PodcastingPro https://www.webpronews.com/advertising/podcastingpro/ Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Fri, 12 Apr 2024 01:40:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/www.webpronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-wpn_siteidentity-7.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 PodcastingPro https://www.webpronews.com/advertising/podcastingpro/ 32 32 138578674 Google Podcast Users Are Unhappy With Move to YouTube Music https://www.webpronews.com/google-podcast-users-are-unhappy-with-move-to-youtube-music/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 01:38:26 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=603146 Google is receiving pushback from users regarding its decision to kill of Google Podcast, with users unhappy with YouTube Music as a replacement.

Google killed off Podcasts, as of April 2024. The company has given users through July 2024 to migrate their subscriptions to YouTube Music. Unfortunately for users, however, YouTube Music is not as full-featured or capable as the service it replaces.

Emma, with the YouTube Music team, took to Reddit to promise a number of coming improvements:

Hi! I’m Emma and I work at YouTube Music, with a focus on podcasts. I know a lot of the conversations here are music focused, but I’ve seen a lot of discussion about podcasts on YouTube Music, too. I want to make sure you know that we see your feedback and we’re doing a lot on the podcasts front –

  • you can now sort a podcast’s episodes from newest to oldest, oldest to newest, most popular, or default (the order set by the creator)
  • if you’re a listener outside of the United States with podcasts in your Library, you’ll see podcasts on your Home screen, including a new “Recommended shows” shelf (this is already available to US users)
  • improved search results now make it easier to find YouTube podcasts you love

This is only the beginning, and the Podcasts team is working on a lot more improvements! Let me know if you’d like more podcast updates here.

Despite the assurances, users were quick to point out their disappointment with the state of things. A user called lukeanstee wrote the following:

Hate to say it; but killing Google podcasts to integrate into YouTube Music, a service that has been fundamentally broken since it replaced Google Music (which was near perfect). Is one of the most misguided decisions I’m am aware of from Google.

I appreciate trying to do what Spotify does, but let’s get the fundamentals right first, surely!!

User cautionbug said this was par for the course for Google:

Don’t hate to say it. Shout it from the rooftops. Google keeps announcing stuff it’s killing off and IF there’s a replacement planned, the replacement is never ready with the same features or polish of the original. It’s tiresome.

As we pointed out in our coverage of Podcasts’ death, Google has a long history of killing off its products, leaving users in a lurch. The company has severe commitment issues, flitting from one idea to another, with little to no long-term commitment.

Until Google shows it is willing to stick with products and not abandon its users, people would do well to avoid its services.

Google Podcasts Join the Long List of Killed Google Products https://www.webpronews.com/google-podcasts-join-the-long-list-of-killed-google-products/ Fri, 05 Apr 2024 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=602834 Google has killed off another product, with its Google Podcasts no longer working as of April 2024.

Google has a long history of killing off its products, with the number sitting at a whopping 294, according to the Killed by Google website. Google Podcasts is one of the latest entries in that long list.

The company announced the update in a YouTube Music support document:

You will be able to use Google Podcasts through March 2024. If you wish to save your Google Podcast subscriptions, use one of the methods below through July 2024.

In the blog post from September of 2023, in which the company announced its plans to discontinue Podcasts, Google made clear it wanted to consolidate its efforts and make YouTube Music the main destination for both music and podcasts.

We’re living in the golden age of podcasts. We’ve seen creators and artists really embrace Podcasts on YouTube, and its incredible potential to boost audience growth across audio and video formats. That’s why, earlier this year, we launched the ability to watch and listen to podcasts on YouTube Music in the US, without requiring a paid membership. Podcasts on YouTube Music in the US already include access to downloads, background play in places like the car and on smart speakers as well as the ability to switch between audio and video podcasts. We plan to make Podcasts on YouTube Music globally available before the end of the year.

Looking forward to 2024, we’ll be increasing our investment in the podcast experience on YouTube Music — making it a better overall destination for fans and podcasters alike with YouTube-only capabilities across community, discovery and audio/visual switching. Later in 2024, as part of this process, we’ll be discontinuing Google Podcasts. As part of this process, we’ll be helping Google Podcasts users move over to Podcasts in YouTube Music. This matches what listeners and podcasters are already doing: according to Edison, about 23% of weekly podcast users in the US say YouTube is their most frequently used service, versus just 4% for Google Podcasts.

Users who want to save their subscriptions should be sure to migrate them before the end of July 2024.

In the meantime, Google’s reputation as a company with commitment issues remains firmly intact. In fact, Google’s reputation for abandoning products is so well entrenched that the company had to unveil Google Enterprise APIs in 2021 as a way of assuring its cloud customers that they could depend on the platform over the long term.

By now it should be clear: Relying on Google for anything outside of a few core services—such as Gmail, Search, Android, or Cloud—is a fool’s errand.

Conversational Marketing Closes the Gap Between B2C and B2B, Says Drift Marketing VP https://www.webpronews.com/conversational-marketing-drift-2/ Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:50:18 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=496701 Conversational marketing is a whole new way of thinking about marketing and sales, says Dave Gerhardt, VP of Marketing at Drift. “We go to our jobs in B2B and none of the tools that we use match how we actually buy as real people,” he says. “That’s the most exciting thing to me about conversational marketing. It’s really closing the gap between B2C and B2B. We just call it B2P, marketing to people.”

Dave Gerhardt, VP of Marketing at Drift, was recently interviewed on the B2B Growth podcast by John Rougeux who is VP of Marketing at Skyfii. Gerhardt discusses conversational marketing as a new B2B product category and how it is changing marketing from reaching out to you later to a conversation that is happening now:

Conversational Marketing is About Connecting You Now

Conversational marketing is a whole new way of thinking about marketing and sales. The traditional way of doing marketing and sales is all about later. Come to my website and fill out this form and somebody is going to reach out to you later, when it’s convenient for them. The big shift that is happening in marketing and business over the last five to ten years is customers have all the power today. You can’t make people wait. Information is free now.

I can find anything I want to know about a company without ever having to go to your website. It’s crazy to think that you are going to force people to go to your website, fill out a form, wait three days to hear back from your sales team, and then get a demo. Conversational is all about connecting you now with the people who are ready to buy now while they are live on your website.

B2P – Marketing to People

It’s not about buyers. It’s not about sellers. It’s not about sales. It’s not about marketing. It’s about people. That’s how people all communicate online today. I pressed one button in my car and I got a list. I ordered something from Amazon while I was here this morning to send back to my house and it’s going to be there tomorrow when I get home. There are countless examples of that. That is how we all behave online in our real lives today.

But then something happens weird happens. We go to our jobs in B2B and none of the tools that we use match how we actually buy as real people. That’s the most exciting thing to me about conversational marketing. It’s really closing the gap between B2C and B2B. We just call it B2P, marketing to people.

What Ties Our Products Together is Conversation

We have an email product and we have a landing page product. Black and white versions of those people would say everybody has email, everybody has landing pages. The thing that ties those together is conversation. That forces us to think about what is conversational email? What is conversational landing pages? What is conversational whatever? That one word forces our product team to think about how can we change this? If our fundamental stance as a company is that the internet should be one conversation, then how does that weave into everything that we build?

Ultimately what we care about is that email becomes a conversation. Meaning, the way that marketers have had to use email the last decade is a one-way channel. Email is meant to be a two-way channel. Marketers have been using it as, “John come to my webinar.” What happens if you actually respond to that email? Most of the time you can’t because it’s donotreply@ or it just goes to some inbox where nobody is answering it. That is a terrible experience. Our belief is that if you reply, “Hey actually I can’t make it. Can you reregister my colleague?” That should get handled. We are thinking of that from an evolution standpoint.

The same thing with landing pages. Most landing pages today are static. You go to the landing page, put a bunch of info in and you are gone. What if that was a real-time conversation on the page? That one topic has to weave itself into everything we do from a product perspective.

>> Listen to the complete interview with Drift Marketing VP Dave Gerhardt on the B2B Growth podcast.

Text is a Great Way to Increase Your Engagement with Consumers, Says Zipwhip CMO https://www.webpronews.com/text-engagement/ Mon, 15 Jan 2024 23:44:39 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=496937 “For businesses, the communication channels of email and phone are just becoming less and less effective,” says Scott Heimes, Chief Marketing Officer at Zipwhip. “Text is a great way to increase your engagement and responsiveness with consumers. They’ll actually respond to a text.”

Scott Heimes, Chief Marketing Officer at Zipwhip, discusses how two-way text messaging can be an extremely effective way to communicate with your customers in an interview on the B2B Growth Podcast:

76% of Consumers Have Received Text From Businesses

Over 76 percent of consumers have received some kind of text from a business. The most common are appointment reminders or bank alerts. This really just scratches the surface. Texting has so many applications beyond just alerts and reminders. There are sales and marketing, discount coupons and giveaways, customer support and service, recruiting and staffing, and internal communications at places like educational institutions. It’s so new and businesses are continuing to innovate in this medium. There are a lot of powerful use cases for businesses.

We have over 30,000 businesses using our software today. They range from very small businesses like yoga studios or lawn care services all the way up to multi-billion dollar insurance companies that are using our solution in their claim call centers. Industries include financial services, staffing and recruiting, healthcare, legal, and more. We have 156 professional sports teams that use our solution. They use it for ticket sales and customer service. There are lots of fitness gyms, radio and TV stations that use our text solution as well. It really does run the gamut of anybody that wants to communicate with their customers via this preferred medium.

Report Shows Increasing Use of Texting by Businesses

I just talked to the Director of Communications for the Sound Transit Authority, the public transit authority in Seattle, who uses our solution. They publish an 800 number to text or call when people see problems on the trains. Rather than get on the phone and calling, more and more people are texting those alerts. It’s really an interesting use case. Another one is during a recent hurricane down in Houston we had an insurance agent that was using our software to communicate with all of his customers in the area because the phone lines were largely down. Texting was working well to create engagement and communication during those tough times.

We recently created a report called the State of Texting which is a deep research study that highlights the adoption curve of text messaging as a business communication tool. It identifies how many consumers are already being texted by businesses as well as many other key insights and trends. One of the things we saw was that there are a lot of one-way texting tools where you get an alert from your doctor’s office, for instance, but you can’t respond to it. It was actually fired off by a CRM using an API that was just one way.

Text is a Great Way to Increase Engagement

Increasingly, consumers would prefer to be able to respond to those texts and have an actual interaction with a human on the other side to either reschedual that appointment or alert them that they are going to be five minutes late or something like that. We are seeing a trend where people want to be able to respond to texts and have an interaction as opposed to continuing to be one way.

For businesses, the communication channels of email and phone are just becoming less and less effective. Text is a great way to increase your engagement and responsiveness with consumers. They’ll actually respond to a text. One of the things we are doing as a company is everything we can to maintain the purity of the texting medium to make sure that spam doesn’t leak its way into this channel.

>> Listen to the complete interview with Zipwhip CMO Scott Heimes on the B2B Growth podcast.

It’s “Game On” for Buffalo Wild Wings New Brand Architecture, Says CMO https://www.webpronews.com/buffalo-wild-wings-brand/ Mon, 15 Jan 2024 01:26:09 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=496818 “When I think of brand architecture it really gets to the essence of the brand,” says Buffalo Wild Wings CMO Seth Freeman. “The essence of the brand is around this idea of camaraderie and ritual and something that we like to call “game on.” It’s our ability to make sure that when folks come in to experience Buffalo Wild Wings that we have a game on mentality and that we bring them the very best of who we are.”

Seth Freeman, Chief Marketing Officer of Buffalo Wild Wings, was recently interviewed on Adweek’s CMO Moves podcast with Nadine Dietz. Freeman discussed their new “game on” brand architecture that defines not just their new marketing strategy but really the heart of the business. “The purpose ultimately is really about inspiring legendary experiences between friends,” noted Freeman:

Turning Good Times With Friends Into Great Times With Brothers

When I think of brand architecture it really gets to the essence of the brand. There are three components to it in the way we framed it up.  They are the promise, the essence, and the purpose. We identified an insight out there that guys want to turn good times with friends into great times with brothers. More accurately, legendary experiences with brothers. That was the cultural insight that really framed our brand architecture.

When we think about our purpose we defined our promise as the great American sports bar that turned game time into stories worth telling. It wasn’t just about inviting folks to watch a game. It was about translating that into an experience worth telling. That’s what folks are really looking for. That’s the promise that we deliver on every single day. That’s why we get up. That’s why folks are going out there and doing the job that they do and delivering a great experience.

It’s “Game On” for Buffalo Wild Wings

Our purpose ultimately is really about inspiring legendary experiences between friends. The essence of the brand is around this idea of camaraderie and ritual and something that we like to call “game on.” It’s our ability to make sure that when folks come in to experience Buffalo Wild Wings that we have a game on mentality and that we bring them the very best of who we are. We have 80,000 folks out there working across Buffalo Wild Wings and they bring it every single day.

It’s Game Time at Buffalo Wild Wings!

As we were talking to consumers, one of the things we learned was that some of the most impactful experiences that they talked about was with the bartenders and servers. They are influencing whether or not those folks come back. For instance, one of the most memorable experiences they talked about was the bartender remembering them when they came back.

That is our brand architecture, but it also lends itself to things we have done in rolling out this purpose to the broader community through our Brand Champ Initiative. That really is a cultural movement that we are employing across our franchises and corporate stores. We have over 1,200 locations where folks are trained to make sure that the brand architecture is translating to a way that is meaningful to the consumers and also meaningful to the folks that are on the front lines every single day.

It’s “Game On” for Buffalo Wild Wings New Brand Architecture

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying, Says Bombora VP https://www.webpronews.com/bombora-intent-marketing-2/ Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:14:11 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=497576 “It’s really about customer experience,” says Nirosha Methananda, VP of Marketing at Bombora. “I think that is something fundamental to marketing. I feel like we have gone down this path of almost over automating and having to constantly pounce on people without necessarily being conscious and mindful of what their experience is on the other end. From my experience, it’s leading to me switching off and ignoring messages. I’m sure I’m not the only one. That’s basically why I’m passionate about creating a marketing strategy that’s not annoying.”

Nirosha Methananda, Vice President of Marketing at Bombora, discusses the challenges of marketing without annoying your potential customers by bombarding them with marketing messages in an interview with Logan Lyles on the B2B Growth Podcast:

Marketing Is Really About the Customer Experience

As a B2B marketer, I get marketed to a lot. It’s something that I have increasingly noticed and I’m probably not the only one. That’s just becoming part of the experience in terms of being inundated with different messaging and different calls and this, that, and the other. Use this, do this, buy this, whatever it is. It’s really not a great experience. It doesn’t necessarily provide value. Marketers are so busy as it is, and I know that is applicable across the board with everyone we are marketing to. Being able to cut through the noise and having an understanding of all these different things is very challenging. 

Having on top of it being inundated with this constant flow of messaging like meet me, meet me, meet me, is not very helpful. That’s one of the things that I’m passionate about. It’s really about customer experience. I think that is something fundamental to marketing. I feel like we have gone down this path of almost over automating and having to constantly pounce on people without necessarily being conscious and mindful of what their experience is on the other end. From my experience, it’s leading to me switching off and ignoring messages. I’m sure I’m not the only one. 

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying

It also leads to this annoyance and irritation which leads to distrust of brands and that’s not great for this industry. From a customer perspective those bad experiences, unfortunately, more than good experiences, they stay with you for longer and you remember that. Another thing that we don’t necessarily think of is that it’s wasteful. It’s wasteful of time and it’s wasteful of money especially for marketing and sales where money is a precious resource. It’s not something to be wasted. That’s basically why I’m passionate about creating a marketing strategy that’s not annoying.

As an example, our Intent Event was our first flagship event that we did last year. It was a closed event so we did have limited numbers and we were limited as to what we could do with promotion. What we did was try to have mindfulness around what we were sending out and ensuring that it was helpful. Making sure that the recipients, the people that we invited, were given all the relevant information, but there was brevity in the communication as well as encouraging them to participate without forcing them to be there. 

There was certainly some urgency around some of our communication but it wasn’t you need to attend this and this is why you must attend this. It was more about being a bit more subtle in presenting them the idea and the concept of what it was, why it would help them, and exactly the information that they needed. What that meant was not sending out multiple emails, being very controlled around it, really thinking about what the experience was before the event, to during the event, to after the event. We were really focused on the customer and making sure that all of the content and communication was educational and helpful.

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying, Says Bombora VP Nirosha Methananda
Canada Prepares to Regulate Podcasts https://www.webpronews.com/canada-prepares-to-regulate-podcasts/ Mon, 02 Oct 2023 19:25:03 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=599095 Canada is preparing to regulate podcasts, a move that is drawing criticism across the internet.

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) announced its plan to regulate podcasts in an effort “to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework and ensure online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.”

The CRTC unveiled two new guidelines that will apply to the industry:

First, the CRTC is setting out which online streaming services need to provide information about their activities in Canada. Online streaming services that operate in Canada, offer broadcasting content, and earn $10 million or more in annual revenues will need to complete a registration form by November 28, 2023. Registration collects basic information, is only required once and can be completed in just a few steps.

Second, the CRTC is setting conditions for online streaming services to operate in Canada. These conditions take effect today and require certain online streaming services to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership. The decision also requires those services to make content available in a way that is not tied to a specific mobile or Internet service.

The agency will hold a third consultation to discuss possible further regulation.

“We are developing a modern broadcasting framework that can adapt to changing circumstances,” said Vicky Eatrides, Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, CRTC. “To do that, we need broad engagement and robust public records. We appreciate the significant participation during this first phase and look forward to hearing a diversity of perspectives at our contributions proceeding in November.”

It goes without saying that the CRTC’s regulation is already drawing widespread condemnation, with many saying the move is an attack on free speech.

Spotify Adds Auto-Generated Podcast Transcripts & More https://www.webpronews.com/spotify-adds-auto-generated-podcast-transcripts-more/ Fri, 29 Sep 2023 11:09:52 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=599046 Spotify is celebrating International Podcast Day with a number of updates to its podcast features, including transcripts.

According to the company, its new transcript feature will be available to both Free and Premium subscribers:

Making transcripts richer and easier to follow: We’re launching auto-generated and time-synced transcripts to more creators and shows so you can read along with an episode, making the transcripts more visually and textually accessible. While listening to an episode, scroll down the Now Playing View to find the transcript, then tap the card to follow along on full screen as you listen to the episode. We’ll be rolling out transcripts to millions of episodes in the coming weeks, and we’ll innovate more on this feature in the future, including ways to add media to transcripts. This is all part of our goal to bring more depth to the podcasts you’re listening to.

The company is also making it easier to jump to the right spot in a podcast with expanded chapters:

Expanding Podcast Chapters: Earlier this year at Stream On, we announced Podcast Chapters, making it easier for you to jump into episodes at a specific topic or section. Mobile users globally can now find the full list of chapters by scrolling down the Now Playing View, giving them more control over their listening sessions and more info about every episode as they dive in.

Spotify is also adding to the Podcast Show pages to provide more information about a given podcast:

Updating the Podcast Show pages: Learn more about a podcast before you listen to the episode in full, with additional content available before you jump in, on an improved Show Place. As it rolls out in the coming weeks, you’ll be able to click the “About” tab to find descriptions, images, and episode recommendations from creators. Plus, you’ll get recommendations for other shows in the “More Like This” tab.

The features are nice quality-of-life improvements that should make listening to podcasts even more enjoyable.

Google Is Ditching Google Podcasts In Favor of YouTube Music https://www.webpronews.com/google-is-ditching-google-podcasts-in-favor-of-youtube-music/ Wed, 27 Sep 2023 02:24:58 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=598949 Google is killing off yet another product, Google Podcasts, with plans to move all podcast features to YouTube Music.

When it comes to killing off tech and making confusing changes to its product lineup, Google wins the gold star, hands down. The company is making yet another such move, announcing it will kill off Google Podcasts in 2024.

The company made the announcement in a blog post:

Looking forward to 2024, we’ll be increasing our investment in the podcast experience on YouTube Music — making it a better overall destination for fans and podcasters alike with YouTube-only capabilities across community, discovery and audio/visual switching. Later in 2024, as part of this process, we’ll be discontinuing Google Podcasts. As part of this process, we’ll be helping Google Podcasts users move over to Podcasts in YouTube Music. This matches what listeners and podcasters are already doing: according to Edison, about 23% of weekly podcast users in the US say YouTube is their most frequently used service, versus just 4% for Google Podcasts.

The company says it will gather feedback to ensure the transition goes as smoothly as possible:

In the coming weeks and months, we’ll gather feedback to make the migration process from Google Podcasts to YouTube Music as simple and easy as possible. Once we feel the migration tools are ready, we’ll release them along with clear guidelines on how they work.

We know this transition will take time, but these efforts will allow us to build an amazing product and a single destination that rewards creators and artists and provides fans with the best Podcasts experience. For now, nothing is changing and fans will continue to have access to YouTube, YouTube Music and Google Podcasts. We’re committed to being transparent in communicating future changes with our users and podcasters and will have more to share about this process in the coming months.

Given Google’s penchant for unveiling and then unceremoniously killing off services, relying on anything the company does outside of its core markets is increasingly a fool’s errand.

Spotify Is Testing Podcast ‘Voice Translation’ https://www.webpronews.com/spotify-is-testing-podcast-voice-translation/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 19:34:34 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=598918 Spotify is piloting a major new feature, one that would translate podcasts into other languages — while still using the podcaster’s voice.

Podcasts continue to grow in popularity, but the language barrier can sometimes be an impediment. Spotify is working to address that, leveraging OpenAI’s latest innovations.

The company announced the development in a website post:

Today, we’re excited to pilot Voice Translation for podcasts, a groundbreaking feature powered by AI that translates podcasts into additional languages—all in the podcaster’s voice.

This Spotify-developed tool leverages the latest innovations—one of which is OpenAI’s newly released voice generation technology—to match the original speaker’s style, making for a more authentic listening experience that sounds more personal and natural than traditional dubbing. A podcast episode originally recorded in English can now be available in other languages while keeping the speaker’s distinctive speech characteristics.

As part of the pilot, we’ve worked closely with podcasters Dax Shepard, Monica Padman, Lex Fridman, Bill Simmons, and Steven Bartlett to generate AI-powered voice translations in other languages—including Spanish, French, and German—for a select number of catalog episodes and future episode releases. We’re also looking forward to including other shows, such as Dax Shepard’s eff won with DRS, The Rewatchables from The Ringer, and Trevor Noah’s new original podcast, which launches later this year.

The news is a big step forward for the podcasting industry, as well as communication in general.

“By matching the creator’s own voice, Voice Translation gives listeners around the world the power to discover and be inspired by new podcasters in a more authentic way than ever before,” says Ziad Sultan, VP of Personalization. “We believe that a thoughtful approach to AI can help build deeper connections between listeners and creators, a key component of Spotify’s mission to unlock the potential of human creativity.”

New York Post: Amazon Purchased Snackable.AI https://www.webpronews.com/new-york-post-amazon-purchased-snackable-ai/ Mon, 08 May 2023 01:40:22 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=523510 Amazon has quietly purchased Snackable.AI as the company works to catch up in the artificial intelligence market.

The New York Post learned that Amazon purchased Snackable.AI last year, intending to use its audio-focused AI to improve its podcasts. Mari Joller, Snackable’s founder and CEO, is now an AI and machine learning lead at Amazon.

According to her LinkedIn profile, Joller is “building AI-powered products at Amazon Music Podcasts.” She goes on to say: “Previously I was the founder and CEO of Snackable AI, an audio intelligence startup. Snackable was the second AI-focused business I’ve started (the first, Scarlet, was acquired in 2016), and one of many technology products I’ve built and scaled in collaboration with a lot of amazing people.”

Amazon has been under pressure to provide an answer to Microsoft and Google’s AI efforts. In his second annual shareholder letter, CEO Andy Jassy tried to reassure investors that the company was working on generative AI. Shortly after, Amazon introduced its Bedrock AI platform.

If the Snackable purchase is any indication, Amazon is clearly taking AI seriously, looking for ways to incorporate the tech in a variety of platforms and services.

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying, Says Bombora VP https://www.webpronews.com/bombora-intent-marketing/ Wed, 08 Mar 2023 17:14:11 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=497576 “It’s really about customer experience,” says Nirosha Methananda, VP of Marketing at Bombora. “I think that is something fundamental to marketing. I feel like we have gone down this path of almost over automating and having to constantly pounce on people without necessarily being conscious and mindful of what their experience is on the other end. From my experience, it’s leading to me switching off and ignoring messages. I’m sure I’m not the only one. That’s basically why I’m passionate about creating a marketing strategy that’s not annoying.”

Nirosha Methananda, Vice President of Marketing at Bombora, discusses the challenges of marketing without annoying your potential customers by bombarding them with marketing messages in an interview with Logan Lyles on the B2B Growth Podcast:

Marketing Is Really About the Customer Experience

As a B2B marketer, I get marketed to a lot. It’s something that I have increasingly noticed and I’m probably not the only one. That’s just becoming part of the experience in terms of being inundated with different messaging and different calls and this, that, and the other. Use this, do this, buy this, whatever it is. It’s really not a great experience. It doesn’t necessarily provide value. Marketers are so busy as it is, and I know that is applicable across the board with everyone we are marketing to. Being able to cut through the noise and having an understanding of all these different things is very challenging. 

Having on top of it being inundated with this constant flow of messaging like meet me, meet me, meet me, is not very helpful. That’s one of the things that I’m passionate about. It’s really about customer experience. I think that is something fundamental to marketing. I feel like we have gone down this path of almost over automating and having to constantly pounce on people without necessarily being conscious and mindful of what their experience is on the other end. From my experience, it’s leading to me switching off and ignoring messages. I’m sure I’m not the only one. 

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying

It also leads to this annoyance and irritation which leads to distrust of brands and that’s not great for this industry. From a customer perspective those bad experiences, unfortunately, more than good experiences, they stay with you for longer and you remember that. Another thing that we don’t necessarily think of is that it’s wasteful. It’s wasteful of time and it’s wasteful of money especially for marketing and sales where money is a precious resource. It’s not something to be wasted. That’s basically why I’m passionate about creating a marketing strategy that’s not annoying.

As an example, our Intent Event was our first flagship event that we did last year. It was a closed event so we did have limited numbers and we were limited as to what we could do with promotion. What we did was try to have mindfulness around what we were sending out and ensuring that it was helpful. Making sure that the recipients, the people that we invited, were given all the relevant information, but there was brevity in the communication as well as encouraging them to participate without forcing them to be there. 

There was certainly some urgency around some of our communication but it wasn’t you need to attend this and this is why you must attend this. It was more about being a bit more subtle in presenting them the idea and the concept of what it was, why it would help them, and exactly the information that they needed. What that meant was not sending out multiple emails, being very controlled around it, really thinking about what the experience was before the event, to during the event, to after the event. We were really focused on the customer and making sure that all of the content and communication was educational and helpful.

Create a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Annoying, Says Bombora VP Nirosha Methananda
Conversational Marketing Closes the Gap Between B2C and B2B, Says Drift Marketing VP https://www.webpronews.com/conversational-marketing-drift/ Wed, 25 Jan 2023 14:58:18 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=496701 Conversational marketing is a whole new way of thinking about marketing and sales, says Dave Gerhardt, VP of Marketing at Drift. “We go to our jobs in B2B and none of the tools that we use match how we actually buy as real people,” he says. “That’s the most exciting thing to me about conversational marketing. It’s really closing the gap between B2C and B2B. We just call it B2P, marketing to people.”

Dave Gerhardt, VP of Marketing at Drift, was recently interviewed on the B2B Growth podcast by John Rougeux who is VP of Marketing at Skyfii. Gerhardt discusses conversational marketing as a new B2B product category and how it is changing marketing from reaching out to you later to a conversation that is happening now:

Conversational Marketing is About Connecting You Now

Conversational marketing is a whole new way of thinking about marketing and sales. The traditional way of doing marketing and sales is all about later. Come to my website and fill out this form and somebody is going to reach out to you later, when it’s convenient for them. The big shift that is happening in marketing and business over the last five to ten years is customers have all the power today. You can’t make people wait. Information is free now.

I can find anything I want to know about a company without ever having to go to your website. It’s crazy to think that you are going to force people to go to your website, fill out a form, wait three days to hear back from your sales team, and then get a demo. Conversational is all about connecting you now with the people who are ready to buy now while they are live on your website.

B2P – Marketing to People

It’s not about buyers. It’s not about sellers. It’s not about sales. It’s not about marketing. It’s about people. That’s how people all communicate online today. I pressed one button in my car and I got a list. I ordered something from Amazon while I was here this morning to send back to my house and it’s going to be there tomorrow when I get home. There are countless examples of that. That is how we all behave online in our real lives today.

But then something happens weird happens. We go to our jobs in B2B and none of the tools that we use match how we actually buy as real people. That’s the most exciting thing to me about conversational marketing. It’s really closing the gap between B2C and B2B. We just call it B2P, marketing to people.

What Ties Our Products Together is Conversation

We have an email product and we have a landing page product. Black and white versions of those people would say everybody has email, everybody has landing pages. The thing that ties those together is conversation. That forces us to think about what is conversational email? What is conversational landing pages? What is conversational whatever? That one word forces our product team to think about how can we change this? If our fundamental stance as a company is that the internet should be one conversation, then how does that weave into everything that we build?

Ultimately what we care about is that email becomes a conversation. Meaning, the way that marketers have had to use email the last decade is a one-way channel. Email is meant to be a two-way channel. Marketers have been using it as, “John come to my webinar.” What happens if you actually respond to that email? Most of the time you can’t because it’s donotreply@ or it just goes to some inbox where nobody is answering it. That is a terrible experience. Our belief is that if you reply, “Hey actually I can’t make it. Can you reregister my colleague?” That should get handled. We are thinking of that from an evolution standpoint.

The same thing with landing pages. Most landing pages today are static. You go to the landing page, put a bunch of info in and you are gone. What if that was a real-time conversation on the page? That one topic has to weave itself into everything we do from a product perspective.

>> Listen to the complete interview with Drift Marketing VP Dave Gerhardt on the B2B Growth podcast.

How HubSpot is Using Surround Sound Marketing Strategy to Drive Sales https://www.webpronews.com/hubspot-surround-sound-marketing-strategy/ Sat, 25 Jun 2022 19:09:34 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=496835 “There is a very smart individual at HubSpot named Alex Birkett based out of Austin, Texas,” says Scott Tousley of HubSpot. “He is working on this concept that is really starting to take off called Surround Sound Strategy. Essentially what that means is that it runs with the notion that marketers are selfish. All we care about is how do we drive more traffic to our website.”

Scott Tousley, Senior Team Lead of User Acquisition for all products at HubSpot, was recently interviewed on the B2B Growth Podcast by David Kelly, General Manager at Sumo Dojo. Tousley discusses how HubSpot is using Surround Sound Marketing Strategy to drive leads and sales:

Surround Sound Marketing Strategy Starting to Take Off

There is a very smart individual at HubSpot named Alex Birkett based out of Austin, Texas. He is working on this concept that is really starting to take off called Surround Sound Strategy. Essentially what that means is that it runs with the notion that marketers are selfish. All we care about is how do we drive more traffic to our website. I don’t care where it comes from. Whether it comes from search or social or referral traffic or email, it doesn’t matter. You’re always looking at how do I get more traffic to my website? The reality is that when we are trying to buy something you don’t go to one website. You go to multiple different websites when you are trying to make a purchasing decision.

For example, I’m in South Lake Tahoe right now. One search I just did recently was “best bars in South Lake Tahoe.” I wanted to see a list and I wanted to see some reviews from a couple of different websites. I also like to surf, so let’s say I’m in the market for a new shortboard. So I search for “best shortboards 2019.” First, I’ll read a listicle, then I will go back to Google and I will click on the next list. Then I will go back again and click on the next list. Then I will start to narrow my decision based on seeing the same thing over and over. Once I narrow it down I will do a versus search such as “lost puddle jumper” vs. “channel islands average joe.” I’ve narrowed my decision at that point.

We Want To Be At All Stages of the Purchasing Decision

What we are trying to do at HubSpot right now is figure out how to be everywhere. We want to be at all stages of that purchasing decision when people are searching for “what is the best blank that exists today.” Well, there are a ton of lists that are out there and a ton of review sites and HubSpot’s B2B software (has to be there). There are a lot of review sites just dominating search engines right now like Capterra, G2 Crowd, and Software Advice. A lot of those are pay to play. You have got to pay to get listed on what appears when you land via search. Most of them are.

But listicles are free. Not only are they free to get added to, but they are free to create. That’s one of the biggest things we are working on right now. How do we change our mindset from being so obsessed at driving traffic to our website? How do we make sure that HubSpot’s brand is everywhere when you are doing your product research and you are on many different websites? We actually sometimes prefer that we drive traffic to multiple different websites where we are listed versus just to our own. It’s good for social grouping.

Listen to the full interview with HubSpot’s Scott Tousley.

Podcast Revenue in the US Set to Surpass $4 Billion in 2024 https://www.webpronews.com/podcast-revenue-in-the-us-set-to-surpass-4-billion-in-2024/ Tue, 10 May 2022 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=516646 Podcasting is enjoying a major growth spurt, with the industry expected to surpass $4 billion in revenue in the US alone by 2024.

Companies large and small are getting on the podcasting bandwagon, striking deals with podcasters and vying for customers. According to a new study by IAB Media Center, via TechCrunch, the US industry hit $1.4 billion in 2021, is slated for $2 billion in 2022, and should surpass $4 billion in 2024.

“The report indicates significant growth ahead, with advertisers buying podcast impressions at scale while tracking delivery, effectiveness, recall, and results,” said Eric John, vice president, IAB Media Center. “Buyers will expect advanced brand safety solutions, audience targeting, and measurement, and we look forward to working across the ecosystem to create standards that serve creators, listeners, publishers, and brands.”

The findings will likely continue to spur investment in the industry, as companies fight for a piece of the profits.

Facebook Killing Off Its Podcast Business https://www.webpronews.com/facebook-kills-off-its-podcast-business/ Tue, 03 May 2022 01:23:07 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=516549 Facebook has announced it is killing off its podcast service, barely a year after getting into the business.

The podcast market has become an increasingly competitive industry, with Apple, Spotify, and Google all competing for market share, in addition to countless smaller rivals. Facebook first announced its service in April 2021, but is now killing off Soundbites and its central audio hub as part of an effort to better focus on core business interests.

“We’re constantly evaluating the features we offer so we can focus on the most meaningful experiences,” a Meta spokesperson told Bloomberg in an email.

The move is not entirely surprising, given Mark Zuckerberg’s obsession with the metaverse and his company’s place in it.

YouTube Offering Top Podcasters $50K to Make the Jump to Video https://www.webpronews.com/youtube-offering-top-podcasters-50k-to-make-the-jump-to-video/ Tue, 08 Mar 2022 12:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=515551 YouTube is working to entice its top podcasters to make the jump to video, offering $50,000 to sweeten the deal.

YouTube has been building its base of content subscribers, paying out $30 billion over the last three years. The company even shut down its YouTube Originals, thanks in no small part to having more than two million creators in the YouTube Partner Program.

In its latest push, Ars Technica is reporting YouTube is offering some of its most popular podcasters $50,000 to switch to video. The money is aimed at helping these creators invest in the equipment they need to produce high-quality videos.

While the company is offering $50,000 to individuals, some podcasting networks are receiving $200,000 to $300,000.

The Future of Google and SEO is AI https://www.webpronews.com/future-google-seo-ai/ Sun, 31 Oct 2021 00:45:55 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=494298 The future of Google and of SEO is AI says world-renowned SEO expert Stephan Spencer. “If you’re relying just on backlinks, then you aren’t recognizing that the future of Google and of SEO is AI, it’s artificial intelligence,” noted Spencer in another informative interview by James Schramko of SuperFastBusiness.

Stephan Spencer, SEO expert, speaker, and author recently discussed the impact of AI on Google Search and SEO with James Schramko of SuperFastBusiness: (Listen to the full podcast below)

The Future of Google and SEO is AI

If you’re relying just on backlinks, then you aren’t recognizing that the future of Google and of SEO is AI, it’s artificial intelligence. What’s the best way, or the really the only way, to outsmart an AI? I would challenge that the only way to outsmart an AI is with another AI. So really, AI is the future.

AI and nanotechnology and all the cool technologies that are advancing, like VR, AR, etc., they’re happening faster and faster. And we need to be more nimble than we’ve ever been in order to keep up. So that’s kind of the game that we have to play.

SEO is Not Just About Machine Learning and AI

But right now, SEO is not just about having machine learning on your side to try and outsmart Google. It’s about having a search-engine-friendly website. It’s about identifying keywords that are relevant and popular and that are attainable for you in the Google search results. And it’s about achieving buzz and link equity by having people mention you and link to you. So those things still work, they’re still important to the Google algorithm. But on top of that, you’ve got to be willing to explore machine learning and be nimble about the future.

I’m personally excited about the future. I think it’s an amazing time to be alive. The kinds of advances that we’re about to experience in our lifetimes are going to be mind-blowing.

Clubhouse Leaves Beta and Is Open to Everyone https://www.webpronews.com/clubhouse-leave-beta-and-is-open-to-everyone/ Wed, 21 Jul 2021 21:16:34 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=511282 Clubhouse, the popular audio-only social media platform, announced it is out of beta and no longer invitation-only.

Clubhouse has gained popularity as a platform for audio chatrooms and conversation, but has been invite-only for the last year. The company used those 12 months to fine-tune the experience, figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

“Twelve never-boring months later, we’re thrilled to share that Clubhouse is now out of beta, open to everyone, and ready to begin its next chapter,” reads the company’s blog. “This means we have removed our waitlist system so that anyone can join. If you have a club, you can post your link far and wide. If you are a creator with an audience, you can bring them all on. If you’re hosting a public event, anyone can attend. You can bring close friends, classmates, family members, coworkers, and anyone else you like — on iOS or Android.”

The news follows the company’s announcement it was adding a direct-message feature called Backchannel.

Spotify Raising Prices for Some Users https://www.webpronews.com/spotify-raising-prices-for-some-users/ Tue, 27 Apr 2021 04:20:36 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=510379

On the heals of its announcement about podcast subscriptions, Spotify is notifying some users they will have to pay more.

Spotify has Apple squarely in its sights with its announcement it would offer podcast subscriptions to compete with Apple’s Podcast announcements at its Spring Loaded event. Unlike Apple’s subscription service, Spotify will not take a cut from the subscription fee, giving the entire amount to the podcaster.

Unfortunately, it appears Spotify will be raising prices, according to The Verge. In the US, Spotify Family will increase from $14.99 to $15.99 a month, while Duo, Premium and Student plans will remain the same price.

In the UK, however, the price hike is more dramatic. Spotify Student will go from £4.99 to £5.99 a month, while Duo will go from £12.99 to £13.99. Spotify Family will go from £14.99 to £16.99 a month.

“We offer a variety of subscription plans tailored to our users’ needs, and we occasionally update our prices to reflect local macroeconomic factors and meet market demands while offering an unparalleled service,” a Spotify spokesperson told The Verge.
