Developer Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Fri, 31 May 2024 03:50:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Developer 32 32 138578674 Microsoft Announces ‘Significant Updates’ to Windows Subsystem for Linux Fri, 31 May 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Microsoft used its Microsoft BUILD conference to announce “significant updates” to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

WSL is a feature that allows users and developers to run a Linux environment within Windows, giving them access to Linux apps and utilities. WSL is a popular option for Windows users that want to run Linux apps, since it doesn’t require a virtual machine.

According to Product and Program Manager Craig Loewen, WSL has received improvements in the following areas:

  • Memory, storage, and networking
  • An upcoming WSL Settings GUI app
  • WSL Zero Trust
  • Upcoming ability to manage WSL in Dev Home
  • Several miscellaneous features, including Sudo for Windows and “AI powered dev container playground”

The features should make working with WSL much easier, and improve performance for the subsystem. For example, Loewen says the new memory features will “automatically release stored memory in WSL back to Windows.”

The upcoming WSL Settings app will greatly improve WSL administration:

In the past, you would need to edit the contents of WSL’s .wslconfig file to control WSL settings. The Linux-style .wslconfig file, text-based approach works well for specific targeted changes. However, it can be difficult to know exactly what settings and input values are available to use in this text-based approach. The WSL Settings app addresses this by breaking out WSL settings into labeled categories, and indicating which ones are available on your machine.

Similarly, WSL Zero Trust brings important security features to WSL:

First, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint’s WSL 2 support is now out of public preview and is generally available! You can view the plugin for WSL docs page here to learn more about using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to monitor your WSL environment.

Secondly, further Intune features are coming to WSL with Linux Intune agent integration. As of today you can manage WSL settings via Intune, and we’re expanding this by also allowing you to enforce conditional access scenarios based on the state of the Linux distro itself. This is available today as a public preview, which first ships with the ability to determine compliance on WSL distro names and versions using custom scripting. In the future we aim to improve this by allowing you to build your own custom Linux scripts for compliance. To learn more and start using the public preview please see this doc page

Lastly , Microsoft Entra Id will also provide integration with WSL, starting with a public preview in the July and August timeframe. As a user this means that Microsoft’s Authentication Library (MSAL) will be able to communicate with WSL in a secure way, letting you automatically log in using your Entra Id credentials on Windows from experiences in WSL like git, or using Microsoft Edge. For enterprise admins this improves security by providing a secure channel to acquire and utilize tokens bound to the host device. We’ll be sure to post any news on the public preview, so stay tuned!

The changes to WSL will be welcome improvements for countless developers who rely on the Linux subsystem.

Google Gemini Is Coming to the Opera Web Browser Tue, 28 May 2024 14:12:04 +0000 Opera has announced it is incorporating Google’s Gemini AI model into its Aria browser AI, giving users access to some of Google’s latest features.

Opera was the first major web browser to enable built-in access to local AI models and LLMs. The browser is collaborating with Google to expand on that capability, adding Gemini to the list of available models.

“Our companies have been cooperating for more than 20 years. We are excited to be announcing the deepening of this collaboration into the field of generative AI to further power our suite of browser AI services,” said Per Wetterdal, EVP Partnerships at Opera.

“We’re happy to elevate our long standing cooperation with Opera by powering its AI innovation within the browser space,” said Eva Fors, Managing Director, Google Cloud Nordic Region.

The inclusion of Gemini will give users access to advanced image generation, as well as conversational voice output.

Like many smaller browsers, Opera has benefited greatly from the EU forcing Apple to make it easier for users to set a default browser. Going all-in could help the smaller browser grab even more market share.

Mobile App Development Trends 2024: Key Technologies to Watch Tue, 28 May 2024 11:47:58 +0000 With technological advancements, the global mobile market continues its meteoric rise, projected to surpass $673.8 billion by 2027.  

But why should you care?

These numbers hold the potential to reshape users’ digital experiences fundamentally. Here’s a sneak peek into the mobile development trends for 2024 and beyond, providing insights that can steer you towards creating compelling and future-ready mobile applications. 

On-Demand Apps 

As technology continues to evolve and consumer preferences shift towards convenience and instant gratification, the on-demand app trend, along with mobile app development services, is expected to continue growing and shaping the future of various industries. On-demand apps empower businesses to improve customer experience, reach new heights, and operate more efficiently. 

IoT-Powered Mobile Apps 

2024 is set to bring about greater integration with Internet of things (IoT) devices, creating interconnected ecosystems that offer a smooth user experience. 

IoT isn’t just about smart homes; it’s an omnipresent force reshaping entire industries. Picture your smartphone transforming your vehicle into a self-diagnosing asset, always ensuring peak performance. 

From smart home controls to wearable devices, IoT-powered mobile apps will become central hubs, allowing users to effortlessly manage and monitor their surroundings. 

What does this mean for businesses? Enhanced operational efficiency, reduced costs, and improved sustainability. 

5G Integration 

The widespread adoption of 5G networks is set to revolutionize mobile app development. With lightning-fast speeds and virtually zero latency, 5G enables developers to create more immersive and real-time experiences.  

Blockchain for Security 

As concerns about data security and privacy continue to escalate, blockchain technology is emerging as a game-changer in the latest mobile app security trends. Blockchain ensures secure, unbeaten and transparent transactions as it stores data in isolated blocks. It’s a perfect solution for applications that deal with sensitive information and demand an extra layer of security.  

Voice Users Interfaces 

Voice-activates applications, powered by natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, will offer users an intuitive experience. From virtual assistants to voice-activated commands within applications, this trend will not only enhance accessibility but also redefine how users interact with their devices. 

With Voice User Interfaces (VUIs), you won’t need to interact with your smart devices through predetermined commands anymore. No more tapping, typing, or swiping. Instead, you’ll converse with your technology as naturally as you would with a friend. 

Augmented Reality (AR) Navigation 

The Forbes Technology Council predicts a significant rise in AR navigation, anticipating it will play a crucial role in various sectors, particularly travel and urban navigation, in 2024. AR technology enhances navigation by overlaying digital information onto the physical world through devices like smartphones and AR glasses. This advancement aims to make navigation more intuitive and interactive, providing real-time directions, points of interest, and contextual information tailored to the user’s location and needs​ 

Customizable Apps for Foldable Devices 

Statista anticipates that over 50 million foldable smartphones will be shipped globally this year. This creates a distinctive opening for entrepreneurs and app developers alike. 

With millions of foldable phones hitting the market, it’s a goldmine for creative minds. These devices boast huge screens and can juggle multiple apps at once, opening doors for developers to craft experiences unlike ever before. This could totally redefine how we build apps in the future. But that’s not all! The trend is hot for wearable devices too. Imagine designing apps specifically for smartwatches or fitness trackers, perfectly tailored to your audience’s needs.  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning 

In 2024, we’re just scratching the surface of AI’s potential in mobile app development. But as we delve deeper, humanity is on the brink of experiencing a revolutionary shift. With AI and machine learning, developers are set to create apps that understand users better, anticipate their needs, and offer personalized recommendations. This is just the beginning of a journey toward a more intelligent and tailored user experience. 

Cloud Computing 

In mobile development, a cloud-centric approach utilizes cloud computing services for tasks like data storage, processing, and authentication. This enhances scalability, enables easy updates, and improves data security, optimizing overall mobile app performance and user experience. In fact, this trend will continue to grow as the adoption of cloud-native development is expected to advance by 25.28% through 2028. 


Chatbots are transforming mobile apps. They are certainly on the rise as a key customer service tool. Chatbots offer intuitive, personalized experiences driven by NLP and machine learning. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning are making chatbots smarter and more effective. They redefine user interaction, enhance engagement, and drive innovation across various app functionalities beyond customer service. 

Minimalistic Mobile UI/UX Design 

In a recent design trend analysis, Forbes industry experts have observed a significant shift in mobile application design, with principles of minimalism and neomorphism taking center stage. 

Minimalism will drive a reduction in clutter and unnecessary elements within mobile app interfaces. This will lead to cleaner designs, with a focus on essential features and content. Users will appreciate the ease of navigation and the reduced cognitive load when interacting with these apps. 

By prioritizing simplicity, realism, and intuitive design, app developers can create multiplatform user experiences that resonate with users and elevate the overall quality of the mobile app ecosystem. 


Mobile commerce is on track to reach over $740 billion in 2024, a significant jump from just a few years ago. This shows a clear shift in consumer behavior towards mobile shopping. 

Why is mCommerce a trend? 

There are several factors driving the mCommerce boom: 

  • Convenience: Consumers can shop from anywhere, anytime, with just their smartphones. This ease of access is a major advantage. 
  • Personalized Experiences: Mobile devices allow for more targeted marketing and promotions, creating a more personalized shopping experience. 

What’s next for mCommerce? Emerging mobile technologies. Technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) could revolutionize product visualization and try-on experiences. 

By staying on top of these eCommerce mobile app trends, businesses can ensure they’re offering a mobile-first shopping experience that meets the evolving needs of consumers. 

Final Thoughts 

As mobile development trends continue to evolve, staying ahead of the curve is key. Embrace all these mobile application development future trends not only to survive but to thrive in the competitive mobile tech landscape of 2024. 

Remember, investing in trending mobile app development technologies isn’t just a short-term gain—it’s a commitment to the enduring success and relevance of your mobile app. So, stay agile and let your app journey seamlessly into the tech future! 

At Silk Data, we deliver customized mobile app development services with advanced AI integration, designed to address the specific requirements of our clients. Our offerings extend beyond development to include robust IT consulting and app prototyping services. Our team of experts meticulously analyzes current systems to identify areas for enhancement, creating innovative and effective AI-driven solutions. This comprehensive approach ensures a smooth and efficient journey towards achieving business growth and long-term success for our clients. 

ICQ Is Shutting Down June 26 Fri, 24 May 2024 19:41:53 +0000 ICQ, one of the first popular instant messaging applications, is shutting down June 26 after 27 years on the market.

ICQ was first launched in 1996 by Israeli company Mirabilis. It was eventually sold to AOL before making its way to Russian company VK. ICQ was unique at the time, because it did not require users to sign up with a unique user name. Instead, each user was given a unique numerical account number, giving them the freedom to choose whatever user name they wanted.

Despite topping out at more than 100 million accounts in 2001, the platform was eventually surpassed by other options, such as Google Talk, Apple iMessage, as well as secure encrypted options like Signal and WhatsApp.

The company behind ICQ has announced the service will shut down next month. VK encourages users to use VK Messenger and VK Workspace instead.

Of course, most users are advised not to use VK products. The company’s controlling interest is owned by a state-owned bank, and the company has a long history of cooperating with Russian authorities, leading to major questions about the privacy and security of VK users.

Users looking for an option to replace ICQ would do better to choose Signal or WhatsApp.

IBM’s Vision for the Future of AI: Open and Collaborative Thu, 23 May 2024 19:49:29 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO – In a keynote address at IBM’s Think 2024 conference, IBM SVP and Director of Research Darío Gil outlined groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) that promise to transform how enterprises leverage technology. The event, held at the bustling Moscone Center, gathered industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, and innovators eager to hear about the future of AI from one of its most prominent voices.

The future of AI is open,” declared Gil, emphasizing the importance of open-source innovation and collaborative efforts in the AI landscape. He urged businesses to adopt open strategies to maximize the potential of their AI systems, arguing that such an approach not only fosters innovation but also ensures flexibility and adaptability.

Embracing Open Source

Open is about innovating together, not in isolation,” Gil said. By choosing open-source frameworks, companies can decide which models to use, what data to integrate, and how to adapt AI to their specific needs. Gil argued that this collaborative approach is essential for the evolution of AI to meet the diverse aspirations of various industries.

The strength of open source lies in its ability to foster a community-driven ecosystem where innovation can thrive unencumbered by proprietary constraints. Gil pointed to the success of IBM’s own Granite family of models, designed to handle tasks ranging from coding to time series analysis and geospatial data processing. These models, released under an Apache 2 license, provide users with unparalleled freedom to modify and improve the technology, ensuring it remains adaptable to their unique requirements.

“By leveraging open-source models, enterprises are not just passive consumers of technology; they become active contributors to a broader AI ecosystem,” Gil explained. This participatory approach accelerates innovation and ensures that AI advancements are grounded in real-world applications and challenges. The open-source community’s collaborative spirit also means that improvements and breakthroughs can be rapidly disseminated, benefiting all users.

Moreover, open-source frameworks offer a level of transparency and trust that is crucial in today’s data-driven world. Users can scrutinize the underlying code, understand the data used to train models and ensure compliance with regulatory and ethical standards. “Transparency is key to building trust in AI systems,” Gil emphasized. “When enterprises can see and understand what goes into their AI, they are more likely to embrace and deploy these technologies confidently.”

IBM’s commitment to open source is further exemplified by its contributions to major projects and partnerships within the community. The company’s involvement in the AI Alliance, launched in collaboration with Meta, brings together nearly 100 institutions, including leading universities, startups, and large-scale enterprises. This alliance aims to advance AI in a way that reflects the diversity and complexity of global societies, fostering inclusive and beneficial innovations for all.

In summary, embracing open source is not just a strategic choice for IBM; it is a fundamental philosophy that drives the company’s approach to AI. By championing open-source models and methodologies, IBM is positioning itself at the forefront of AI innovation, ensuring that the technology evolves in a way that is transparent, collaborative, and aligned with the needs of businesses and society. As Gil succinctly put it, “The future of AI is open, and together, we can build a more innovative and equitable world.”

Foundation Models: The Bedrock of AI

Foundation models have emerged as the cornerstone of modern AI, underpinning the transformative capabilities that are revolutionizing industries across the globe. In his keynote, Darío Gil underscored the significance of these models, emphasizing their role in encoding vast amounts of data and knowledge into highly capable AI systems. “The power of foundation models lies in their ability to represent and process data in previously unimaginable ways,” Gil noted. “They enable us to capture the complexity and nuance of human knowledge, making it accessible and actionable.”

One of the key advantages of foundation models is their scalability. These models can be trained on enormous datasets, incorporating a wide array of information from different domains. This scalability not only enhances their performance but also allows them to be applied to a variety of use cases. Gil highlighted IBM’s Granite family of models as a prime example, showcasing their versatility in handling tasks from natural language processing to coding and geospatial analysis. “These models are designed to be adaptable, ensuring that they can meet the diverse needs of enterprises,” he said.

The integration of multimodal data is another critical feature of foundation models. By combining information from text, images, audio, and other data types, these models can create richer and more accurate representations of the world. This capability is particularly valuable in applications such as autonomous vehicles, healthcare diagnostics, and financial analysis, where understanding the context and relationships between different data types is essential. “Multimodality is a game-changer,” Gil asserted. “It allows us to build AI systems that can understand and interact with the world in more sophisticated ways.”

Furthermore, foundation models are instrumental in democratizing AI. Providing a robust and flexible base enables organizations of all sizes to leverage advanced AI capabilities without requiring extensive in-house expertise. This democratization is facilitated by open-source initiatives, which make these powerful tools accessible to a broader audience. As exemplified by the Granite models, IBM’s commitment to open source ensures that AI’s benefits are widely shared, fostering innovation and inclusivity. “Open-source foundation models are leveling the playing field,” Gil remarked. “They empower companies to innovate and compete on a global scale.”

The potential of foundation models extends beyond current applications, promising to drive future advancements in AI. As these models evolve, they will unlock new possibilities and address increasingly complex challenges. Gil called on enterprises to actively engage in this evolution by contributing their data and expertise to enhance the models further. “The future of AI is a collaborative journey,” he said. “By working together, we can push the boundaries of what is possible and create AI systems that are more powerful, reliable, and beneficial for all.”

Foundation models represent a fundamental shift in AI technology, providing the bedrock upon which future innovations will be built. Their scalability, multimodal capabilities, and democratizing impact make them indispensable tools for enterprises seeking to harness the full potential of AI. As Gil eloquently put it, “Foundation models are not just technological advancements; they are enablers of a new era of human ingenuity and progress.”

A New Methodology: Instruct Lab

To revolutionize how enterprises interact with AI, IBM Research introduced a groundbreaking methodology called Instruct Lab. This innovative approach allows businesses to enhance their AI models incrementally, adding new skills and knowledge progressively, much like human learning. “Instruct Lab is a game-changer in the realm of AI development,” Darío Gil declared. “It enables us to teach AI in a more natural, human-like way, which is crucial for developing specialized capabilities efficiently.”

Instruct Lab stands out for its ability to integrate new information without starting from scratch, making the process both time and cost-efficient. Using a base model as a starting point, enterprises can introduce specific domain knowledge and skills, allowing the model to evolve and improve continuously. This approach contrasts sharply with traditional fine-tuning methods that often require creating multiple specialized models for different tasks. “With Instruct Lab, we can build upon a solid foundation, adding layers of expertise without losing the generality and robustness of the original model,” Gil explained.

One of the key features of Instruct Lab is its use of a teacher model to generate synthetic data, which is then used to train the AI. This process ensures that the model can learn from a broad range of examples, enhancing its ability to understand and respond to various scenarios. “Synthetic data generation is a powerful tool in our methodology,” Gil noted. “It allows us to scale the training process efficiently, providing the model with the diversity of experiences needed to perform well in real-world applications.”

The methodology also emphasizes transparency and control, ensuring that enterprises have full visibility into the training process and the data being used. This transparency is crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring the security of enterprise data. “Instruct Lab is designed with enterprise needs in mind,” Gil emphasized. “We prioritize transparency and control, allowing businesses to understand and trust the AI systems they are developing.”

The impact of the Instruct Lab is already evident in IBM’s own projects. For instance, the development of the IBM Watson X Code Assistant for Z demonstrated the methodology’s effectiveness. By applying Instruct Lab, IBM was able to significantly enhance the model’s understanding of COBOL, a critical language for mainframe applications. “In just one week, we achieved results that surpassed months of traditional fine-tuning,” Gil shared. “This showcases the incredible potential of Instruct Lab to accelerate AI development and deliver superior performance.”

The introduction of Instruct Lab represents a significant step forward in AI technology, providing enterprises with a robust and flexible tool for continuous improvement. As businesses increasingly rely on AI to drive innovation and efficiency, methodologies like Instruct Lab will be essential for staying ahead of the curve. “Instruct Lab embodies our commitment to empowering enterprises with cutting-edge AI capabilities,” Gil concluded. “It is a testament to our dedication to advancing AI in ways that are both practical and transformative.”

Scaling AI in Enterprises

Scaling AI in enterprises is not just about deploying advanced algorithms; it’s about integrating these technologies seamlessly into the fabric of the business to drive meaningful impact. Darío Gil emphasized the transformative potential of AI when it’s scaled correctly within enterprises. “The real power of AI comes from its ability to enhance every aspect of an organization,” he stated. “From optimizing supply chains to personalizing customer interactions, the possibilities are limitless when AI is effectively scaled.”

One of the critical challenges in scaling AI is ensuring that the technology is accessible and usable across various departments and functions within an organization. IBM’s approach addresses this by providing robust tools and frameworks that allow businesses to customize AI models to their specific needs. “We recognize that every enterprise has unique requirements,” Gil noted. “Our solutions are designed to be flexible and adaptable, enabling companies to tailor AI to their particular contexts and goals.”

Moreover, scaling AI requires a strong foundation of data management and governance. Enterprises must be able to trust the data that feeds their AI models, ensuring it is accurate, secure, and used ethically. IBM places a strong emphasis on data governance as a cornerstone of its AI strategy. “Data is the lifeblood of AI,” Gil explained. “Without proper governance and management, the insights derived from AI could be flawed. We provide comprehensive tools to help enterprises manage their data effectively, ensuring that their AI initiatives are built on a solid foundation.”

To truly scale AI, enterprises must also invest in the continuous training and development of their workforce. AI is not a set-it-and-forget-it solution; it requires ongoing learning and adaptation. IBM supports this through its extensive training programs and resources, helping organizations develop the skills needed to harness the full potential of AI. “Human expertise is essential in driving AI success,” Gil said. “We are committed to empowering our clients with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in an AI-driven world.”

Additionally, IBM’s focus on open-source models plays a crucial role in scaling AI. By leveraging open-source technologies, enterprises can benefit from a collaborative approach to AI development, accessing a wealth of community-driven innovations and best practices. “The open-source community is a vital component of AI advancement,” Gil highlighted. “It fosters a spirit of collaboration and continuous improvement, essential for scaling AI effectively across enterprises.”

As enterprises navigate the complexities of scaling AI, IBM’s comprehensive approach—spanning advanced technologies, robust data management, continuous learning, and open-source collaboration—provides a clear pathway to success. “Scaling AI is a journey,” Gil concluded. “It’s about creating a sustainable, adaptable framework that grows with the enterprise, driving innovation and competitive advantage at every step.”

Looking Ahead

As IBM continues to push the boundaries of AI, the future holds immense potential for enterprises willing to embrace these transformative technologies. Darío Gil’s vision for AI is one where innovation and collaboration drive progress, ensuring that AI serves not just as a tool for efficiency but as a catalyst for groundbreaking advancements across industries.

One of the key areas of focus for IBM moving forward is the integration of AI with other cutting-edge technologies, such as quantum computing and blockchain. “The convergence of AI with quantum computing can unlock new levels of problem-solving capabilities that were previously unimaginable,” Gil noted. “By combining the strengths of these technologies, we can tackle some of the most complex challenges facing humanity, from climate change to healthcare.”

IBM is also committed to ensuring that AI development remains ethical and inclusive. The company is actively working on initiatives to address biases in AI models and to promote transparency and accountability in AI systems. “As we look ahead, it’s crucial that we build AI that is fair, transparent, and respects the values of our society,” Gil emphasized. “We are dedicated to leading the charge in creating ethical AI frameworks that benefit everyone.”

In enterprise applications, IBM plans to expand its portfolio of AI-driven solutions, providing businesses with even more tools to enhance their operations and drive innovation. The company’s continued investment in research and development ensures its clients have access to the latest advancements in AI technology. “Our goal is to empower enterprises to leverage AI in ways that were previously thought impossible,” Gil said. “We are constantly exploring new frontiers and developing solutions that will keep our clients at the forefront of their industries.”

Moreover, IBM’s commitment to open-source AI models will play a significant role in the future of AI development. By fostering a collaborative environment, IBM aims to accelerate the pace of innovation and ensure that AI technology evolves in a way that is beneficial for all stakeholders. “The future of AI is one that is built on collaboration and shared knowledge,” Gil stated. “By embracing open-source principles, we can create a thriving ecosystem where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and benefit from AI advancements.”

As the landscape of AI continues to evolve, IBM remains steadfast in its mission to drive technological progress while addressing its ethical and societal implications. “The road ahead is full of exciting possibilities,” Gil concluded. We are committed to leading the way in AI innovation, ensuring that our advancements serve the greater good and pave the way for a better future for all.”

With a forward-looking approach that combines technological excellence, ethical considerations, and a collaborative spirit, IBM is well-positioned to shape the future of AI and drive meaningful change across the globe. As enterprises prepare to navigate this dynamic landscape, they can look to IBM for guidance, support, and innovative solutions to help them thrive in the age of AI.

iFixit Ends Samsung DIY Repair Deal Thu, 23 May 2024 17:14:39 +0000 iFixit is ending its DIY collaboration with Samsung that saw the parts company supply users with genuine Samsung parts and repair guides.

iFixit has been at the heart of several companies’ efforts to provide DIY repair services to their customers, including Samsung. Despite the two companies working together for two years, they are ending their deal, with iFixit questioning Samsung’s commitment to self-repair.

“Two years ago we launched iFixit’s Samsung Repair Hub with the goal of building an incredible, repair-friendly ecosystem,” said Scott Head, iFixit Operations and Logistics Supervisor. “We aimed to set the gold standard for repair documentation and empower local independent repair businesses with the tools and parts they needed to thrive, all while keeping Galaxy devices running.

“Despite our best efforts, we have not been able to deliver on that promise.

“As we tried to build this ecosystem we consistently faced obstacles that made us doubt Samsung’s commitment to making repair more accessible. We couldn’t get parts to local repair shops at prices and quantities that made business sense. The part prices were so costly that many consumers opted to replace their devices rather than repair them. And the design of Samsung’s Galaxy devices remained frustratingly glued together, forcing us to sell batteries and screens in pre-glued bundles that increased the cost.”

Head goes on to say that Samsung relied on flashy press release, but provided little to no follow through.

“Despite skepticism from the repair community, we tried to work with Samsung to create repair documentation for a few initial devices,” Head added. “However, flashy press releases and ambitious initiatives don’t mean much without follow-through. We’ve been through this with Samsung before with Galaxy Upcycling, the amazing device reuse idea that we helped them announce. Then they ghosted us and never released it. We clearly didn’t learn our lesson the first time, and two years ago we let them convince us they were serious about embracing repair.”

Head also reassures users that iFixit will continue to support Samsung devices, just as it did before an official deal with the company.

“That said, Samsung phones clearly need repair,” Head explains. “No worries on that front: we will continue selling Samsung parts just as we have since 2015, well before our partnership. Although we won’t be making in-house Galaxy guides, we invite our community to keep sharing what you know about repairing Samsung devices. Anyone can make an iFixit guide—in fact, over half of our 100,000+ guides were not written by our in-house team. And for our repair shop customers, we’re no longer beholden to the miserly quantity limits you’ve been so frustrated by.”

The executive goes on to say that iFixit is determined not to let one bad apple spoil everything the company has worked for, which is why it’s ending its relationship with Samsung now.

YouTube Is Still Testing a Design Users Hate Thu, 23 May 2024 12:30:00 +0000 YouTube appears to be testing a design that users almost universally hate, with some saying it’s so bad it had to be designed by AI.

YouTube’s new deign first started showing up in mid-April, but the company assured disgruntled users that it was just testing the design, and quickly dropped it as a result of complaints. Much of the issue comes from the comments being moved up beside the video, rather than below it.

“There is no way a human could have thought this was a good idea….” wrote MisterMotion on Reddit.

Popular YouTuber Sully broke down exactly why the new layout is so bad.

Some users who have tweeted about the layout are receiving the standard YouTube response that it is simply conducting an “experiment.” Nonetheless, it’s a little concerning the company is continuing to experiment with a design that has been so universally panned.

Microsoft Edge for Business Adds Screenshot Blocking Thu, 23 May 2024 09:15:24 +0000 Microsoft is giving businesses another way to protect their IP, giving them the ability to block screenshots in Microsoft Edge for Business.

Screenshots can pose a major security risk, as they can be used to capture all types of information, including in mediums that are designed to be self-destructing, such as disappearing messages. Microsoft is giving businesses the ability to combat the issue with screenshot prevention.

Screenshot prevention: Data exfiltration in the browser is a major concern for organizations due to financial, reputational and operational impact. Edge for Business will support screenshot prevention policies set across Microsoft 365, Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, Microsoft Intune Mobile Application Management and Microsoft Purview. Screenshot prevention policies will secure against data exfiltration in the browser by blocking the ability to take screenshots on pages labeled as sensitive or protected. Screenshot prevention will be generally available in the coming months.

The new feature will be a welcome one for many businesses and help make Edge an appealing option in a corporate environment.

Oracle Adopts OpenTofu After Terraform’s License Change Wed, 22 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Oracle has announced it has adopted OpenTofu and is dropping support for Terraform in response to the latter’s licensing change.

HashiCorp surprised the open-source community when it announced it was changing Terraform’s license to the Business Source License. As a popular infrastructure-as-code DevOps solution, the licensing change had significant ramifications, leading The Linux Foundation to fork the project and create OpenTofu.

Oracle’s Terri Noyes, Product Management Director, outlined the change.

Our latest Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Cloud Manager update,, is now available.

In this release, we have updated the versions of key Cloud Manager technology stack components to maintain security standards and improve supportability.

In addition, we have switched from using the Terraform infrastructure as code tool to OpenTofu. Note that this does not impact Cloud Manager functionality.

We highly recommend that you uptake this new release of Cloud Manager at your earliest convenience.

Oracle’s adoption of OpenTofu is a major win for the fledgling project and a warning shot HashiCorp would do well to heed.

Cloudflare: Go’s PGO ‘Saved Several Servers Worth of CPU Time’ Wed, 22 May 2024 12:30:00 +0000 Cloudflare is touting Go’s Profile Guided Optimization (PGO), saying it saved the company significant CPU usage without changing any code.

PGO allows the Go compiler to optimize code based on system’s real-world behavior, essentially providing customized performance profiles. The feature is described as providing anywhere from a 2% to 14% performance improvement.

Cloudflare says an improvement of just a few points would result in significant benefit to the company and its customers.

In the Observability Team at Cloudflare, we maintain a few Go-based services that use thousands of cores worldwide, so even the 2-7% savings advertised would drastically reduce our CPU footprint, effectively for free. his would reduce the CPU usage for our internal services, freeing up those resources to serve customer requests, providing measurable improvements to our customer experience.

After experimenting with PGO on its Go-based servers, the company saw the results it was hoping for.

Following the release, we’re using ~97 cores fewer than before the release, a ~3.5% reduction. This seems to be inline with the upstream documentation that gives numbers between 2% and 14%.

The second number we can look at is the usage at the same time of day on different days of the week. The average usage for the 7 days prior to the release was 3067.83 cores, whereas the 7 days after the release were 2996.78, a savings of 71 CPUs. Not quite as good as our 97 CPU savings, but still pretty substantial!

This seems to prove the benefits of PGO – without changing the code at all, we managed to save ourselves several servers worth of CPU time.

Cloudflare’s results are a major endorsement of the value of PGO support in Go.

Legal Issues Facing Software and Hardware Tech Startups Mon, 20 May 2024 16:37:02 +0000 In many startups, the excitement of the founders often centers around innovative technology, fresh marketing tactics, or unique distribution strategies. It’s uncommon for a team of founders to show enthusiasm for pondering the potential legal pitfalls that could hinder their startup’s progress, unless one of the founders is a lawyer. However, for virtually every tech startup, a few crucial legal matters MUST be addressed from the outset. Neglecting these can jeopardize the future value of the company.

Innovation lies at the heart of what distinguishes most “tech” companies. However, if this innovation isn’t adequately safeguarded, a software or hardware startup might be unable to remain competitive in its selected market. 

Compared to well-established competitors, startups often face numerous significant challenges such as smaller size, lesser-known brand, weaker reputation, limited cash flow, and restricted distribution networks.

What can make the competition more equitable or even give startups an advantage? Their unique innovations, in whatever form they may take, need to be formally recognized and protected under Intellectual Property (IP) law.

The imperative to secure this innovation begins much earlier than many realize, occasionally even before the actual founding of the company. Founders need to consider common legal challenges that startups face as soon as possible, a step that is often missed. Check out this legal trends report for law firms to stay updated on current legal issues and challenges facing startups in the tech industry.

Contractual Issues

Startups frequently depend on contracts to build relationships with their clients, associates, and suppliers. These agreements typically encompass payments, guarantees, liability, and intellectual property ownership clauses. Hence, startups must confirm that their contracts are legally valid and defend their interests.

For instance, a startup collaborating with an external vendor for product development will likely need to execute a contract. This agreement should clearly state who owns the intellectual property generated during the partnership and outline how payments will be handled.

Missing Employment Records

Numerous tech startups treat employment documentation as an inconsequential formality, often overlooking its significance. This negligence can lead to various unexpected issues that may tarnish your business’s image and negatively affect your reputation.

With the right employment documents in place, terminating an employee who violates your company’s policies becomes straightforward, with little room for them to challenge the decision. However, lacking these documents could twist the narrative, casting you as the wrongdoer instead of the employee, potentially subjecting you to questioning or investigation.

In attempts to cut costs, startups frequently recruit legal representatives with limited experience, such as acquaintances or those offering substantial discounts. This choice prevents founders from accessing the seasoned legal guidance necessary to circumvent numerous potential legal issues. Founders should interview a variety of lawyers or law practices, assessing their proficiency in any or several of the areas below:

  • Real estate law
  • Tax law
  • Employment law
  • Executive compensation and benefits law
  • Intellectual property law
  • Corporate, commercial, and securities law
  • Contract law
  • Franchise law
  • Data privacy and cybersecurity law

While it’s not mandatory for the chosen legal professional or team to specialize in all these fields, as specific concerns can be allocated to external specialists, it’s typically beneficial for founders to partner with a practice that covers a wide range of these legal areas.


Legal hurdles are a natural aspect of launching a tech business. By recognizing and tackling these issues, new companies can safeguard their interests and avoid expensive legal conflicts. Startups should seek advice from legal experts to devise an all-encompassing legal plan tailored to their unique legal concerns.

Fortran On the Rise: Programming Language Cracks Top 10 Mon, 20 May 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Fortran is one of the oldest programming languages still in use, is experiencing a resurgence that is sees it break TIOBE Index’s top 10.

Fortran was developed at IBM and first released in 1957. While many other languages have come and gone, Fortran has shown remarkable staying power and has been growing in popularity in recent years. In fact, the language is now enjoying the most popularity it has seen since 2002, breaking into the top 10 programming languages.

Fortran – Credit TIOBE

The language has been a staple in scientific computing and engineering, something that has helped contribute to its recent rise, according Paul Jansen, CEO TIOBE Software.

“The main reason for Fortran’s resurrection is the growing importance of numerical/mathematical computing. Despite lots of competitors in this field, Fortran has its reason for existence,” said Jansen. “Let’s briefly check the competition out. Python: choice number one, but slow, MATLAB: very easy to use for mathematical computation but it comes with expensive licenses, C/C++: mainstream and fast, but they have no native mathematical computation support, R: very similar to Python, but less popular and slow, Julia: the rising new kid on the block, but not mature yet. And in this jungle of languages, Fortran appears to be fast, having native mathematical computation support, mature, and free of charge. Silently, slowly but surely, Fortran gains ground. It is surprising but undeniable.”

Interestingly, Fortran is outpacing much new, trendier languages.

There are for instance more than 1,000 hits for “Fortran programming” on Amazon, which is the leading company in books. New cool languages such as Kotlin and Rust, barely hit 300 books for the same search query. So, what is going on? First of all, the Fortran language is still evolving since its inception in 1957. Less than half a year ago, the new ISO Fortran 2023 definition was published.

Fortran’s staying power is a good example of how programmers can make a good living by understanding the market and focusing on a particular field or niche.

Google I/O 2024: Employee Hackathon Spurs Gemini Innovation Fri, 17 May 2024 11:37:02 +0000 MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — In a marked departure from previous years, Google I/O 2024 had the atmosphere of a full-fledged developer conference. It spanned two days and culminated in an exclusive third day dedicated to an internal “Demo Slam” event for Google employees. This unique day saw the announcement of an internal Gemini hackathon to foster AI innovation within the company.

A Three-Day Developer Extravaganza

The evolution of Google I/O over the past few years has been notable. The event was canceled in 2020, and the 2021 edition was a modest affair, streamed to a limited live audience in Mountain View. In 2022 and 2023, attendees were invited for just one day. This year, however, marked a significant shift. After the keynote, Google hosted live sessions for in-person attendees and organized after-hour social events, creating a vibrant atmosphere of collaboration and learning.

Exclusive Programming for Googlers

While the pre-recorded live sessions released on YouTube gave the impression of a three-day event, there was another day of programming exclusively for Googlers at the Shoreline Amphitheatre. CEO Sundar Pichai, who hosted the event, revealed in an internal email that thousands of Googlers attended, with many more streaming it internally. Pichai shared images on LinkedIn, capturing the excitement and engagement of the event.

Android engineering VP Dave Burke and teams from Google DeepMind, Search, and Labs demonstrated the innovations announced earlier in the week. Project Astra, a conference highlight, was showcased again, with some announcements made available to employees for internal testing.

Announcing the Gemini Hackathon

The highlight of the Demo Slam was Pichai’s announcement of an internal hackathon encouraging Google employees to experiment with Gemini, Google’s AI project. This initiative aims to foster AI experimentation and could potentially lead to new product developments. Googlers are encouraged to form teams and collaborate, with Google executives selecting finalists to present at a company-wide meeting. The hackathon also offers a monetary prize for the winning teams.

Pichai emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating, “We want to create more opportunities for us to come together as a company in the spirit of innovation and problem-solving, focused on our biggest opportunities like AI.”

A Spirit of Innovation

The Gemini hackathon is designed to ignite a spirit of innovation and problem-solving among Google’s workforce. By encouraging employees to collaborate and experiment, Google aims to leverage its internal talent to push the boundaries of AI technology. This hackathon reflects Google’s broader strategy to integrate AI into its products and services, ensuring the company remains at the forefront of technological innovation.

As Pichai noted, “Our goal is to harness the collective creativity and expertise of our employees to drive the next wave of AI advancements. The Gemini hackathon is a key step in that direction, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration.”

Google I/O 2024 has set a new standard for developer conferences, blending public engagement with exclusive internal initiatives. The introduction of the Gemini hackathon underscores Google’s commitment to AI and its belief in the power of its employees to shape the future of technology. As the hackathon progresses, the tech world will be watching to see what groundbreaking innovations emerge from this exciting initiative.

Winamp Music Player Is Opening Its Source Code Fri, 17 May 2024 11:00:00 +0000 The developers of Winamp, the popular music player for Windows, have announced they are opening up the application’s source code later this year.

Winamp is one of the most well-known music players for Windows, and has been around for nearly three decades. The developers are ready to take the app to the next level, leveraging the community of users to help develop it moving forward.

The devs made the announcement in a post on their site:

Winamp has announced that on 24 September 2024, the application’s source code will be open to developers worldwide.

Winamp will open up its code for the player used on Windows, enabling the entire community to participate in its development. This is an invitation to global collaboration, where developers worldwide can contribute their expertise, ideas, and passion to help this iconic software evolve.

“This is a decision that will delight millions of users around the world. Our focus will be on new mobile players and other platforms. We will be releasing a new mobile player at the beginning of July. Still, we don’t want to forget the tens of millions of users who use the software on Windows and will benefit from thousands of developers’ experience and creativity. Winamp will remain the owner of the software and will decide on the innovations made in the official version,” explains Alexandre Saboundjian, CEO of Winamp.

Developers interested in contributing can sign up here:

Red Had Unveils RHEL AI: ‘The Open Source Way of Doing AI’ Fri, 17 May 2024 04:35:00 +0000 Red Hat has announced a developer preview version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI (RHEL AI), becoming one of the first Linux distros to embrace AI.

AI is a controversial topic within the Linux community, with some using the open source OS specifically to avoid using things like AI. Despite the controversy, Red Hat appears to be throwing its support behind the burgeoning tech, rolling out a version of RHEL specifically designed “to seamlessly develop, test and run best-of-breed, open source Granite generative AI models to power enterprise applications.”

The main objective of RHEL AI and the InstructLab project is to empower domain experts to contribute directly to Large Language Models with knowledge and skills. This allows domain experts to more efficiently build AI-infused applications (such as chatbots).

Red Hat hopes to challenge the status quo, in which many of the Large Language Models (LLMs) are based on heavily patented, closed source licenses. In addition, training LLMs can be expensive and often does not prioritize privacy, confidentiality, or data sovereignty.

Red Hat (together with IBM and the open source community) proposes to change that. We propose to introduce the familiar open source contributor workflow and associated concepts like permissive licensing (e.g. Apache2) to models and the tools for open collaboration that enable a community of users to create and add contributions to LLMs. This will also empower an ecosystem of partners to deliver offerings and value to enable extensions and the incorporation of protected information by enterprises.

Those interested in Red Hat’s approach to AI can learn more here and join the open source community and start contributing here.

GPT-4o vs. GPT-4: The Battle of AI Titans Wed, 15 May 2024 19:18:45 +0000 In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. The YouTube channel Skill Leap AI, led by CEO Saj Adibs, recently embarked on an ambitious project to compare OpenAI’s latest model, GPT-4o, with its predecessor, GPT-4. The new model, GPT-4o, has been making waves with claims of superior performance, and this head-to-head test aims to see if it truly lives up to the hype. With detailed testing across various tasks, Skill Leap AI provides invaluable insights for AI enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Text Summarization: A Test of Precision and Clarity

The first test focused on text summarization, a critical function for many AI applications. The models were tasked with summarizing a lengthy article into both a short, 2-3 sentence summary and a more detailed 5-6 sentence version. GPT-4o delivered summaries that were not only concise but also clear and well-structured. In contrast, GPT-4, while accurate, tended to adopt a more promotional tone, which was less suited for a neutral summary.

“GPT-4o’s tone was impressive,” remarked Adibs. “It managed to capture the essence of the content without sounding like an advertisement, which is exactly what we were looking for.”

In practical terms, GPT-4o can provide users with concise and informative summaries suitable for various applications, from academic research to business reports. The ability to distill complex information into clear, concise summaries can significantly enhance productivity and comprehension, making it easier for users to quickly digest large volumes of information.

Moreover, GPT-4o’s enhanced summarization capabilities suggest improvements in areas such as customer service, where quick and accurate information retrieval is essential. By providing more precise and contextually appropriate summaries, GPT-4o can help businesses improve their response times and overall customer satisfaction.

Concise Product Description: Marketing Prowess

Creating a compelling product description is essential for capturing the attention of potential customers. In this test, GPT-4o was tasked with writing a concise, punchy product description for a hypothetical software tool that tracks social media analytics. The model’s output was impressive, delivering a dynamic and engaging description that effectively highlighted the key benefits of the software. This capability is crucial for marketers who must craft messages that resonate quickly and powerfully with their audience.

GPT-4o’s ability to generate high-quality marketing content demonstrates its advanced natural language processing skills. It not only understands the product’s core features but also conveys its value proposition in an attractive and persuasive way. Adibs commented, “The precision and flair with which GPT-4o crafts product descriptions show its potential to revolutionize marketing communications. Businesses can leverage this to create impactful, concise content that drives engagement and conversions.”

Moreover, the practical implications of GPT-4o’s prowess in marketing extend beyond mere product descriptions. This model can be utilized for various marketing materials, including social media posts, email campaigns, and even advertisement copy. Its ability to maintain a consistent tone and deliver clear, compelling messages can help businesses streamline their marketing efforts, ensuring that their communications are both effective and efficient. By automating these aspects, companies can focus more on strategy and creativity, leveraging AI to handle the repetitive and time-consuming task of content creation.

Multimodal Understanding: Integrating Visual Data

Comprehending and analyzing visual data is a significant leap forward in AI capabilities. GPT-4o’s performance in the multimodal understanding test showcased its prowess in this area. When tasked with analyzing an image and explaining it in a table format, GPT-4o demonstrated a remarkable ability to interpret and structure visual information accurately. This feature is especially beneficial for applications requiring textual and visual data integration, such as medical imaging, autonomous vehicles, and advanced data analysis.

GPT-4o’s multimodal capabilities extend beyond simple image recognition. It can understand complex visual contexts and generate detailed, structured outputs that are easy to interpret. Saj Adibs, CEO of Skill Leap AI, highlighted the importance of this feature: “The integration of visual and textual data is crucial for developing more sophisticated AI applications. GPT-4o’s ability to seamlessly handle both types of information opens up new possibilities for innovation in various industries.”

These advancements in multimodal understanding enhance the AI’s utility in professional settings and make it more accessible for everyday use. For instance, users can employ GPT-4o to analyze charts, graphs, and other visual aids, providing clear, concise summaries that enhance comprehension and decision-making. This capability is particularly valuable in educational tools, where AI can assist students in understanding complex visual materials, enhancing their learning experience. As AI continues to evolve, integrating multimodal understanding will play a pivotal role in expanding its applications and improving its effectiveness.

Image Generation: Creativity Unleashed

Image generation has become a hallmark of advanced AI capabilities, and GPT-4o demonstrates significant advancements in this realm. In the head-to-head comparison, GPT-4o produced a compelling and visually detailed image of two AI robots in battle. The level of detail, composition, and creativity surpassed that of GPT-4, showcasing the new model’s ability to generate high-quality visual content from textual prompts. This enhancement is a testament to the model’s improved algorithms and its ability to interpret and visualize complex ideas creatively.

Saj Adibs, CEO of Skill Leap AI, emphasized the potential applications of this feature: “The advancements in image generation by GPT-4o open up new frontiers for creative industries. From digital art to marketing campaigns, the ability to generate high-quality, customized images on demand will revolutionize how businesses approach visual content creation.” The ability to quickly generate detailed and aesthetically pleasing images can save businesses significant time and resources, allowing them to focus more on strategy and less on production.

Moreover, the implications for education and training are profound. Teachers and trainers can use GPT-4o to create illustrative content that enhances learning experiences, making complex subjects more accessible and engaging. For example, medical students can benefit from AI-generated diagrams and simulations, while history students might explore detailed reconstructions of historical events. As AI image generation continues to evolve, it promises to unleash unprecedented levels of creativity and efficiency across various fields, solidifying its role as an indispensable tool in the digital age.

Research Capabilities: In-Depth and Accurate

The research capabilities of AI models have always been a significant point of comparison, and GPT-4o stands out with its enhanced performance. In the head-to-head test, GPT-4o demonstrated a remarkable ability to conduct in-depth research, identifying specific use cases, potential benefits, and challenges of AI in the accounting industry. The model provided comprehensive information and included relevant links to articles and reports, ensuring users could delve deeper into the topics if needed.

Saj Adibs, CEO of Skill Leap AI, highlighted the importance of this feature: “GPT-4o’s research capabilities mark a significant advancement in AI technology. The ability to quickly gather, synthesize, and present detailed information from various sources is invaluable for professionals across industries. It transforms how we approach problem-solving and decision-making.” This feature is particularly beneficial for fields that require extensive research, such as academia, legal, and medical professions, where accuracy and depth of information are crucial.

Additionally, GPT-4o’s ability to provide contextually relevant and well-structured information enhances its utility for everyday users. Whether it’s students conducting research for their assignments or business professionals preparing reports, the model’s ability to deliver precise and detailed information expedites the research process and ensures high-quality outputs. As AI continues to evolve, these research capabilities will likely become even more refined, further solidifying the role of AI as a critical tool for knowledge acquisition and dissemination.

Code Generation: Practical Application

One of the most practical applications of AI models is their ability to generate and debug code. In comparing GPT-4 and GPT-4o, the latter demonstrated a clear edge in this domain. When tasked with generating Python code for a simple snake game, GPT-4o produced functional code and offered a more interactive and user-friendly version of the game. The code included features such as dynamic speed adjustments and a scoring system, making the game more engaging for users.

Saj Adibs, CEO of Skill Leap AI, emphasized the significance of this capability: “The ability of GPT-4o to generate high-quality, functional code is a game-changer for developers. It accelerates the development process and ensures that the code is robust and optimized.” This capability is particularly beneficial for developers working under tight deadlines or needing to quickly prototype and test new ideas. The practical application of AI in code generation extends beyond simple tasks, with potential use cases in complex software development, debugging, and even automating routine coding tasks.

Moreover, GPT-4o’s step-by-step guidance on running the generated code is invaluable for beginners who may not have extensive programming knowledge. This feature lowers the barrier to entry for learning programming, making it accessible to a broader audience. By simplifying the process and providing clear instructions, GPT-4o empowers users to confidently tackle more complex projects. As AI continues to integrate into the software development lifecycle, its ability to generate and refine code will undoubtedly transform the industry, making it more efficient and innovative.

Conclusion: Is GPT-4o the Future?

The head-to-head comparison between GPT-4 and GPT-4o reveals that the latter has made significant strides in various AI functionalities, from text summarization and product descriptions to multimodal understanding and code generation. GPT-4o consistently demonstrated superior performance in these tasks, showcasing its enhanced capabilities and practical applications. The advancements in GPT-4o highlight OpenAI’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve, offering users a more robust and versatile tool.

Saj Adibs, CEO of Skill Leap AI, summed up the implications of these advancements: “GPT-4o represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of AI. Its ability to perform complex tasks with greater accuracy and efficiency is a testament to our rapid progress in this field. This model not only meets the demands of today’s users but also paves the way for future innovations.” The improved performance of GPT-4o suggests that AI will continue to play an increasingly integral role in various industries, driving innovation and efficiency.

However, as impressive as GPT-4o is, it also raises questions about the future of AI development and the potential challenges that come with it. Ethical considerations, data privacy, and the impact on employment must be carefully navigated. The AI community must address these concerns to ensure that the benefits of AI advancements are maximized while minimizing potential risks. As we look ahead, GPT-4o stands as a beacon of what is possible, but it also serves as a reminder of the responsibilities of such powerful technology.

Adibs concluded, “The future of AI looks promising with advancements like GPT-4o. It’s an exciting time for the industry, and we look forward to seeing how these tools will continue to evolve and impact our world.”

LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome Extension: How to Ensure Inclusive Web Experiences? Wed, 15 May 2024 09:13:42 +0000 The World Health Organization (WHO) mentions that 1 in 6 people have disabilities, and they are an inclusive part of the vibrant community that uses the Internet globally. This number can be as high as 75% in countries like America. 

Such statistics make us believe that if so many people have trouble navigating through a website, many more developers and testers would have made their web applications compatible. Unfortunately, this is not the case. 96% of the top 1 million web pages still had accessibility issues in 2023. However, things are changing for good. 

Today, people with disabilities take responsibility for filing lawsuits against websites that are not accessible (including the infamous Dominos case). This shift has made developers and testers move towards accessibility, which usually means modifying their existing pages according to WCAG accessibility principles

Whatever the cases be, LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension can prove to be a game changer in this process reducing the time of debugging and modification for accessibility issues and bringing quality to the web application. 

But how do we achieve that? Let’s understand the problem first.

What is Web Accessibility?

The Internet was built to remove the communication barrier between everyone. Anyone can communicate with anyone without any discrimination. This includes people with disabilities of all kinds, including sight, hearing, neurological, speech, or physical. However, the definition of web accessibility goes beyond disability.

Accessibility is not just being “accessible” to people with disability but also to people of various ages and groups and those viewing the web in different conditions. For instance, someone walking on a bright sunny day, someone walking in a location with poor network reception, or someone who is a senior citizen should be able to access and preferably have the same experience navigating through the website.

Is Web Accessibility That Important?

The short answer to this question is “Yes, extremely important.” There are many reasons to support this argument:

  • Accessibility is a human right: Access to the web and the Internet is a basic human right declared by the United Nations Convention and a fundamental right in many countries protected by law.
  • Provides equal opportunities: If your website is web accessible, there is always a feeling of providing equal opportunities to everyone regardless of their condition. This becomes even more important when we see that 21% of undergraduate students have reported disabilities. 
  • Widens the audience: A web-accessible website will have a broader audience, eventually reflected in revenue numbers.
  • Provides enhanced user experience: Since the website is web-accessible, the user can navigate through it in various conditions, enhancing the user experience and bringing user satisfaction.
  • Promotes social inclusion: A web-accessible website is socially significant as it can reach people in underprivileged areas, including rural areas of a country where a significant portion of the people cannot read English.
  • Generates higher revenue: Talking purely on economic grounds, a web-accessible website will have the potential to cater to a larger audience than a website that is not accessible. This will eventually generate higher revenue and build trust among the audience so they return frequently.

The summary of the importance of a web-accessible website reflects on social responsibilities and the provision of equal opportunities to all. If our website can be a medium for that, our small contribution can also help others in the transformation.

Ensuring Web Accessibility With LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome Extension

Considering the importance of web accessibility and facilitating its inclusion in applications, many tools have made their way on the internet, ready to be installed and contributing to the process. 

One such endeavor has been the LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension, a tool for accessibility testing on Chrome that can be downloaded and added to Chromium-based browsers like Brave and Google Chrome. The main motive of this extension is to evaluate the website for accessibility issues and point them out to the developers and testers for quick resolution. 

LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension can be downloaded from the Chrome Store and boasts the following features:

  • Full page scan: The Chrome extension can scan the entire page and detect accessibility issues.
  • Partial page scan: A full page scan may not always be required. For such scenarios, the testers can select the area on the page to initiate a partial scan instead. 
  • Multi-page scan: An advanced version of a full-page scan is a multi-page scan where multiple pages can be fed to the extensions, and a collective report can be fetched for all of them, pointing out their accessibility issues.
  • Workflow scans: The workflow scan will check the accessibility issues across the user actions and page redirections.
  • Integrated dashboard: The extension provides an integrated dashboard into the LambdaTest platform where all issues can be reported, tracked, and analyzed in a single place.
  • Enhances quality and user satisfaction: When used in web app development and testing, LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension enhances the website’s quality and user satisfaction with an accessible and inclusive website.
  • Free to use: The extension is free for everyone, so no small business, individual developer, or enterprise should lose the opportunity to make an inclusive and accessible website.

Naturally, having all these features attached to the browser where the website will eventually run will give confidence to the developers before their release and help their already published website to be converted to an accessible one quickly.

How to Use LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome Extension?

LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension can be downloaded similarly to other extensions. To do this, follow the below steps:

  1. Visit the Chrome Webstore page where the extension is hosted. 
  1. Next, select Add to Chrome on the page.

This will add the extension to the browser. This step will be similar in other Chromium browsers, such as Brave.

  1. Select Add extension in the prompt.

Once the extension is downloaded, installed, and added to the browser, you will be notified by the prompt:

The installation can also be confirmed by navigating through the Extensions on the browsers and finding the tool in the list of installed extensions. 

LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension works in the Web Inspector section. Therefore, the developer or the tester must navigate to the web inspector panel by right-clicking->Inspect after opening the website. For this demonstration, we are using the Wikipedia website, as it is most commonly used throughout the globe.

On Wikipedia, open any page. For instance, here is the link to John Dalton’s page. 

  1. Right-click on this page and select inspect.
  1. Select Accessibility DevTools from the top navigation list.
  1. Dock the toolbar to the bottom for the best experience, if not already. The extension’s main page will appear at the bottom in full view:
  1. Login to your LambdaTest account using the Login button. Once done, click Full Page Scan to scan the complete page for accessibility issues. The results will appear soon after the scan:

The result shows 182 issues on the page, out of which 12 are critical. The right screen also displays the issues listed with a summary. For instance, the first issue is “Images must have alternate text 12,” meaning that 12 images do not have alternate texts. This issue is critical as images must have alternate texts per WCAG guidelines. 

  1. Click on the issue to find its detailed summary:

The right section also shows the How to fix section, which will chalk out the steps to fix the issue:

This would be of extreme help as the developers need not navigate or Google out the resolution of the issue, but they can quickly fix it to make the page accessible.

What we did here is considered a test execution. Naturally, a tester will scan a page in multiple ways multiple times in a single sitting. Later on, they will want to analyze their execution patterns, results, and the progress they made in the accessibility journey. For this, LambdaTest saves all the test executions in your account, which you or your teammates can view at any point in the future.

Returning to the extension’s home screen, you will notice that the Login button has changed to Dashboard here. 

  1. Click on the Dashboard, and the tests conducted in the previous section will be visible on the platform:

These tests will be automatically saved to your account without any explicit action being taken. Hence, they will be seen when we click Saved Tests from the extension’s home screen. 

Notice the three options are available at the right end of each test denoting three options:

  • Share the tests with other team members.
  • Download the test as CSV, PDF, or JSON, which can be input to other tools.
  • More options to Rename or Delete the tests.

As one can see, the LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension provides a complete solution to the tester. Testers must select one option; a single click can perform all the actions.

Tips To Create a Web-Accessible Website

While everything LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension points out should be corrected for web accessibility, we should also do our part and eliminate such issues in the development phase. For this, there are a few tips to consider:

  • Alt text: The alternate text attached to images helps screen readers easily assess the image reference and read it to the users facing challenges.
  • Contrasting colors: Color theory plays a big part in web design. One of the elements that hurts web accessibility the most is using contrasting colors, which makes it harder to focus on a single element, especially those that are either out in the sun or have visual challenges. 
  • Ambiguous link text: A lot of the websites use ambiguous link texts like “click here”, “this link”, “the link”, etc. While it may not challenge a normal user, it will confuse a visually challenged person when the screen reader reads “this link” without context.
  • Making use of correct typography: The typography of the web app includes using a normal-sized font that is readable by all the users and a font type that does not confuse the letters among themselves. It enhances readability for people with disabilities as well as normal users.
  • Make use of text with images: A web page with just images will not be of much use to someone who faces challenges in viewing the images. Reading out alt text will also not make much sense in this case. Hence, a web developer should use images and text to serve their audience.
  • Transcript in audio/video: For the same reasons described above, it is also important that audio/video files are not challenging to people with visual and auditory challenges. A transcript will help them understand the file much better.
  • Perform cross-browser testing: To reach out to the audience working on multiple devices, it is important to conduct browser testing and ensure that the website is presented as intended on all devices.

If these tips are followed, we can significantly improve the critical issues post-production and reduce the additional work we would have to do later.


Web accessibility is not an optional element of a website. While some countries have it protected under law, it is a matter of social responsibility and providing an inclusive environment to everyone for which the internet was originally invented. Any person with any disability should be able to operate and navigate the website easily. However, the list of accessibility checkpoints is large, so developers and testers often need a helping hand to point out these issues. Thankfully, LambdaTest has developed one such free tool to do this task with a single click.

LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension is a Chromium-based browser that can scan the complete page and list accessibility issues within a minute. It also provides an option to scan multiple pages and workflows for a complete scrutiny of the application. These tests can be saved and analyzed later on a single dashboard screen. Such tools are a blessing for developers, testers, and people who face various challenges across the web. Using such tools helps social upliftment, and until the rules become stricter, we can be happy that we have been doing our part for a long time.

Apple & Google Develop Method to Detect Unwanted Bluetooth Trackers Tue, 14 May 2024 11:30:00 +0000 Apple and Google have developed a specification to help users detect unwanted Bluetooth trackers, a growing problem for individuals and law enforcement alike.

Apple unveiled AirTag in early 2021 as a way for users to easily keep track of items that are easily lost. Unfortunately, the devices quickly “the weapon of choice of stalkers and abusers” who used them to track their victims. A lawsuit filed in late 2022 described the extent of the issue:

One of the products that has revolutionized the scope, breadth, and ease of location-based stalking is the Apple AirTag. Introduced in April 2021, this device is roughly the size of a quarter, and its sole purpose is to transmit its location to its owner.

What separates the AirTag from any competitor product is its unparalleled accuracy, ease of use (it fits seamlessly into Apple’s existing suite of products), and affordability. With a price point of just $29, it has become the weapon of choice of stalkers and abusers.

With Google unveiling its own network designed to rival Apple’s Find My capabilities, the two companies have been working together to make it easy for users to know when they are being tracked against their will. Apple outlined the new feature in a post on its site:

Apple and Google have worked together to create an industry specification — Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers — for Bluetooth tracking devices that makes it possible to alert users across both iOS and Android if such a device is unknowingly being used to track them. This will help mitigate the misuse of devices designed to help keep track of belongings. Today Apple is implementing this capability in iOS 17.5, and Google is now launching this capability on Android 6.0+ devices.

With this new capability, users will now get an “[Item] Found Moving With You” alert on their device if an unknown Bluetooth tracking device is seen moving with them over time, regardless of the platform the device is paired with.

If a user gets such an alert on their iOS device, it means that someone else’s AirTag, Find My accessory, or other industry specification-compatible Bluetooth tracker is moving with them. It’s possible the tracker is attached to an item the user is borrowing, but if not, iPhone can view the tracker’s identifier, have the tracker play a sound to help locate it, and access instructions to disable it. Bluetooth tag manufacturers including Chipolo, eufy, Jio, Motorola, and Pebblebee have committed that future tags will be compatible.

While competing companies within the tech industry don’t always work well together, it’s good to see Apple and Google cooperating on such an important issue.

Google Messages Is Getting a Major New Feature Tue, 14 May 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Google is adding a major new feature to Google Messages, giving users the ability to edit texts that have been sent.

Other messaging platform, such as Signal and WhatsApp, already provide the ability edit sent messages. Google has been expanding Messages’ feature set, with the latest addition being message editing. The news was spotted by Jhow_kira in a post on X.

As Jhow_kira points out, Messages will only allow users to edit a text up to 15 minutes after it was sent. Nonetheless, the feature brings Messages one step closer to full parity with other messaging platforms.

OpenAI Unveils First-Party ChatGPT Desktop App: Exclusively on macOS for Now Mon, 13 May 2024 20:10:36 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO — OpenAI has taken a significant step forward in making its advanced AI technology more accessible with the introduction of the first-party ChatGPT desktop app, exclusively available on macOS for now. Announced during the OpenAI Spring Update livestream on May 13, 2024, this new desktop app is designed to streamline the user experience, integrating seamlessly into everyday workflows.

Mira Murati, OpenAI’s Chief Technology Officer, led the presentation, highlighting the importance of this new development. “Our mission is to democratize AI, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their economic status, has access to our most advanced models. The introduction of the desktop app is a monumental step in that direction,” Murati said.

A Seamless Desktop Experience

The new ChatGPT desktop app is designed to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience. It can be opened quickly with a keyboard shortcut, allowing users to ask ChatGPT questions without disrupting their workflow. The app opens in a window on the screen and can interact with users based on what’s displayed, offering capabilities like screenshot analysis and contextual discussions. This level of integration makes it a powerful tool for professionals who rely on AI assistance for coding, research, and other tasks.

Murati emphasized, “We have overhauled the user interface to make the experience more intuitive and seamless, allowing users to focus on collaboration rather than navigating complex interfaces. This new app aims to enhance productivity and efficiency, particularly for those who use ChatGPT for complex tasks like coding and data analysis.”

Exclusive Mac Features

The new desktop app’s initial release on macOS highlights OpenAI’s commitment to providing high-quality, platform-specific experiences. Mac users will benefit from unique features that leverage the macOS environment, including optimized performance and integration with Mac-specific functionalities. “We’re excited to offer Mac users a first-class experience with the ChatGPT desktop app, taking full advantage of the macOS ecosystem,” Murati said.

The app was announced in tandem with the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI’s latest model, which integrates text, speech, and vision capabilities. Once GPT-4o is fully rolled out, users will be able to use Voice Mode in the desktop app to have conversations with ChatGPT. This feature was demonstrated during the livestream using coding examples, showcasing the model’s ability to handle real-time conversational speech, interruptions, and contextual shifts. “The integration of multimodal functions makes GPT-4o a versatile tool that can adapt to a wide range of scenarios and needs,” Murati noted.

Enhanced Accessibility

The new desktop app marks a significant improvement in accessibility for ChatGPT. Previously, users could only access ChatGPT through third-party apps and browser extensions. With this first-party app, OpenAI ensures a more reliable and integrated experience. Both free and paid users will have access to the app, which is available starting today for Plus users and will roll out to free users in the coming weeks. OpenAI also announced plans to launch a Windows version of the app later this year, although specific dates have not been provided.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, commented, “We are thrilled to bring the power of ChatGPT to the desktop. This app will make it easier for users to integrate AI into their daily routines, whether they’re coding, conducting research, or just seeking information.”

Impact on Professional and Personal Use

The introduction of the ChatGPT desktop app is poised to have a significant impact on both professional and personal use cases. For professionals, particularly those in tech and creative industries, the app provides an invaluable tool for enhancing productivity and innovation. Developers, for example, can use the app to get real-time coding assistance, troubleshoot errors, and receive detailed explanations of complex concepts. The ability to interact with ChatGPT through voice commands further enhances the convenience and utility of the app.

In personal use, the app’s capabilities extend to a variety of tasks, from learning new languages to getting help with homework. The ease of access and intuitive interface make it a useful tool for students, educators, and hobbyists alike. “Our goal is to make AI accessible to all, enabling everyone to benefit from its potential,” Murati emphasized.

Future Developments

Looking ahead, OpenAI is committed to continuously improving the ChatGPT desktop app and expanding its capabilities. Future updates are expected to enhance the integration of multimodal functions, making the app even more powerful and versatile. OpenAI’s ongoing research and development efforts will ensure that the app stays at the forefront of AI technology, providing users with the most advanced tools available.

Murati highlighted OpenAI’s dedication to ethical AI development: “Safety and security will remain top priorities. We collaborate with various stakeholders, including academic institutions, policymakers, and civil society organizations, to develop robust safety protocols and ensure responsible use of our technology. Ethics and responsibility are at the core of our mission.”

A Step Towards the Future

The launch of the first-party ChatGPT desktop app represents a significant milestone in OpenAI’s mission to democratize AI. By providing a seamless, integrated experience that leverages the advanced capabilities of GPT-4o, OpenAI is setting a new standard for AI interaction. As the app becomes more widely adopted, its influence will undoubtedly grow, shaping the future of AI and its role in society. With OpenAI at the helm, the potential for AI to drive positive change and innovation is immense.

In summary, the new ChatGPT desktop app is a game-changer, offering enhanced accessibility, multimodal capabilities, and a user-friendly interface. It reflects OpenAI’s vision for a more inclusive and powerful AI future, ensuring that advanced technology is within reach for everyone. As the technology continues to evolve, the ChatGPT desktop app is set to become an indispensable tool for both personal and professional use, transforming how we work, learn, and interact with AI.
