WebProNews https://www.www.www.www.www.dev.webpronews.com/ Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Fri, 31 May 2024 10:59:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/www.webpronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-wpn_siteidentity-7.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 WebProNews https://www.www.www.www.www.dev.webpronews.com/ 32 32 138578674 Microsoft Announces ‘Significant Updates’ to Windows Subsystem for Linux https://www.webpronews.com/microsoft-announces-significant-updates-to-windows-subsystem-for-linux/ Fri, 31 May 2024 12:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604964 Microsoft used its Microsoft BUILD conference to announce “significant updates” to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

WSL is a feature that allows users and developers to run a Linux environment within Windows, giving them access to Linux apps and utilities. WSL is a popular option for Windows users that want to run Linux apps, since it doesn’t require a virtual machine.

According to Product and Program Manager Craig Loewen, WSL has received improvements in the following areas:

  • Memory, storage, and networking
  • An upcoming WSL Settings GUI app
  • WSL Zero Trust
  • Upcoming ability to manage WSL in Dev Home
  • Several miscellaneous features, including Sudo for Windows and “AI powered dev container playground”

The features should make working with WSL much easier, and improve performance for the subsystem. For example, Loewen says the new memory features will “automatically release stored memory in WSL back to Windows.”

The upcoming WSL Settings app will greatly improve WSL administration:

In the past, you would need to edit the contents of WSL’s .wslconfig file to control WSL settings. The Linux-style .wslconfig file, text-based approach works well for specific targeted changes. However, it can be difficult to know exactly what settings and input values are available to use in this text-based approach. The WSL Settings app addresses this by breaking out WSL settings into labeled categories, and indicating which ones are available on your machine.

Similarly, WSL Zero Trust brings important security features to WSL:

First, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint’s WSL 2 support is now out of public preview and is generally available! You can view the plugin for WSL docs page here to learn more about using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to monitor your WSL environment.

Secondly, further Intune features are coming to WSL with Linux Intune agent integration. As of today you can manage WSL settings via Intune, and we’re expanding this by also allowing you to enforce conditional access scenarios based on the state of the Linux distro itself. This is available today as a public preview, which first ships with the ability to determine compliance on WSL distro names and versions using custom scripting. In the future we aim to improve this by allowing you to build your own custom Linux scripts for compliance. To learn more and start using the public preview please see this doc page

Lastly , Microsoft Entra Id will also provide integration with WSL, starting with a public preview in the July and August timeframe. As a user this means that Microsoft’s Authentication Library (MSAL) will be able to communicate with WSL in a secure way, letting you automatically log in using your Entra Id credentials on Windows from experiences in WSL like git, or using Microsoft Edge. For enterprise admins this improves security by providing a secure channel to acquire and utilize tokens bound to the host device. We’ll be sure to post any news on the public preview, so stay tuned!

The changes to WSL will be welcome improvements for countless developers who rely on the Linux subsystem.

Spotify Backtracks, Will Refund Car Thing Customers https://www.webpronews.com/spotify-backtracks-will-refund-car-thing-customers/ Fri, 31 May 2024 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604961 Following days of intense backlash, Spotify has apparently changed direction and seems to be offering users the option of a refund.

Spotify angered users when it announced it was discontinuing its music dashboard accessory, effective December 9, 2024.

We have made the decision to discontinue Car Thing. This means that Car Thing will no longer be operational. This decision wasn’t made lightly, and we want to assure you that our commitment to providing a superior listening experience remains unchanged.

Initially, Spotify made no mention of possible refunds for users who purchased the device, leading to massive backlash and at least one class action lawsuit. The company appears to have heard the message loud and clear, and now appears to be offering a refund.

The company’s Car Thing FAQ has been updated with instructions for users wanting a refund.

Individuals seeking a refund can contact customer support with proof of purchase to discuss their options.

It’s a shame that Spotify didn’t start out offering customers a refund and that it took days of complaints and a class action lawsuit for the company to do the right thing.

The Benefits of Intelligent Automation for Healthcare https://www.webpronews.com/intelligent-automation-for-healthcare/ Fri, 31 May 2024 10:59:49 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604969 In medical innovations, many groundbreaking technologies are making waves, from digestible sensors to VR treatments, mRNA vaccines, artificial organs, blood tests for depression, gene-editing therapies, and even medical tricorders. 

These innovations offer immense potential, but the journey from being merely “cool tech” to becoming accessible, routine diagnostics and therapies that can revolutionize healthcare requires concerted efforts.

Intelligent Business Process Automation Services can help businesses stay competitive in today’s fast-paced marketplace. 

What is automation in healthcare?

Healthcare leaders are already well aware of the effectiveness of automation.

Automation in healthcare refers to using technology and algorithms to streamline and optimize various processes in the healthcare industry, such as medical billing, coding, and clinical decision-making. It can help reduce errors, improve efficiency, and free healthcare professionals time to focus on more complex and critical tasks. 

Automation reduces the chance of mistakes in a process by using less human involvement, making treatments work better. Tools for doctors and nurses to diagnose and treat patients can be automated, and automating tasks can also make administrative work smoother.

6 Benefits of automation in healthcare

1. Improved Patient Safety

Automation in healthcare significantly enhances patient safety by reducing the risk of human errors. For instance, automated medication dispensing systems ensure the right dosage and medication are administered to patients. Barcode scanning technology can verify patient identities, medication, and dosage, minimizing the chances of medication errors.

Example: A hospital uses automated medication dispensing cabinets that require nurses to scan a patient’s wristband and the medication barcode before administering it. This ensures patients receive the correct medications, reducing adverse events.

2. Enhanced Efficiency

Automation streamlines administrative tasks, allowing healthcare providers to allocate more time to patient care. Appointment scheduling, billing, and claims processing can be automated, reducing administrative burdens.

Example: A medical clinic employs an automated appointment scheduling system that sends appointment reminders, handles rescheduling, and updates the electronic health records (EHR) simultaneously, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

3. Better Data Management

Healthcare generates massive amounts of data daily. Automation helps collect, store, and analyze data, improving decision-making and patient care.

Example: An AI-powered data management system in a research hospital can analyze vast patient datasets to identify trends in disease progression, enabling more effective treatment planning.

4. Faster Diagnosis and Treatment

Automation expedites diagnosis and treatment by using AI-powered algorithms. Automated diagnostic systems can analyze medical images and patient records, providing rapid and accurate assessments.

Example: Radiologists use computer-aided detection software to identify anomalies in X-rays, helping them detect conditions like lung cancer earlier and improving patient outcomes.

5. Reduced Waiting Times

Long waiting times for appointments and procedures have been a persistent issue in healthcare. Automation optimizes appointment scheduling, resource allocation, and patient flow management, reducing wait times.

Example: A hospital utilizes predictive analytics to forecast patient admission rates, allowing it to allocate resources efficiently and minimize emergency room wait times.

6. Remote Monitoring

Integrating AI and automation enables remote monitoring of patients, reducing the need for frequent in-person visits. Wearable devices and IoT technology collect patient data in real time.

Example: A heart patient wears a wearable ECG monitor that sends real-time data to their cardiologist. Any concerning changes trigger immediate alerts, allowing timely intervention and reducing hospitalizations.

These examples illustrate how automation revolutionizes healthcare, improves patient care, and makes healthcare processes more efficient and effective.

By working with Reenbit, companies can identify areas for improvement, implement custom automation solutions, and achieve greater efficiency and profitability.

Tech and Approaches for Efficient Healthcare Automation

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

Technology: AI and machine learning are at the forefront of healthcare automation. These technologies can analyze vast datasets, recognize patterns, and make predictions, significantly impacting patient care and diagnosis accuracy.

AI automation in healthcare is revolutionizing patient diagnosis and treatment, leading to more efficient and accurate healthcare services.


  • AI-powered chatbots for patient triage and answering common queries.
  • Machine learning algorithms for early disease detection, like diabetic retinopathy from retinal scans.
  • Natural language processing (NLP) for mining electronic health records to identify relevant information for diagnosis.

2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Technology: RPA involves software robots or “bots” that can automate repetitive, rule-based tasks. This includes administrative processes such as claims processing, appointment scheduling, and billing in healthcare.


  • Automating claims processing by extracting information from insurance forms and updating patient records.
  • Appointment scheduling bots that handle appointment confirmations, rescheduling, and reminders.

3. Internet of Things (IoT)

Technology: IoT devices in healthcare encompass wearable sensors, remote monitoring equipment, and smart medical devices that collect and transmit patient data.


  • Wearable fitness trackers and smartwatches monitor vital signs like heart rate and activity levels.
  • IoT-enabled medication dispensers that remind patients to take their medications and send adherence data to healthcare providers.

4. Electronic Health Records (EHR) Systems

Technology: EHR systems digitize and centralize patient records, making them accessible to healthcare professionals while reducing paperwork and manual record-keeping.


  • EHRs allow physicians to access patient histories, test results, and treatment plans, facilitating quicker and more informed decisions.
  • Integration with AI for predictive analytics to identify high-risk patients for targeted interventions.

5. Telemedicine and Telehealth Platforms

Technology: Telemedicine provides healthcare services remotely via video conferencing, secure messaging, and remote monitoring tools.


  • Virtual consultations with healthcare providers for non-emergency conditions.
  • Remote monitoring of chronic conditions using wearable devices, with data sent to healthcare providers for real-time assessment.

6. Blockchain Technology

Technology: Blockchain provides secure, transparent, and tamper-proof record-keeping, crucial for patient data privacy and security.


  • Secure sharing of medical records among healthcare providers and patients.
  • Ensuring the integrity and authenticity of clinical trial data.

7. 3D Printing

Technology: 3D printing creates customized prosthetics, implants, and anatomical models for surgical planning and education.


  • Customized orthopedic implants designed from patient scans.
  • Surgical models for practicing complex procedures before performing them on patients.

These technologies and approaches represent just a portion of the digital transformation taking place in healthcare. As the industry continues to evolve, healthcare organizations will leverage these tools and innovations to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and enhance the overall quality of care.

Addressing Automation Challenges in Healthcare

Intelligent automation for healthcare is revolutionizing how medical data is processed, and patient care is delivered.

Automation in healthcare faces hurdles that need attention:

Data Security: Protect patient data through encryption and training.

Resistance to Change: Involve staff, provide training, and highlight benefits.

Initial Costs: Show long-term gains and seek financial support.

Interoperability: Invest in systems that integrate with existing ones.

Regulatory Compliance: Stay updated and conduct regular audits.

User Experience: Prioritize user feedback for better systems.

Ethical Concerns: Develop ethical frameworks and guidelines.

Reliability: Implement error detection and regular maintenance.

By addressing these challenges, healthcare can fully leverage automation’s potential for improved efficiency and patient care.

In the healthcare sector, time is of the essence. Process automation promises to bring about favorable transformations in the industry, conserving valuable time for healthcare providers and guaranteeing the utmost precision in every aspect of their operations. Each enhancement in healthcare directly influences the standard of patient care. There’s no need to delay; delve into the advantages of automation in the healthcare field today.

What You Need to Know About the Rising Threat of Banking Trojans https://www.webpronews.com/banking-trojans/ Fri, 31 May 2024 10:50:24 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604966 In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, banking app trojans stand out as one of the most insidious dangers today. These sneaky apps have the potential to wreak havoc on your finances by stealing personal information. Understanding what they are, how they operate, and how to protect yourself is crucial in today’s digital age.

What are Banking App Trojans?

The digital world’s trojans borrow their name from classic Greek myth. First told by Homer in his epic poem the Odyssey, the myth of the Trojan horse describes how Greek soldiers were able to infiltrate Troy, their rival’s city, during war. 

The Greeks hid in an enormous wooden horse left at the impenetrable city gates as an offering to the goddess Athena. The Trojans brought it inside their city limits thinking this gift was a harmless donation from some unknown benefactor. 

When the Trojans pulled the horse inside, they unwittingly invited their opponents into their home, and they suffered a steep price. The hiding Greeks waited until nightfall to creep out, opening the sturdy gates to let the rest of the Greek army into destroy the city of Troy and win the war

These days, the Trojan horse myth has become synonymous with any scenario that convinces a target to invite their rivals into their protected circle. When it comes to the tech world, the Trojan horse represents any malware that tricks you into letting it onto your device to do something nefarious.

Banking app trojans are a specific type of virus that targets mobile banking apps. Just like the Greek myth of old, these digital trojans masquerade as legitimate apps you want on your phone — often totally unrelated to finances, like QR code readers or productivity trackers. 

What do Trojan Apps Do on Your Phone?

Getting onto your phone is only the first step. The second step is gaining permissions so that they can track your device and the personal information you share. 

Many of these apps do this by issuing permission screens that all apps have — even the most legitimate ones. You might allow the trojan full access to your phone by granting permission, thinking nothing unusual about these requests.

SharkBot has been heralded as the new generation of banking trojans that follow this strategy. It deposits itself onto your phone as a file recovery service. Once you install and open it on your phone, it asks for the usual permissions to access videos, photos, and audio on your device. However, it also requests additional permissions that, if granted, allow it to interact with other apps and send payments on Google Play. 

If you unthinkingly grant these permissions, SharkBot has the information it needs to go through your phone, stealing personal information. Things like login credentials and passwords aren’t safe. 

Anatsa, a malware dropper, is another banking trojan that goes about stealing your information in a different way. Rather than asking for permissions, it leverages updates to do its bidding. After you install the dummy app, the developers send out an update that alters its AccessibilityService control. This bait-and-switch trick allows the developers to take over the device and steal information. 

Navigating the Evolving Threat Landscape

Recently, there have been more and more of these trojans popping up. They come with lots of fancy features that help them stay hidden and defraud people.

A study done by Zimperium, a mobile security platform, found that ten new banking trojans debuted in 2023. These trojans targeted 985 banking and finance apps in 61 different countries.

Trojan banking apps have the power to do lots of different things, like automatically moving money around or even letting hackers see what’s happening on your screen.

What’s even scarier is that hackers are getting smarter about tricking people into downloading these trojans. They’re using tactics like pretending to be customer support agents or sending out fake messages to trick people into installing the trojans without knowing it.

Protecting Yourself

Forewarned is forearmed. Had the Trojans known the Greeks could hide in a horse disguised as a religious offering, they would never have dragged the horse inside their city limits. You too can keep trojans off your phone now that you know that malware can scam its way on your device. 

Follow these tips to manage accounts, pay bills, and borrow money online safely. 

Stick to Official App Stores

Avoid downloading apps from unofficial sources or third-party app stores, as these are more likely to harbor malware. Stick to reputable platforms like Google Play, and carefully review user reviews and developer credentials before installing any app. 

Exercise Caution with Permissions

During the installation process, pay close attention to the permissions requested by an app. Be wary of applications that ask for unnecessary access to sensitive features, such as device storage or accessibility services. If in doubt, err on the side of caution and refrain from granting excessive permissions.

Stay Updated

Keep your device’s operating system and applications up to date with the latest security patches and software updates. These updates often contain fixes for known vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals.

Opt for Web-Based Services

You may sidestep the whole issue of trojan apps by switching to digital banking. Reputable web-based services like Fora Credit offer the same convenience with online, browser-based options and none of the app-based security risks. You can even use your phone to access these sites. 

Enable Security Solutions

Consider using reputable mobile security solutions to detect and block threats in real-time. Antivirus software or anti-malware apps can provide an additional layer of defense against trojans and other forms of malware.

Practice Vigilance

Remain vigilant while browsing the web or using mobile apps, especially when entering sensitive information like passwords or financial details. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources, as this could lead to the inadvertent installation of malware.

Follow this advice even if your financial institution doesn’t have an app. 

By staying informed and adopting proactive security measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to banking app trojans and other cyber threats. Remember, when it comes to safeguarding your digital assets, vigilance is key.

Banking on Mobile with Caution

Banking app trojans loom large, posing as formidable challenges to people like you who just want to manage their finances with their phones. You can get out from under their shadow by following the tips you learned here today. 

Armed with knowledge, vigilance, and proactive security measures, you can spot and avoid trojans before they sneak onto your phone. 

Microsoft Files Patent to Convert Any PDF to An Editable One https://www.webpronews.com/microsoft-files-patent-to-convert-any-pdf-to-an-editable-one/ Thu, 30 May 2024 14:41:23 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604959 Microsoft is working to address one of the biggest pain points with PDFs, filing a paper that outlines a method for converting non-editable PDFs to editable ones.

Virtually every computer user has been frustrated by trying to edit a PDF, only to discover that it is a non-editable file. While any number of solutions exist to extract the information from a PDF and convert it to an editable format, Microsoft highlights the issues with that approach.

While some mechanisms exists for converting some non-editable documents to editable documents (e.g., converting PDFs to Word documents), the current mechanisms do not take into account and accurately convert elements such as fonts, color schemes, and layouts. As such, there are no existing mechanisms that are able to automatically replicate text style, color scheme, objects and the like from a non-editable document to an editable document. Thus, there exists a technical problem of lack of mechanisms for automatically detecting features of a non-editable document to enable automatic conversion of a non-editable document to an editable document.

Microsoft plans to use AI and machine learning (ML) to analyze a document and convert it to an editable one, all while preserving the original layout, fonts, and colors.

A system and method and for generating an editable document from a non-editable document includes automatically identifying a layout for a plurality of objects in the non-editable document, where the layout includes bounding boxes of one or more of the objects, and automatically identifying a font for a text object of the plurality of objects. The method and system also includes selecting a color scheme for one or more of the plurality of objects, the color scheme corresponding to one or more color values associated with the plurality of objects the non-editable document, before automatically generating the editable document in accordance with at least one of the identified layout, identified font and selected color scheme.

The full paper, describing the process in detail, can be found here.

If Microsoft is able to successfully leverage ML to accomplish the goals outlined in the paper, it could solve one of the biggest challenges with document sharing and editing that individuals and businesses alike face.

Cloudflare Acquires BastionZero to Bolster Zero Trust Security https://www.webpronews.com/cloudflare-acquires-bastionzero-to-bolster-zero-trust-security/ Thu, 30 May 2024 13:21:28 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604956 Cloudflare has acquired BastionZero, giving customers increased Zero Trust security for their IT infrastructure.

Zero Trust security has emerged as one of the key principles of cloud security. Unlike on-premise IT, which focuses on network access and permiter control, Zero Trust is designed for a world where IT systems are intrinsically connected. As one of the leading content delivery networks and infrastructure providers, Cloudflare’s acquisition of BastionZero will help the company better provide such an important layer of security.

Combined with existing Cloudflare One capabilities, the acquisition of BastionZero gives IT and security teams Zero Trust controls for infrastructure like servers, Kubernetes clusters, and databases. This expands the scope of Cloudflare’s VPN replacement solution beyond apps and networks to infrastructure resources. As a result, security teams can centralize management of even more of their hybrid IT environment, while using standard Zero Trust practices to keep DevOps teams productive and secure.

The need for Zero Trust security is more important than ever, thanks to an evolving work landscape in which remote and hybrid work have become the new normal.

“The world of work has changed dramatically. Employees have the expectation that they can effectively do their work from anywhere. There’s no reason why teams managing an organization’s most important systems can’t have the same flexibility,” said Matthew Prince, co-founder and CEO, Cloudflare. “Incorporating BastionZero into Cloudflare One gives IT teams access to an organization’s most critical inner workings securely, wherever they are. Millions of organizations around the world trust Cloudflare to protect their systems and data so they can focus on their business and their customers. The addition of BastionZero is just one more way we can protect them like no one else can.”

AMD Now Worth Double What Intel Is https://www.webpronews.com/amd-now-worth-double-what-intel-is/ Wed, 29 May 2024 13:06:43 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604954 Despite Intel’s turnaround attempts, the latest data shows long-time rival AMD is now worth double what Intel is.

AMD has long played second fiddle to Intel, but recent years have seen the company surpass its rival in many ways. AMD has been chipping away at some of Intel’s market strongholds, and has taken a technological lead over the former king of chipmakers.

At the time of writing, AMD is the 35th most valuable company, with a market capitalization of $277.37 billion. In contrast, Intel’s market capitalization was only $132.21 billion.

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger famously said that ‘AMD was in the rearview mirror..never again in the windshield’ in early 2022. Despite the optimistic proclamation, AMD is clearly still ahead of Intel, not in its rearview as Intel would like.

AWS May Invest Billions In Italy’s Data Centers https://www.webpronews.com/aws-may-invest-billions-in-italys-data-centers/ Wed, 29 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604949 AWS is reportedly in talks with Italy to invest heavily in the country’s data centers in a deal that could be worth billions of euros.

According to Reuters, AWS is looking to either expand its existing facilities in Milan or build on a new site. The investment will help support the company’s cloud presence in Europe.

Much of AWS’ increased investments in Europe are being driven by the company’s commitment to data sovereignty, promising to store data for EU organizations and companies within the bloc. The issue has been a growing source of concern in recent years, as EU lawmakers have grown wary of data being sent to the US where it could be vulnerable to US intelligence agencies.

The company recently announced a major expansion in Spain as well, although Reuters reports that an expansion in Italy may not be as large as that 15.7 euros deal.

OpenAI’s Jan Leike Joins Rival Anthropic https://www.webpronews.com/openais-jan-leike-joins-rival-anthropic/ Wed, 29 May 2024 12:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604947 Just days after announcing his departure from OpenAI, Jan Leike has joined rival Anthropic to continue his work ensuring the safe development of AI.

Along with co-founder Ilya Sutskever, Leike led OpenAI’s “superalignment team” responsible for addressing the existential threats AI may pose to humanity. After leaving OpenAI, Leike took to X to describe a company that was no longer focused on its founding mission of safe AI development, but was instead focused on commercializing the tech.

Read More: OpenAI Allegedly Copied Scarlett Johansson’s Voice After She Declined to Work With Firm

In contrast, Anthropic was founded by OpenAI execs who also left the company because of the direction it was headed. In the wake of OpenAI’s recent issues and scandals, Anthropic has been positioning itself as a safer, more responsible alternative.

Leike said on X that he will continue his “superalignment” work at Anthropic:

I’m excited to join @AnthropicAI to continue the superalignment mission!

My new team will work on scalable oversight, weak-to-strong generalization, and automated alignment research.

If you’re interested in joining, my dms are open.

— Jan Leike (@janleike) | May 28, 2024

The news is a major coup for Anthropic and further condemnation of the path OpenAI and CEO Sam Altman are currently taking.

T-Mobile Buying UScellular https://www.webpronews.com/t-mobile-buying-uscellular/ Wed, 29 May 2024 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604945 T-Mobile announced a deal to purchase the bulk of UScellular, a move that will help it compete in rural areas and eliminate a major regional carrier.

Rumors started swirling three weeks ago that T-Mobile and Verizon could be interested in carving up UScellular. At the time, it was believed a deal with T-Mobile was closer, with a likely value of more than $2 billion. In contrast, a deal with Verizon was seen as uncertain.

T-Mobile says it has reached a deal with UScellular to pay roughly $4.4 billion for UScellular assets, “in a combination of cash and up to $2.0 billion of debt to be assumed by T-Mobile through an exchange offer to be made to certain UScellular debtholders prior to closing.”

The deal will give T-Mobile control of “substantially all of UScellular’s wireless operations,” including the company’s customers and “certain specified spectrum assets.”

T-Mobile says UScellular’s spectrum help it improve its rural coverage.

“With this deal T-Mobile can extend the superior Un-carrier value and experiences that we’re famous for to millions of UScellular customers and deliver them lower-priced, value-packed plans and better connectivity on our best-in-class nationwide 5G network,” said Mike Sievert, CEO of T-Mobile. “As customers from both companies will get more coverage and more capacity from our combined footprint, our competitors will be forced to keep up – and even more consumers will benefit. The Un-carrier is all about shaking up wireless for the good of consumers and this deal is another way for us to continue doing even more of that.”

“T-Mobile’s purchase and integration of UScellular’s wireless operations will provide best-in-class connectivity to rural Americans through enhanced nationwide coverage and service offerings at more compelling price points,” said Laurent Therivel, CEO of UScellular. “The transaction provides our customers access to better coverage and speeds, as well as unlimited texting in more than 215 countries, content offers, device upgrades and other T-Mobile benefits.”

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sending Mass Emails: Avoiding Common Pitfalls https://www.webpronews.com/mass-emails-pitfalls/ Wed, 29 May 2024 10:14:15 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604951 In the world of marketing sending out mass emails is a strategy to efficiently connect with a large number of people. However there’s a line between running an email campaign and bombarding recipients with unwanted spam. When done correctly mass emails can drive interaction, improve sales and enhance customer loyalty. 

If not handled properly they can harm your reputation, diminish trust from customers and lead to issues. Here’s a detailed guide on the dos and don’ts of sending mass emails to help you steer clear of mistakes and make an impact.

Dos for Sending Mass Emails

1. Do Obtain Explicit Consent

Securing consent from your email recipients is crucial when sending out mass emails. This  ensures compliance with regulations like GDPR in Europe and the CAN SPAM Act in the U.S.. It also helps build trust with your audience. Utilize opt in procedures where subscribers confirm their email addresses to confirm their interest in receiving your messages.

2. Do Segment Your Email List

Properly segmenting your email list is key for email marketing campaigns. Categorize your subscribers into groups based on factors, like demographics, behavior patterns, past purchases or engagement levels. This enables you to deliver content that resonates with each group leading to higher engagement levels. For instance you may choose to craft emails, for subscribers compared to loyal customers.

3. Do Remember to Add a Personalized Touch to Your Messages.

Personalization involves more than inserting the recipient’s name. Customize your content based on their preferences, past interactions and behaviors. Tailored emails demonstrate that you have a grasp of and concern for your audience’s interests resulting in increased click through rates. Utilize content to ensure emails are more pertinent to each segment of your subscriber list.

4. Do Ensure That Your Email List Remains Clean and Up to Date.

Regularly purge your email list of subscribers and incorrect email addresses. This practice helps uphold deliverability rates and guarantees that your communications reach individuals to engage with them. Employ reengagement strategies to attempt to rekindle interest among subscribers before removing them from your mailing list.

5. Do Craft Clear and Captivating Lines for Impact.

The subject line serves as the recipient’s initial point of contact so it should be compelling. Formulate concise, lucid and engaging lines that accurately represent the emails contents. Steer clear of using deceptive clickbait methods that can result in a surge in rates and harm your credibility. Experiment with styles, like questions or intriguing statements to determine what resonates effectively with your audience.

6. Do Make Sure to Test and Improve Your Email Campaigns

It’s important to conduct A/B testing to enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts. Experiment with elements like subject lines, email content, images and call to action buttons to determine which versions yield results. Evaluate the outcomes. Utilize the insights gained to enhance campaigns. By refining your approach you can optimize your strategy and achieve improved performance over time.

7. Do Ensure Your Emails Are Mobile Friendly

Considering that more than half of emails are accessed on devices it’s vital that your emails are optimized for viewing. Implement design techniques to ensure that your emails appear formatted and functional across all devices. Mobile friendly emails not only improve user experience they also have the potential to boost engagement rates significantly.

Avoid These Mistakes in Mass Emailing

1. Don’t Send Unsolicited Emails

Never send emails to individuals without their consent. Unsolicited emails not irritate recipients. Can also result in severe consequences under anti spam regulations. They can tarnish your brand’s reputation and lead recipients and email providers to mark your messages as spam.

2. Don’t Overlook Email Analytics

Disregarding the data gathered from your email campaigns represents a missed opportunity for enhancement. Monitor metrics such as rates, click through rates, conversion rates and bounce rates for valuable insights, into campaign performance.

Use this information to analyze what is effective. What is not then use the insights to make informed decisions to improve your approach.

3. Don’t Disrespect Your Subscribers Space

Be cautious about the frequency of your email communications. Sending emails can result in a surge of unsubscribes and spam reports. Strike a balance by monitoring engagement data and feedback to identify the frequency for your audience. Sometimes less is more when it comes to nurturing a rapport with your subscribers.

4. Don’t Use Spammy Language

Steer of employing wording and styles that might trigger spam filters. This encompasses an overuse of capital letters, exclamation points as spam inducing terms like “free ” “guarantee,” and “act now.” Maintain professionalism in your language. Keep your formatting neat to enhance deliverability and ensure that your emails land in the inbox.

5. Don’t Neglect to Provide Value

Each email you send should offer something to the recipient. Whether its content, exclusive deals or practical advice ensure that your emails are worthwhile, for the readers time investment. Consistently delivering value through emails will help establish trust and foster continued interaction with your brand.

6. Don’t Forget to Include an Unsubscribe Option

Always include a clear and easy way for recipients to unsubscribe from your emails. This is not only a legal requirement but also a best practice for maintaining a healthy email list. Making it difficult for subscribers to opt out can lead to frustration and increase the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam.

7. Don’t Ignore Feedback

Listen to what your subscribers have to say. Whether they respond directly to your emails or you notice trends in how engaged their feedback can give you insights into what works and what doesn’t with your audience. Use this feedback to make your email campaigns better over time.

More Tips for Avoiding Common Mistakes

Respect Privacy and Follow the Rules

Make sure that your email marketing activities comply with the privacy laws and regulations. This means getting consent offering ways for people to opt out and handling their personal information responsibly. Not following these rules could get you into trouble. Harm your brand’s reputation.

Be Open and Honest

Tell people who you are, why you’re emailing them and what they can expect from you. Being upfront helps build trust and reduces the chances of your emails getting flagged as spam. Stay away from any tactics. Always make sure that your messages provide value.

Train Your Team

If multiple team members handle your email marketing efforts make sure that everyone knows the practices and rules, for compliance.

Consistent training and updates are essential, for ensuring the quality and impact of your email marketing efforts.

Becoming proficient in mass emailing entails adopting an approach that strikes a balance between reaching an audience and delivering personalized value centric messages. By adhering to these guidelines marketers can steer clear of mistakes. Craft compelling email campaigns that captivate recipients and yield positive outcomes. It’s crucial to establish and nurture trust with your audience by providing content that resonates with their interests. With planning and implementation mass emailing can serve as an asset, in your digital marketing toolkit driving engagement, conversions and sustained success for your business.

AlmaLinux 8.10 Released, With Support for Deprecated Hardware https://www.webpronews.com/almalinux-8-10-released-with-support-for-deprecated-hardware/ Tue, 28 May 2024 18:40:10 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604943 AlmaLinux 8.10 has been released, continuing to support hardware that was recently deprecated by Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.10, upon which it is based.

AlmaLinux is a RHEL-based distro that aims to provide binary compatibility with RHEL, but the distro has been steadily improving on areas above and beyond RHEL. One of those areas is compatibility with hardware that RHEL has dropped.

“Releasing AlmaLinux 8.10 less than one week after the release of RHEL 8.10 proves again the power of AlmaLinux community and its ability to deliver on speed, quality, and security,” said lead architect at AlmaLinux, Andrew Lukoshko. “Powered by people and organizations that provide infrastructure and deep technical knowledge, we have proven our commitment to deliver the enterprise Linux that people need.”

Some of the hardware AlmaLinux 8.10 supports includes:

  • Aacraid – Dell PERC2, 2/Si, 3/Si, 3/Di, Adaptec Advanced Raid Products, HPNetRAID-4M, IBM serveRAID & ICP SCSI
  • be2iscsi – Emulex OneConnect Open-iSCSI for BladeEngine 2 and 3 adapters
  • hpsa – HP Smart Array Controller
  • lpfc – Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel SCSI
  • megaraid_sas – Broadcom MegaRAID SAS
  • mlx4_core – Mellanox Gen2 and ConnectX-2 adapters
  • mpt3sas – LSI MPT Fusion SAS 3.0
  • mptsas – Fusion MPT SAS Host
  • qla2xxx – QLogic Fibre Channel HBA
  • qla4xxx – QLogic iSCSI HBA
  • be2net – Emulex BladeEngine 2 and 3 adapters

In addition continued hardware compatibility, AlmaLinux 8.10 brings a number of additional improvements.

Updates in 8.10 also bring improvements in web-console and system roles to automate operations and ensure consistency in intricate IT settings. The new system roles streamline the creation and administration of logical volume manager (LVM) snapshots for better data backup and recovery processes. Additionally, AlmaLinux 8.10 further enhances system availability and recovery processes while also improving virtual machine snapshot functions in hybrid cloud scenarios.

Project leaders emphasized how this latest release emphasizes the commitment to keeping pace with RHEL releases.

“Our consistently speedy releases, as illustrated by today’s announcement and the recent release of
9.4, underscore the reliability and timeliness offered via AlmaLinux,” said benny Vasquez, chair of
the AlmaLinus OS Foundation. “With AlmaLinux, users can confidently deploy robust, scalable, and
secure Linux environments, ensuring seamless integration and maximum operational efficiency.”

Once a 1:1 RHEL clone, AlmaLinux has adapted to be application binary compatible since Red Hat began restricting access to its source code. As a result, AlmaLinux developers have been free to improve on some areas, going beyond RHEL’s limitations while still maintaining full compatibility.

AlmaLinux 9.4, and now 8.10, continue to demonstrate the project’s role in providing a free and fully open-source alternative to Red Hat.

Google Gemini Is Coming to the Opera Web Browser https://www.webpronews.com/google-gemini-is-coming-to-the-opera-web-browser/ Tue, 28 May 2024 14:12:04 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604941 Opera has announced it is incorporating Google’s Gemini AI model into its Aria browser AI, giving users access to some of Google’s latest features.

Opera was the first major web browser to enable built-in access to local AI models and LLMs. The browser is collaborating with Google to expand on that capability, adding Gemini to the list of available models.

“Our companies have been cooperating for more than 20 years. We are excited to be announcing the deepening of this collaboration into the field of generative AI to further power our suite of browser AI services,” said Per Wetterdal, EVP Partnerships at Opera.

“We’re happy to elevate our long standing cooperation with Opera by powering its AI innovation within the browser space,” said Eva Fors, Managing Director, Google Cloud Nordic Region.

The inclusion of Gemini will give users access to advanced image generation, as well as conversational voice output.

Like many smaller browsers, Opera has benefited greatly from the EU forcing Apple to make it easier for users to set a default browser. Going all-in could help the smaller browser grab even more market share.

YouTube Is Skipping Videos for Ad-Block Users https://www.webpronews.com/youtube-is-skipping-videos-for-ad-block-users/ Tue, 28 May 2024 12:25:18 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604939 YouTube is upping the ante in its battle with ad-blocking software, skipping videos altogether if it detects such software is enabled.

YouTube has been cracking down on ad-blocking software, using various methods to combat it in recent months. The company has also been rolling out new ad formats and styles in an effort to driver greater revenue.

The latest anti-blocking effort is YouTube’s most aggressive yet, with the company skipping videos altogether if ad-blocking is detecting. As TechCrunch points out, YouTube warned that such action could eventually be taken in an April post:

Viewers who are using these third-party apps may experience buffering issues or see the error “The following content is not available on this app” when trying to watch a video.

There are viable alternatives to YouTube, such as Odysee, but users have so far failed to abandon YouTube en masse. Only time will tell if YouTube’s increased focus on ads, not to mention its controversial design choices, will reach a point that it drives people away.

Mobile App Development Trends 2024: Key Technologies to Watch https://www.webpronews.com/mobile-app-development-trends/ Tue, 28 May 2024 11:47:58 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604936 With technological advancements, the global mobile market continues its meteoric rise, projected to surpass $673.8 billion by 2027.  

But why should you care?

These numbers hold the potential to reshape users’ digital experiences fundamentally. Here’s a sneak peek into the mobile development trends for 2024 and beyond, providing insights that can steer you towards creating compelling and future-ready mobile applications. 

On-Demand Apps 

As technology continues to evolve and consumer preferences shift towards convenience and instant gratification, the on-demand app trend, along with mobile app development services, is expected to continue growing and shaping the future of various industries. On-demand apps empower businesses to improve customer experience, reach new heights, and operate more efficiently. 

IoT-Powered Mobile Apps 

2024 is set to bring about greater integration with Internet of things (IoT) devices, creating interconnected ecosystems that offer a smooth user experience. 

IoT isn’t just about smart homes; it’s an omnipresent force reshaping entire industries. Picture your smartphone transforming your vehicle into a self-diagnosing asset, always ensuring peak performance. 

From smart home controls to wearable devices, IoT-powered mobile apps will become central hubs, allowing users to effortlessly manage and monitor their surroundings. 

What does this mean for businesses? Enhanced operational efficiency, reduced costs, and improved sustainability. 

5G Integration 

The widespread adoption of 5G networks is set to revolutionize mobile app development. With lightning-fast speeds and virtually zero latency, 5G enables developers to create more immersive and real-time experiences.  

Blockchain for Security 

As concerns about data security and privacy continue to escalate, blockchain technology is emerging as a game-changer in the latest mobile app security trends. Blockchain ensures secure, unbeaten and transparent transactions as it stores data in isolated blocks. It’s a perfect solution for applications that deal with sensitive information and demand an extra layer of security.  

Voice Users Interfaces 

Voice-activates applications, powered by natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, will offer users an intuitive experience. From virtual assistants to voice-activated commands within applications, this trend will not only enhance accessibility but also redefine how users interact with their devices. 

With Voice User Interfaces (VUIs), you won’t need to interact with your smart devices through predetermined commands anymore. No more tapping, typing, or swiping. Instead, you’ll converse with your technology as naturally as you would with a friend. 

Augmented Reality (AR) Navigation 

The Forbes Technology Council predicts a significant rise in AR navigation, anticipating it will play a crucial role in various sectors, particularly travel and urban navigation, in 2024. AR technology enhances navigation by overlaying digital information onto the physical world through devices like smartphones and AR glasses. This advancement aims to make navigation more intuitive and interactive, providing real-time directions, points of interest, and contextual information tailored to the user’s location and needs​ 

Customizable Apps for Foldable Devices 

Statista anticipates that over 50 million foldable smartphones will be shipped globally this year. This creates a distinctive opening for entrepreneurs and app developers alike. 

With millions of foldable phones hitting the market, it’s a goldmine for creative minds. These devices boast huge screens and can juggle multiple apps at once, opening doors for developers to craft experiences unlike ever before. This could totally redefine how we build apps in the future. But that’s not all! The trend is hot for wearable devices too. Imagine designing apps specifically for smartwatches or fitness trackers, perfectly tailored to your audience’s needs.  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning 

In 2024, we’re just scratching the surface of AI’s potential in mobile app development. But as we delve deeper, humanity is on the brink of experiencing a revolutionary shift. With AI and machine learning, developers are set to create apps that understand users better, anticipate their needs, and offer personalized recommendations. This is just the beginning of a journey toward a more intelligent and tailored user experience. 

Cloud Computing 

In mobile development, a cloud-centric approach utilizes cloud computing services for tasks like data storage, processing, and authentication. This enhances scalability, enables easy updates, and improves data security, optimizing overall mobile app performance and user experience. In fact, this trend will continue to grow as the adoption of cloud-native development is expected to advance by 25.28% through 2028. 


Chatbots are transforming mobile apps. They are certainly on the rise as a key customer service tool. Chatbots offer intuitive, personalized experiences driven by NLP and machine learning. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning are making chatbots smarter and more effective. They redefine user interaction, enhance engagement, and drive innovation across various app functionalities beyond customer service. 

Minimalistic Mobile UI/UX Design 

In a recent design trend analysis, Forbes industry experts have observed a significant shift in mobile application design, with principles of minimalism and neomorphism taking center stage. 

Minimalism will drive a reduction in clutter and unnecessary elements within mobile app interfaces. This will lead to cleaner designs, with a focus on essential features and content. Users will appreciate the ease of navigation and the reduced cognitive load when interacting with these apps. 

By prioritizing simplicity, realism, and intuitive design, app developers can create multiplatform user experiences that resonate with users and elevate the overall quality of the mobile app ecosystem. 


Mobile commerce is on track to reach over $740 billion in 2024, a significant jump from just a few years ago. This shows a clear shift in consumer behavior towards mobile shopping. 

Why is mCommerce a trend? 

There are several factors driving the mCommerce boom: 

  • Convenience: Consumers can shop from anywhere, anytime, with just their smartphones. This ease of access is a major advantage. 
  • Personalized Experiences: Mobile devices allow for more targeted marketing and promotions, creating a more personalized shopping experience. 

What’s next for mCommerce? Emerging mobile technologies. Technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) could revolutionize product visualization and try-on experiences. 

By staying on top of these eCommerce mobile app trends, businesses can ensure they’re offering a mobile-first shopping experience that meets the evolving needs of consumers. 

Final Thoughts 

As mobile development trends continue to evolve, staying ahead of the curve is key. Embrace all these mobile application development future trends not only to survive but to thrive in the competitive mobile tech landscape of 2024. 

Remember, investing in trending mobile app development technologies isn’t just a short-term gain—it’s a commitment to the enduring success and relevance of your mobile app. So, stay agile and let your app journey seamlessly into the tech future! 

At Silk Data, we deliver customized mobile app development services with advanced AI integration, designed to address the specific requirements of our clients. Our offerings extend beyond development to include robust IT consulting and app prototyping services. Our team of experts meticulously analyzes current systems to identify areas for enhancement, creating innovative and effective AI-driven solutions. This comprehensive approach ensures a smooth and efficient journey towards achieving business growth and long-term success for our clients. 

OpenAI Loses Another Researcher Who Raises More Concerns About Company https://www.webpronews.com/openai-loses-another-researcher-who-raises-more-concerns-about-company/ Tue, 28 May 2024 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604934 OpenAI has lost policy researcher Gretchen Kreuger, who indicated she shared similar concerns about the company as other recently departed execs.

Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and safety team co-lead, as well as Jan Leike, the other safety team co-lead, recently left the company. While Sutskever was relatively quiet as to the reason, Leike did not hold back expressing his concerns about the direction the company is going, saying it is no longer putting safety first. Leike went on to say that “safety culture and processes have taken a backseat to shiny products.”

Kreuger took to X to announce her resignation, saying she actually left the company ” a few hours before hearing the news” about Sutskever and Leike. She wasted no time in saying: “I share their concerns. I also have additional and overlapping concerns.”

Kreuger went to on to voice her concerns that more needed to be done to improve the decision-making and— transparency that goes into AI development.

We need to do more to improve foundational things like decision-making processes; accountability; transparency; documentation; policy enforcement; the care with which we use our own technology; and mitigations for impacts on inequality, rights, and the environment.

— Gretchen Kreuger (@GretchenMarina) | May 22, 2024

Once the darling of the tech industry, OpenAI has increasingly caused concern among fans and critics alike, with ongoing accusations that the company—and CEO Sam Altman in particular—are not doing enough to ensure the safe development of AI.

The growing number of executives and researchers leaving the company is not an encouraging sign.

Rent Prices Keep Rising. Will They Ever Fall? https://www.webpronews.com/rent-prices-rising/ Tue, 28 May 2024 00:33:21 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604931 Throughout the entire country, people are experiencing rising rent prices. You’re probably paying more for monthly rent than you ever have, and there are indications that this trajectory will continue, pushing rent prices even higher.

There are always popular areas in the United States where rent prices consistently increase, but to see such widespread increases across the board is quite rare. Why do rent prices keep rising and will they ever fall again?

Why Rent Prices Keep Rising

There are many factors coinciding to keep rent prices high.

These are among some of the most important to recognize:

·       Rental property popularity. First, we must acknowledge how popular rental properties have become as prospective investments. Rental properties give landlords the opportunity to make a monthly cash profit in ideal circumstances, while simultaneously equipping them with capacity for generating more equity and capitalizing on long-term appreciation. Property management companies make managing rental properties even easier, turning them into practical, passive income sources that anyone can take advantage of. This has sharply increased demand for rental properties, pushing prices higher and forcing landlords to increase rent to accommodate those higher prices. Of course, this doesn’t explain why those price increases are so sustainable.

·       Record low interest rates. It doesn’t help that interest rates were slashed to nearly zero during the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to combat the economic distress sustained during the pandemic, the Federal Reserve decided to instate easy money policies. This greatly reduced interest rates associated with mortgages, which caused millions of investors and prospective home buyers to flood the market. This pushed house prices much higher, caused inventory shortages, and shifted homebuying dynamics overall. Now, all those people with locked in, low mortgage rates refuse to sell their houses, making inventory problems worse.

·       Diminishing inventory. We’ve already covered a couple of factors keeping inventory levels low. In general, people are reluctant to sell their homes, driving up both housing and rent prices and forcing more people to stay renting. Making matters worse, new construction rates have slowed to a crawl, meaning there’s little relief in sight.

·       Urbanization and centralization. Additionally, we’ve seen a trend toward more urbanization and centralization. People want to live in big cities with other people, forcing rents higher in those areas. Rent prices have remained mostly the same or even lowered in some remote pockets of the country, but that’s because very few people want to actually live there.

·       Demand for luxury properties. Similarly, people are increasingly demanding luxury properties. They want more appliances, more modern fixtures, and more luxurious options. Necessarily, these properties are much more expensive than their older, more worn counterparts.

·       Price inflation. Generalized price inflation is also to blame. Those low interest rates, along with quantitative easing, flooded money into circulation, ultimately increasing the money supply and diminishing the value of money. This is why inflation has recently reached record highs, and why your dollar doesn’t go as far as it used to. Rent price increases can be partially attributed to this general inflation.

Could Rent Prices Ever Fall?

Is it possible for rent prices to fall in the future?

In short, yes, but one or more of the following must be in play:

·       New construction. One way to solve this issue would be to make new housing available, thereby easing supply issues and catering to existing demand. That would require a massive influx of new construction and new properties, which not everyone desires.

·       Deflation. The opposite of inflation is deflation, when the money supply shrinks and the value of money goes up. Unfortunately, we will probably never experience deflation in the United States – at least as long as the Federal Reserve remains in charge of the money supply. That’s because inflation is perceived as a good thing for economic growth, despite the pains it introduces to average consumers.

·       Population decline. A decline in the population could cause enough stagnation and demand that rent prices begin to fall. The United States is already experiencing declining birth rates, but right now, that’s counterbalanced by relatively high immigration rates. If both immigration rates and birth rates decline, we can expect population decline to follow. However, there are also significant problems associated with population decline, so be careful what you wish for here.

·       Shifts in living preferences. We could also see falling rent prices in response to shifts in living preferences. For example, if people become more willing to move to rural and isolated environments, if they accept lower-quality housing, or if they start living with family and friends, demand will fall, and so will rent prices.

Without some kind of external force applying pressure on the situation, rent prices are likely to remain high and possibly climb even higher. It’s not the news most people reading this article want to hear, but it’s the reality of our present situation.

Google Threatens to Kill Google News Initiative In the US https://www.webpronews.com/google-threatens-to-kill-google-news-initiative-in-the-us/ Sun, 26 May 2024 12:00:00 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604928 Google is upping the ante in its battle with California over paying news publishers, threatening funding for its own Google New Initiative.

Google has made a number of outreaches to the US news industry in an effort to address complaints that it unfairly benefits from linking to publishers’ news stories, such as the Google News Initiative, a $300 million commitment to help local publishers. The California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA) is designed to address those complaints, requiring tech companies to pay for the news they link to.

According to Axios, Google is now threatening to pause funding for the Initiative in response to the CJPA. The outlet’s sources said that, while previous commitments should be secure, future commitments could be jeopardized nationwide. If Google decides to take such action, it would likely have a disproportionately large impact smaller news outlets.

Google tried similar hardline tactics in Australia when it passed similar legislation as the CJPA. In fact, the CJPA is loosely based on Australia’s legislation. Ultimately, however, Google ended up capitulating to Australia’s demands, despite its initial posturing.

The CJPA has widespread support within the news industry, but only time will tell if Google retaliates as it says it may.

CEO of Google Competitor Trolls Google AI Overview https://www.webpronews.com/ceo-of-google-competitor-trolls-google-ai-overview/ Sat, 25 May 2024 02:42:05 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604926 Perplexity.ai CEO Aravind Srinivas is having some fun at Google’s expense, trolling the company for its AI Overview responses.

AI Overview has been in the news for the wrong reasons as users have reported some bizarre answers from Google’s AI. For example, a query about pizza resulted in advice to use non-toxic glue in the sauce to prevent the cheese from sliding off. Still another response credits Batman as a deputized police officer.

Srinivas wasted not time tweeting his amusement at Google’s troubles over the pizza advice.

He also poked fun at the Batman description.

Google, like many Big Tech companies, is betting big on AI, promising it will revolutionize how people get information. Clearly, AI still has a way to go before it can be trusted to give accurate information.

Lucid Motors Is Laying Off 400 Employees https://www.webpronews.com/lucid-motors-is-laying-off-400-employees/ Fri, 24 May 2024 20:32:01 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=604924 Lucid Motors, the electric vehicle company that is working to challenge Tesla, has announced it is laying off roughly 400 employees.

Lucid has been expanding its lineup, with a midsize model expected to go into production in 2026 and an estimated price of $48,000 to $50,000. The company is also working on a an SUV, the Lucid Gravity, that will be a traditional seven-seat, three-row SUV—only with an electric engine rather than a combustion one.

In a filing with the SEC, Lucid says it is laying off roughly 6% of its workforce, a restructuring move designed to “to optimize the Company’s operating expenses.”

On May 24, 2024, Lucid Group, Inc. (the “Company”) announced a restructuring plan (the “Plan”) intended to optimize the Company’s operating expenses in response to evolving business needs and productivity improvements through a reduction of the Company’s current employee workforce by approximately 400 employees, or approximately 6%. The Company expects to substantially complete the Plan by the end of the third quarter of 2024, subject to local law and consultation requirements.

Based on the filing, it doesn’t appear that the layoffs are because of financial issues, but appear to be standard restructuring and optimizations.
