sharp uptrend since its introduction, but it has also demonstrated its resilience. As most crypto analysts state, Avalanche is still in its early stages, so buying it today could result in impressive gains in the following years.


Since its inception in 2011, Litecoin has stood the test of time, with many calling it “the digital silver” just as Bitcoin is compared to digital gold. While it uses the same protocol as Bitcoin, Litecoin has some considerable adaptations, as the network offers more instantaneous verification times for transactions. A notable achievement of the cryptocurrency is the adoption of SegWit (Segregated Witness) which resulted in more efficient network transactions. Litecoin also completed the Lightning Network Transaction, boosting its reputation as a trustworthy and fast digital asset. 

Litecoin has excellent scalability, processing 56 transactions per second, unlike Bitcoin which can only handle 7 transactions. Moreover, it offers lower transaction fees than other digital assets, making it a great investment choice. Besides, Litecoin has continuously improved since its launch, making it a desired asset among investors. 

Chainlink is another exciting crypto project, which uses an Oracle network to enable secure communication between blockchains. Moreover, due to its flexible infrastructure, it can pull data from APIs, integrating any blockchains, whether current or future ones. Chainlink has even collaborated with Google, succeeding to stand out as a trustworthy cryptocurrency. Ever since the launch of its first ICO, Chainlink raised $32 million in a very short time, intriguing investors with its purpose to connect external data sources and blockchains. 

Chainlink has excellent fundamentals, having a clear roadmap with clear and realistic goals. The project has numerous use cases in areas like insurance, DeFi, gaming and NFT, and even social impact. Chainlink is likely to gain more value as a network in the future, and according to stakers, this translates into higher rewards, representing a win-win situation, as a valuable network also attracts more investors. 

The bottom line

As you can see, there are many promising cryptocurrencies to watch out for this month. With their increased popularity and great features, digital assets are more than just a passing fad, offering investors great opportunities to make extra money. When choosing the best crypto for your portfolio, consider your investment goals, and analyze factors like stability, market value and technology to increase your chances of success.

Google Cloud Partners With Coinbase to Enable Crypto Payments and Web3 Innovation Wed, 25 Oct 2023 19:21:16 +0000 Google Cloud will soon let customers pay with crypto thanks to a new partnership with Coinbase.

As part of the partnership between the two companies, “Coinbase will use Google Cloud’s powerful compute platform to process blockchain data at scale.” Coinbase will also benefit from Google’s fiber-optic network, using the speed of the service to help power machine-learning crypto insights.

Google plans to allow select customers to pay for cloud services via crypto, with customers in the Web3 space being given the opportunity first.

“We are excited Google Cloud has selected Coinbase to help bring Web3 to a new set of users and provide powerful solutions to developers,” said Brian Armstrong, Co-founder and CEO of Coinbase. “With more than 100 million verified users and 14,500 institutional clients, Coinbase has spent more than a decade building industry-leading products on top of blockchain technology. We could not ask for a better partner to help execute our vision of building a trusted bridge into the Web3 ecosystem.”

“We want to make building in Web3 faster and easier, and this partnership with Coinbase helps developers get one step closer to that goal,” said Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud. “We’re proud Coinbase has chosen Google Cloud as its strategic cloud partner, and we’re ready to serve the thriving global Web3 customer and partner ecosystem. Our focus is making it frictionless for all customers to take advantage of our scalability, reliability, security, and data services, so they can focus on innovation in the Web3 space.”

American Express Launching Crypto Rewards Credit Card Mon, 25 Sep 2023 19:47:00 +0000 In a first for the credit card company, American Express has launching a card that rewards users with cryptocurrency instead of traditional rewards.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain tech are in the process of revolutionizing a range of industries, although none as much as the finance market. JPMorgan has started using blockchain for collateral settlements, Mastercard has partnered with Bakkt to support crypto, and now American Express is getting in on the action with its own crypto rewards credit card, in partnership with Abra.

According to TechCrunch, the company has not revealed what cryptocurrencies will be supported, but Abra founder and CEO Bill Barhydt told the outlet that customers will eventually be able to choose from multiple different cryptocurrencies.

American Express customers wanting to take advantage of the crypto rewards will need to be registered with Abra, where they will be able to use the company’s exchange to swap rewards for a variety of cryptocurrencies.

“Eventually, we’re also working on a solution that will allow you to use your existing crypto balance to affect your credit line, which is something we’ll probably launch in the future. I think that’s a big benefit because a lot of crypto holders are kind of penalized when it comes to banking and credit,” Barhydt said.

The new card is expected launch in the latter part of 2022.

SEC Chair Gary Gensler: ‘We Don’t Need More Digital Currency’ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 18:01:37 +0000 In an interview with CNBC, chairman Gary Gensler didn’t mince any words about his take on the crypto market, saying, “we don’t need more digital currency.”

The SEC has filed lawsuits against two of the world’s biggest crypto exchanges in the last two days. It filed against Binance Monday and followed up with a suit against Coinbase Tuesday.

In an interview with CNBC, Gensler made it very clear what he and the SEC thinks of the crypto market.

“I think there’s been clarity for years,” Gensler said. “The investing public has the benefit of US securities laws. Crypto should be no different and these platforms, these intermediaries, need to come into compliance and protect the investing public.

“These trading platforms, they call themselves exchanges, are co-mingling a number of functions which in traditional finance, we don’t see the New York Stock Exchange also operating a hedge fund, making markets and, as we alleged in Binance, having a sister organization flooding the platform with transactions called ‘wash trading.’ And the lack of controls on the platforms is really a web of deception and conflicts.”

Jim Cramer pointed out that many of the measures the SEC is proposing in its Binance case, such as asset siezure, will essentially end the platform.

“We have concerns when a platform like this puts themselves out to the public, is consciously trying to avoid US law….It’s fundamentally a lack of controls, deception, conflicts,” Gensler replied.

‘We Don’t Need More Digital Currency’

Cramer then pointed out that he couldn’t understand, after reading the Binance complaint, how value was being assigned to the crypto assets.

“In the Coinbase complaint, we note that they have, through the Coinbase wallet, you can trade 16,000 different tokens,” Gensler replied. “And there’s a lot of debate as to the use cases and where’s there any there, there. Look, we don’t need more digital currency. We already have digital currency. It’s called the US dollar. It’s called the Euro. It’s called the Yen. They’re all digital right now.

“We already have digital investments. You have entrepreneurs representing digital investments on this program all day long. Whether it’s the big tech companies, the automobile companies, you name it, it’s all digit right now, the investing world.”

Watching the interview, the above exchange was one of the moments when Gensler seemed most passionate, lending considerable weight to accusations that he is on a crusade to kill crypto and protect traditional currencies.

SEC Sues Coinbase, Accusing It of Operating As An ‘Unregistered Securities Exchange’ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 17:21:19 +0000 The SEC has filed suit against another crypto exchange, targeting Coinbase and accusing it of running an “unregistered securities exchange.”

The agency announced the suit in a press release:

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Coinbase, Inc. with operating its crypto asset trading platform as an unregistered national securities exchange, broker, and clearing agency. The SEC also charged Coinbase for failing to register the offer and sale of its crypto asset staking-as-a-service program.

“We allege that Coinbase, despite being subject to the securities laws, commingled and unlawfully offered exchange, broker-dealer, and clearinghouse functions,” said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. “In other parts of our securities markets, these functions are separate. Coinbase’s alleged failures deprive investors of critical protections, including rulebooks that prevent fraud and manipulation, proper disclosure, safeguards against conflicts of interest, and routine inspection by the SEC. Further, as we allege, Coinbase never registered its staking-as-a-service program as required by the securities laws, again depriving investors of critical disclosure and other protections.”

“You simply can’t ignore the rules because you don’t like them or because you’d prefer different ones: the consequences for the investing public are far too great,” said Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “As alleged in our complaint, Coinbase was fully aware of the applicability of the federal securities laws to its business activities, but deliberately refused to follow them. While Coinbase’s calculated decisions may have allowed it to earn billions, it’s done so at the expense of investors by depriving them of the protections to which they are entitled. Today’s action seeks to hold Coinbase accountable for its choices.”

The action is the latest effort by the SEC to crack down on the crypto market, having filed a lawsuit against Binance just the day before.

SEC Sues Binance and Founder Changpeng Zhao Tue, 06 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000 The SEC has filed a suit against Binance, its various entities, and founder Changpeng Zhao, claiming they are guilty of a “calculated evasion of the law.”

The agency announced the news in a press release.

“Through thirteen charges, we allege that Zhao and Binance entities engaged in an extensive web of deception, conflicts of interest, lack of disclosure, and calculated evasion of the law,” said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. “As alleged, Zhao and Binance misled investors about their risk controls and corrupted trading volumes while actively concealing who was operating the platform, the manipulative trading of its affiliated market maker, and even where and with whom investor funds and crypto assets were custodied. They attempted to evade U.S. securities laws by announcing sham controls that they disregarded behind the scenes so that they could keep high-value U.S. customers on their platforms. The public should beware of investing any of their hard-earned assets with or on these unlawful platforms.”

“We allege that Zhao and the Binance entities not only knew the rules of the road, but they also consciously chose to evade them and put their customers and investors at risk – all in an effort to maximize their own profits,” said Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “By engaging in multiple unregistered offerings and also failing to register while at the same time combining the functions of exchanges, brokers, dealers, and clearing agencies, the Binance platforms under Zhao’s control imposed outsized risks and conflicts of interest on investors. Those risks and conflicts are only heightened by the Binance platforms’ lack of transparency, reliance on related-party transactions, and lies about controls to prevent manipulative trading. Despite their years-long efforts to not ‘be held accountable,’ today’s complaint begins the process of doing so.”

Binance tweeted their response, disagreeing with the SEC and saying the agency’s actions are “unjustified” and that the “SEC seeks a near eradication of our industry.”

The SEC and Chair Gary Gensler has engaged in a high-profile and widely criticized campaign against crypto. One of the agency’s own commissioners has been critical of the SEC for being “hostile to crypto,” and slammed it as a “paternalistic and lazy regulator.”

DAME Tax: White House Calls for 30% Tax On Crypto Mining Thu, 04 May 2023 17:05:25 +0000 The White House has proposed a controversial tax on crypto mining to help offset its economic and environmental impact.

Crypto mining has been criticized for its environmental impact and the strain it puts on power grids. The White House is looking for a way to address these concerns while also looking for ways to help fund Medicare, Social Security, and deficit reduction.

A proposed solution is the Digital Asset Mining Energy (DAME) excise tax, which would impose a 30% tax on crypto mining. The White House blog says the tax would help offset the harms crypto mining imposes on others:

Currently, cryptomining firms do not have to pay for the full cost they impose on others, in the form of local environmental pollution, higher energy prices, and the impacts of increased greenhouse gas emissions on the climate. The DAME tax encourages firms to start taking better account of the harms they impose on society.

Needless to say, the news is not being well-received in the crypto community. Brian Quintenz, Head of Policy at A16z Crypto — Andreessen Horowitz’s crypto arm — took to Twitter to point out issues with the proposed law.

A16z Crypto has taken its concerns a step further, writing a letter to the UK government, urging it not to follow in the US’ footsteps with a “one-size-fits-all” approach, according to Blockworks.

There’s enough opposition to the DAME Tax to put its future in jeopardy. If it does pass, however, it will quickly lead to crypto miners relocating their operations to friendlier countries.

FTX Recovers $7.3 Billion in Assets Thu, 13 Apr 2023 15:26:55 +0000 Things may be looking up for FTX customers, with news the crypto exchange recovered $7.3 billion in assets amid its bankruptcy.

FTX became the poster child for cryptocurrency mismanagement and risks when it announced it was short $8 billion. The response was swift, with the exchange collapsing, leaving many customers in limbo.

According to Reuters, the company has managed to recover $7.3 billion, giving hope that customers will be able to access their funds. Customers in Japan have already been able to, thanks to that country’s stricter crypto regulation.

Recovering the additional funds has also opened the door for FTX to resume operations once it’s through its Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

“The situation has stabilized, and the dumpster fire is out,” said FTX attorney Andy Dietderich.

The exchange is already talking with stakeholders about a possible return, with a decision likely as early as this quarter.

FTX Stored Keys for $100M+ Accounts in Plaintext Mon, 10 Apr 2023 17:39:01 +0000 Revelations about FTX’s negligent behavior continue, with reports the company stored keys for accounts worth more than $100 million in plaintext.

According to crypto research Molly White, FTX failed to take even the most basic security measures to protect and secure client accounts.

While nothing should surprise anyone regarding FTX, it’s still always a bit shocking when a company fails to employ basic security measures, especially when that company is involved in financial transactions.

Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade Is Close: What Does It Mean For The Ethereum Ecosystem? Thu, 30 Mar 2023 20:51:33 +0000 The Merge was a significant upgrade to the Ethereum network, aiming to make it more environmentally friendly by reducing energy consumption. But it wasn’t the only one, as more improvements are expected in the Ethereum ecosystem, including the Surge, the Verge, the Purge, and the Splurge. These upgrades aim to increase the network’s scalability, sustainability and security, making Ethereum much more reliable. In the long run, this could benefit the crypto industry significantly, attracting more investors and eliminating concerns about the energy implications of digital assets.

The Shanghai upgrade is the second huge event in the network, set to take place in March 2023, and will bring different improvements to the Ethereum blockchain, the main one being the ability to withdraw staked ETH. Since the Beacon Chain was first launched in December 2020, users have contributed to the network by validating transactions, but this was a one-way trip, as funds were locked and, thus, unable to access. Below, we will discuss the Shanghai Upgrade in more detail to help you understand how this event will impact the eth coin price and the overall Ethereum network.

What will the withdrawal process involve?

Once the Shanghai Upgrade launches, around 16 million staked ETH will be available to validators. However, it’s worth noting that validators will have to wait for a specific period before they can unstake their ETH. This is because the blockchain has a single queue dedicated to full and partial withdrawals, and each slot enables only 16 partial withdrawals.

When unstaking their ETH, validators can choose between two options:

– unstake the rewards accumulated over time by creating a withdrawal credential;

– unstake all 32 ETH (the maximum allowed for every validator) by completely exiting the Beacon Chain.

Just as with the Merge, the Shanghai Upgrade requires different steps until it can go live successfully. Testnets, for example, are a great tool, as they enable the simulation of the ETH withdrawal. Zhejiang is the first testnet, which took place on February 1, followed by the Sepolia and Goerli testnets.

How will the Shanghai Upgrade benefit liquid staking?

The Shanghai Upgrade will drive innovation in liquid staking solutions. The increased frequency of staking, withdrawing and restaking of ETH rewards may lead to the development of more complex financial applications aiming to maximize yield and minimize risk. These applications could take the form of staking derivatives, allowing investors to gain exposure to staking rewards without holding the underlying asset. Moreover, as staked ETH becomes more liquid, it may be possible to develop lending solutions that provide people with access to ETH staking, further expanding the range of financial products available in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Shanghai will benefit individual liquidity providers by making it easier for users to manage their staked assets. This may increase the attractiveness of liquid staking platforms as a source of yield. As a result, liquid staking platforms will compete more aggressively for liquidity providers by offering extra incentives and features, like lower fees and more attractive rewards. This increased competition may result in a virtuous innovation cycle in the liquid staking space, creating better user experiences and more reliable infrastructure for staking ETH.

Will the Shanghai Upgrade trigger an increase in the ETH price?

The ability to withdraw rewards anytime will make staking more appealing for risk-averse investors, as they know they can access their funds even in times of market turbulence. This has the potential to increase the number of stakers. Moreover, Shanghai will incentivize ETH liquidity provision on decentralized exchanges, making the process less risky and ultimately benefiting the Ethereum ecosystem by increasing the efficiency of token swaps.

Shanghai will also make a difference in the Ethereum network by increasing decentralization. This is because stakers will be able to withdraw funds from a staking pool quickly, meaning they won’t be locked into it for a long time. This will result in a more distributed staking ecosystem, boosting the security and stability of the Ethereum network.

As this new era of unlocked ETH is getting close, crypto traders are trying to predict how the market will change after the Shanghai Upgrade. While some believe this event will increase the ETH price, others expect a bear market will follow. It’s hard to predict the outcome, and only time will tell whether this upgrade will bring massive opportunities to investors. However, the long-term effects are likely to be positive considering the above mentioned aspects, like ETH liquidity provision and improving decentralization.

Ethereum to reach new heights once all the upgrades are completed

Ethereum is the 2nd leading cryptocurrency for a reason: the token has proven reliable repeatedly, and investors love it because of its remarkable features and utility. But it isn’t flawless, and those within the Ethereum ecosystem know there is always room for improvement. After the first upgrade (the Merge) was announced, many were excited about what this change could mean in the world of cryptocurrencies. While it did change some things, there’s a long way to go until Ethereum bridges all the gaps in the crypto space. It’s a continuous process, and there’s no doubt that once all the upgrades are completed, the journey will be worth it, no matter how long and tempestuous. Once Ethereum’s scalability improves, the transaction speed will increase, and more transactions will be allowed per second. If the process is successful (and probably will be), there will be a crypto boom in the future.

The bottom line

It is uncertain how the Shanghai Upgrade will impact the Ethereum price, but one thing is clear: this event is another big step in improving Ethereum’s PoS network and making it more functional. It’s important to remember that crypto prices are volatile, and you should make investment decisions only after researching thoroughly. Losses are part of the crypto game, and sometimes they can significantly impact investors’ financial health. So, it is advisable to approach the market cautiously and use your judgment when investing in digital assets.

Bitcoin Surges After Banks Collapse Mon, 13 Mar 2023 20:57:58 +0000 On the heels of three banks collapsing in the last week, Bitcoin appears to be benefiting from consumer fears.

The tech industry and financial markets are reeling from the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank. The tech industry was particularly dependent on SVB with its collapse still sending shock waves throughout the industry.

According to Decrypt, Bitcoin is benefiting from spooked consumers and investors, with the cryptocurrency rising almost 20% since SVG’s collapse.

In fact, the entire market appears to be getting a boost, with individual cryptos up across the board.

Tesla’s Net 2022 Bitcoin Losses Totaled $140 Million Sat, 18 Feb 2023 17:05:46 +0000 Tesla executives may be regretting the company’s investment in Bitcoin, with its losses totaling a whopping $140 million in 2022.

Tesla surprised the industry with a $1.5 billion Bitcoin purchase in early 2021. The company initially announced plans to accept the cryptocurrency as payment before reversing course over environmental concerns. In the wake of the crypto crash, it appears the electric vehicle maker’s investment has taken quite the hit.

According to an SEC filing, Tesla recorded a $204 million loss as a result of Bitcoin’s price drop. Despite this, the company was able to make $64 million in profits from Bitcoin trading, leaving it with a net loss of $140 million.

For example, in the year ended December 31, 2022, we recorded $204 million of impairment losses resulting from changes to the carrying value of our bitcoin and gains of $64 million on certain conversions of bitcoin into fiat currency by us.

SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce Slams Agency’s Crypto Actions Fri, 10 Feb 2023 15:46:57 +0000 SEC commissioner Hester Peirce has publicly slammed her agency for being “hostile to crypto” and a “paternalistic and lazy regulator.”

The SEC recently orchestrated a $30 million settlement with Kraken over its crypto-staking program. While the agency touted it as a win for investors, not everyone was convinced, including Commissioner Peirce.

“Today, the SEC shut down Kraken’s staking program and counted it as a win for investors,” Peirce wrote. “I disagree and therefore dissent.”

Commissioner Peirce then goes on to describe Kraken’s model, which allowed crypto owners to “offer their tokens up for staking,” with both customers and company profiting. She then goes on to lament that, rather than providing guidance and guidelines for such programs, the agency went into enforcement mode, claiming Kraken’s operation should have been registered with the SEC.

As Commissioner Peirce highlights, however, “crypto-related offerings are not making it through the SEC’s registration pipeline” in the current climate. She then makes the case that it would be better for the agency to put forth clear guidelines for crypto companies rather than immediately jumping to enforcement action.

“Instead of taking the path of thinking through staking programs and issuing guidance, we again chose to speak through an enforcement action, purporting to ‘make clear to the marketplace that staking-as-a-service providers must register and provide full, fair, and truthful disclosure and investor protection,'” Peirce continues. “Using enforcement actions to tell people what the law is in an emerging industry is not an efficient or fair way of regulating.”

In her most damning words of the dissent, Commission Peirce argues that Kraken’s program benefited investors and called out the SEC for shutting it down.

“Most concerning, though, is that our solution to a registration violation is to shut down entirely a program that has served people well,” she added. “The program will no longer be available in the United States, and Kraken is enjoined from ever offering a staking service in the United States, registered or not. A paternalistic and lazy regulator settles on a solution like the one in this settlement: do not initiate a public process to develop a workable registration process that provides valuable information to investors, just shut it down.”

It’s unclear if Commissioner Peirce’s dissent will have any lasting impact, especially given SEC Chair Gary Gensler’s open hostility toward crypto.

Senate Banking Chairman Opens Door to Banning Crypto Mon, 19 Dec 2022 13:00:00 +0000 In the wake of the FTX crypto meltdown, Senate banking chairman Sherrod Brown has opened the door to banning crypto.

The FTX meltdown is being credited with tremendous harm to the crypto market and has led to widespread calls for greater legislation. According to The Hill, Brown told NBC’s Chuck Todd that banning was an option.

“Maybe banning it, although banning it is very difficult because it will go offshore and who knows how that will work,” Brown said

At the same time, Brown acknowledged that the crypto market represents a “complicated, unregulated pot of money.”

“So we’ve got to do this right,” the senator said, adding that he has talked to the Treasury Department to do a related assessment across regulatory agencies.

Microsoft Bans Crypto Mining On Its Cloud Platform Sat, 17 Dec 2022 13:00:00 +0000 Microsoft has updated its Universal License Terms for Online Services to prohibit crypto mining on its cloud platform.

Cloud platforms are popular options for crypto mining, but the practice is not without its challenges and risks. Microsoft has deemed those risks too great to allow mining on its cloud platform.

The company included the following note in its Summary of Changes:

Updated Acceptable Use Policy to clarify that mining cryptocurrency is prohibited without prior Microsoft approval.

The company didn’t elaborate, but provided the following statement to The Register:

“Crypto currency mining can cause disruption or even impairment to Online Services and its users and can often be linked to cyber fraud and abuse attacks such as unauthorized access to and use of customer resources.

“We made this change to further protect our customers and mitigate the risk of disrupting or impairing services in the Microsoft Cloud.”

Binance Abandons Plans to Buy FTX Thu, 10 Nov 2022 01:57:03 +0000 Binance has abandoned plans to purchase FTX, despite being partly to blame for its rival’s woes.

FTX’s value has plummeted and sparked liquidity concerns following a CoinDesk report revealing that much of Alameda Research’s value was based on illiquid tokens, such as FTX’s FTT. Both companies were founded by FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. Following the revelation, Binance CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao announced he would divest his FTT holdings, driving FTX down even more.

Despite initially striking a deal to purchase FTX, Binance has reversed course, deciding the deal is untenable.

“As a result of corporate due diligence, as well as the latest news reports regarding mishandled customer funds and alleged U.S. agency investigations, we have decided that we will not pursue the potential acquisition of,” a Binance spokesperson told CoinDesk.

“In the beginning, our hope was to be able to support FTX’s customers to provide liquidity, but the issues are beyond our control or ability to help. Every time a major player in an industry fails, retail consumers will suffer. We have seen over the last several years that the crypto ecosystem is becoming more resilient and we believe in time that outliers that misuse user funds will be weeded out by the free market.

“As regulatory frameworks are developed and as the industry continues to evolve toward greater decentralization, the ecosystem will grow stronger,” the spokesperson added.
