HiTechEdge https://www.webpronews.com/hitechedge/ Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, & Business Tue, 12 Mar 2024 19:10:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/www.webpronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-wpn_siteidentity-7.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 HiTechEdge https://www.webpronews.com/hitechedge/ 32 32 138578674 AI Innovators Share Insights on Transforming Industries: A Nasdaq Trade Talks Discussion https://www.webpronews.com/ai-innovators-share-insights-on-transforming-industries-a-nasc-trade-talks-discussion/ Sun, 10 Mar 2024 12:40:04 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=601198 In a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights, industry leaders gathered at Nasdaq Trade Talks to delve into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across various sectors. Hosted by Jill Malandrino, Global Markets Reporter at NASDAQ, the panel featured thought leaders and innovators in the fields of digital assets, technology, and financial planning.

At the forefront of the discussion were Joe Cannella, Group President of XR Extreme Reach; Larry Margalus, Founder and CEO of Personal RX; Raj Tumri, Founder and CEO of Openstream.AI; and Rex Briggs, Chief of AI at Claritas and author of “The AI Conundrum.” Each participant provided valuable perspectives on how AI is reshaping their respective industries, emphasizing its role in enhancing customer service, operational efficiency, and ethical considerations.

XR Extreme Reach: Cannella highlighted XR’s global technology platform, emphasizing its role as a creative network delivering content to diverse endpoints worldwide. Leveraging AI and machine learning, XR aims to optimize ad utilization, reduce asset waste, and promote equitable representation in advertising. Cannella emphasized the importance of AI in driving operational efficiency and empowering brands to tell better stories.

Personal RX: Margalus discussed the critical role of AI in addressing challenges within the pharmaceutical industry, such as medication errors and non-compliance. Personal RX leverages AI to enhance efficiency and patient care by providing personalized medication management solutions, allowing pharmacists to focus on delivering empathetic support to patients and caregivers.

Openstream.AI: Tumri shared insights into Openstream’s conversational AI platform, which is designed to enhance client relationships with empathetic communication. Through multimodal communication and real-time emotion detection, Openstream enables enterprises to engage with customers in a personalized and empathetic manner, particularly in heavily regulated industries like insurance and banking.

Claritas: Briggs emphasized Claritas’ AI-driven approach to advertising effectiveness, citing the transformative impact of AI in generating and delivering targeted messages to consumers. By leveraging generative AI and segmentation algorithms, Claritas enables marketers to optimize campaigns dynamically, resulting in increased relevance and profitability.

Throughout the discussion, panelists emphasized the ethical use of AI and its potential to augment human capabilities rather than replace them. They underscored the importance of governance and accountability in AI-driven solutions, particularly in ensuring fairness, inclusivity, and empathy in customer interactions.

As the conversation concluded, Malandrino reflected on AI’s profound impact across industries, highlighting its role in driving innovation, enhancing customer experiences, and shaping the future of business. With AI continuing to evolve and revolutionize various sectors, the panelists expressed optimism about its transformative potential while emphasizing the importance of ethical and empathetic AI applications.

In an era defined by technological advancements, the intersection of AI and human-centric values promises to redefine industries, empower businesses, and elevate the quality of customer interactions in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Europe’s Leap into the Future: Rosalind Promises Revolutionary Earth Observation https://www.webpronews.com/europes-leap-into-the-future-rosalind-promises-revolutionary-earth-observation/ Sun, 10 Mar 2024 11:41:50 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=601182 In the vast expanse of space, a technological marvel is taking shape—the Rosalind satellite. With a staggering area of 40 square meters, Rosalind is the largest radar antenna ever constructed. It heralds a new era in Earth observation, poised to unlock a wealth of previously inaccessible information about our planet.

Driven by a consortium of 15 European countries, Rosalind represents the pinnacle of collaborative innovation. Its significance lies not only in its sheer scale but also in its groundbreaking capabilities. Unlike its predecessors, Rosalind utilizes a longer wavelength, enabling it to glean new insights from space that were previously beyond reach.

Malcolm Davidson, a Rosalind Mission Scientist, highlights Rosalind’s diverse range of information. From monitoring sea ice and detecting ships to tracking oil spills and assessing climate change impacts, Rosalind’s data is invaluable for a multitude of applications, spanning from environmental conservation to disaster management.

Central to Rosalind’s success is its state-of-the-art technology, meticulously designed to meet the mission’s stringent requirements. Nik Gabbert, Rosalind’s Payload Manager, explains the intricacies of its design, from the innovative antenna architecture to the cutting-edge transmitter-receiver modules. This technological prowess ensures that Rosalind can penetrate through darkness and vegetation to capture high-resolution data with unparalleled precision.

Jan Luigi Deimo, the Rosalind Project Manager, emphasizes the mission’s operational nature and open data policy, which facilitates swift access to data for researchers and scientists worldwide. Moreover, Rosalind’s longevity, with each spacecraft designed to remain operational for 7.5 years, ensures continuity in Earth observation efforts.

Yet, Rosalind’s significance extends beyond its technological achievements. It embodies Europe’s commitment to environmental stewardship and scientific excellence. By harnessing the power of technology, Europe leads the charge in monitoring and protecting our planet for future generations.

As Rosalind prepares for its launch in 2028, it symbolizes Europe’s leap into the future, where innovation and collaboration pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient world.

With Rosalind at the helm, Europe embarks on a journey of discovery and exploration, poised to unlock the secrets of our planet and safeguard its future.

Empowering Accessibility: AI Revolutionizes Art Appreciation for the Visually Impaired https://www.webpronews.com/empowering-accessibility-ai-revolutionizes-art-appreciation-for-the-visually-impaired/ Sun, 10 Mar 2024 11:33:39 +0000 https://www.webpronews.com/?p=601179 A cultural transformation is underway in the hallowed halls of the Rijksmuseum. Spearheaded by Floris Horsman, Cathelijne Denekamp, and a dedicated team of collaborators, this initiative seeks to democratize art appreciation for individuals with low vision and blindness through innovative technology and artificial intelligence (AI) integration.

Floris Horsman, a member of the low vision community himself, recognizes the profound impact of art on humanity. With a vision of inclusivity, he champions the use of AI to enrich the art-viewing experience for all. “Access to art is access to our humanity,” Horsman affirms, emphasizing the collective importance of expanding accessibility to cultural treasures.

At the helm of this endeavor, Cathelijne Denekamp, Manager of Accessibility at the Rijksmuseum, underscores the museum’s commitment to inclusivity. “There’s a big group—the blind and those with low vision—who have no access to this online collection,” Denekamp laments, highlighting the imperative to bridge this accessibility gap.

The collaboration between the Rijksmuseum, Microsoft, and community stakeholders is central to the project’s success. Through the utilization of AI, vast collections of artworks are meticulously described, capturing the essence of each piece in intricate detail. “To describe ourselves, it would have taken hundreds of years. With AI, we can do this in a matter of hours,” Denekamp explains, underscoring the transformative potential of technology in enhancing accessibility.

Alicia Hoost and Carin de Bruin, both with experiences of partial blindness, attest to the profound impact of AI-generated descriptions. “Art museums usually focus on the visual presentation of art. I felt very excluded from most of the conversation,” Hoost reflects, highlighting the transformative potential of inclusive initiatives like those pioneered by the Rijksmuseum.

As detailed descriptions breathe life into timeless masterpieces, individuals with low vision are empowered to engage with art on their own terms, fostering a deeper connection to cultural heritage. “In my imagination, I can paint the artwork,” de Bruin expresses, illustrating the profound impact of AI-driven accessibility initiatives.

Yet, this journey towards inclusivity is only beginning. Denekamp envisions a future where museums worldwide prioritize accessibility, ensuring that art remains truly for everyone. “When we strengthen our access to culture, we strengthen the culture itself,” Horsman declares, echoing the sentiment of unity and shared humanity that underpins this transformative endeavor.

In a world where barriers are dismantled, and inclusivity reigns supreme, the Rijksmuseum stands as a beacon of hope, championing the transformative power of technology to unlock the beauty of art for all.

As Floris Horsman and his team demonstrate, the fusion of technology and art holds the key to a more inclusive and equitable future.
