AI Is Making Google Search Dumber As It Suggest Glue For Pizza

Rather than improving Google search, AI appears to be making it stupider, with the AI feature recommending the use of glue to keep cheese on pizza....
AI Is Making Google Search Dumber As It Suggest Glue For Pizza
Written by Matt Milano
  • Rather than improving Google search, AI appears to be making it stupider, with the AI feature recommending the use of glue to keep cheese on pizza.

    Google struck a deal with Reddit for $60 million to use the social media platform’s content to train its AI. Unfortunately, that data is not always leading to better search results, or even results that are safe. According to a user on X, Google’s AI Overview recommended mixing a non-toxic glue into pizza sauce to keep the cheese from sliding off.

    The example shows that, despite some impressive strides, AI still poses significant challenges on even the most basic task of providing accurate information.

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